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Marxism-Leninism on War and Army - Conclusion

The Marxist-Leninist teaching on war and the army has stood for more than half a century the historical test of the construction of socialism and communism in the USSR, it has proved its worth by the victorious outcome of the war in defence of the first socialist state in the world, and its correctness has been confirmed by the experience of the development of the world socialist system, the strengthening of the military co-operation of the fraternal countries. In modern conditions the Communist Party of the Soviet Union has raised this teaching to a new, higher stage. It has worked out the most important problems of war and the army, which are of enormous importance in defining and implementing military policy and military development, as proceeding from the specific features of the contemporary epoch and the possibility of a world war.

An analysis of the fundamental problems of the MarxistLeninist teaching on war and the army makes it possible to draw certain conclusions, namely:

1. Decisive for a deep and correct understanding of the attitude of the Marxist-Leninist Parties to war is a study of the nature of modern wars, their specifics and their sources. Marxism-Leninism, as an integral and harmonious system of philosophical, economical and socio-political views, provides the only scientific solution of these questions. It defines the attitude of the Communist and Workers’ Parties to modern 418wars of different types from the position of proletarian internationalism. Resolutely opposing imperialist, annexionist wars, including wars between capitalist states and local wars, aimed at suppressing national-liberation movement, the Communist Party and the whole Soviet people consider it their duty to support the noble struggle of the oppressed peoples and just, liberation wars against imperialism.

2. The strengthening of the defensive capacity of the USSR and the whole socialist community is linked with the correct understanding of the content of the contemporary epoch, the laws and trends of its development. The 24th Congress of the CPSU noted that the relation of forces in the world today continues to change in favour of socialism, the working-class and national liberation movement. At the same time it should be taken into account that at present imperialist aggression is intensified and reactionary forces are becoming more active. The deepening of the general crisis of capitalism and the exacerbation of its contradictions intensify the adventurism of imperialism, its danger to the cause of peace and social progress. Predatory US imperialism is the main source of war threat today. This conclusion of the Communist Party is of enormous theoretical and practical value. It helps us to see the real possibilities for preventing a world nuclear war and at the same time shows that there is a real possibility of it being unleashed by aggressive imperialist forces.

3. The fundamental propositions of the Marxist-Leninist teaching on war and the army are constantly developed by the Communist Party and serve as the scientific and theoretical basis for the solution of concrete questions pertaining to raising the military might of the USSR and the entire socialist camp, are a manual for action in their struggle against the war danger, for general peace.

4. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union sees to it that the defensive might of the USSR, the combat readiness of its armed forces be maintained at a level securing the decisive and complete rout of any enemy who would dare to encroach upon the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Armed Forces, equipped with the latest military equipment and weapons, are a mighty factor in the maintenance of universal peace. In case of war they are able to deliver a destructive blow on the enemy and to rout him completely.

The significance of the Soviet Union’s military power and the role of the CPSU in its creation are valued highly by all progressive forces throughout the world.

The Armed Forces of the USSR and other socialist countries are resolving major international tasks. The armies of all socialist countries steadily increase their combat power. The servicemen of these armies are constantly strengthening combat co-operation, are being educated in the spirit of faithfulness to their internationalist duty, of intolerance towards national and racial enmity, in the spirit of intolerance to the enemies of communism, peace and the freedom of the peoples. The ideological and political, economic and military unity of the socialist community is the basis of its invincibility.

5. The Marxist-Leninist teaching on war and the army is the philosophical and sociological basis of modern Soviet military doctrine and military science. It makes it possible correctly, from scientific, Party positions to approach the solution of all military problems in the light of the revolutionary changes in the military field. The working out of specific questions of the armed struggle and the preparations for it are the main content of military science and practice. It should, however, be remembered that war is the continuation of politics by violent means, while military affairs depend on the development of the economy, science, on the socio-political system, ideology, morale and cultural level of the population. In resolving its tasks Soviet military science proceeds from a deep-going and comprehensive analysis, an objective evaluation of the economic, scientific, technical and moral-political possibilities of the countries in the socialist community and in the imperialist camp, takes into account the fact that in modern war politics have become even more important.

There is not a single question in the solution of the problems in the military field, the problems of war, that is not being distorted at present by the bourgeoisie, by the Right and “Left” revisionists. The Party content and scientific nature of Soviet military theory is a sharp and reliable weapon in the modern ideological struggle, in the struggle for peace.
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