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[February 19, 1917]

Dear Friend,

The other day we had a gratifying letter from Moscow (we shall soon send you a copy, although the text is uninteresting). They write that the mood of the masses is a good one, that chauvinism is clearly declining and that probably our day will come. The organisation, they say, is suffering from the fact that the adults are at the front, while in the factories there are young people and women. But the fighting spirit, they say, is not any the less. They send us the copy of a leaflet (a good one) issued by the Moscow Bureau of the Central Committee.68 We shall print it in the next issue of the Central Organ.

Richard is himself again! It’s difficult for people to live, and for our Party in particular. But still they do live.

There is also a letter from Kollontai, who (let this be entre nous for the time being) has returned to Norway from America. N. Iv. and Pavlov (the Lett who was in Brussels: Pavel Vasilyevich) had on
Novy Mir, she says (I get this paper very irregularly), but . . . Trotsky arrived, and this scoundrel at once ganged up with the Right wing of Novy Mir against the Left Zimmerwaldists!!

That’s it!! That’s Trotsky for you!! Always true to himself = twists, swindles, poses as a Left, helps the Right, so long as he can. . . .

V. I. Lenin, Collected Works,

Vol. 35, p, 288

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