Voice of Revolution - Issue No. 10 (December 98)
An exemplary struggle against

Immediately after hearing the decision of OYK
that agreed on the closure of the Izmit Enterprise of SEKA, dated
14 September 1998, workers and the Seluloz-Is (cellulose workers)
Union, organised in the paper sector, took
action. As a result of the initiative of the advanced workers
and the fighting unionists of Seluloz-Is, thousands of
workers gathered to protest the government’s decision to
close down the factory with the purpose of privatising it. They
decided not to leave their factory until the decision was
withdrawn. SEKA workers, who continued routine production
after putting up their banner -
"Production continues in this factory" (usually when the workers go on strike, they put up a banner stating that there is a strike) -, did not leave their factory for 30 days. The determined attitude of the workers against privatisation mobilised other workers in other branches of SEKA. This resistance, in one of the biggest factories in the Izmit region, received the full support of primarily working people and artisans of Izmit, and of the workers from other sectors. In spite of being organised in the private sector and thus not directly facing the privatisation attacks, warehouse workers organised a solidarity strike after the call of their union, TUMTIS (Transport Workers’ Union). Through the initiative of the Platform of Workers Unions Branches in Istanbul, production was stopped for 2 hours in a number of work places in Istanbul to show solidarity with the SEKA workers. The Party of Labour (Emegin Partisi) which actively supported the resistance of SEKA workers right from the beginning, organised a demonstration in front of the SEKA factory with the attendance of more than 800 party members who came from nearby towns.
"Production continues in this factory" (usually when the workers go on strike, they put up a banner stating that there is a strike) -, did not leave their factory for 30 days. The determined attitude of the workers against privatisation mobilised other workers in other branches of SEKA. This resistance, in one of the biggest factories in the Izmit region, received the full support of primarily working people and artisans of Izmit, and of the workers from other sectors. In spite of being organised in the private sector and thus not directly facing the privatisation attacks, warehouse workers organised a solidarity strike after the call of their union, TUMTIS (Transport Workers’ Union). Through the initiative of the Platform of Workers Unions Branches in Istanbul, production was stopped for 2 hours in a number of work places in Istanbul to show solidarity with the SEKA workers. The Party of Labour (Emegin Partisi) which actively supported the resistance of SEKA workers right from the beginning, organised a demonstration in front of the SEKA factory with the attendance of more than 800 party members who came from nearby towns.
The determination of the workers and their
families in defending their factory made the SEKA workers the
practical vanguard of the struggle against privatisation in
Turkey. In the face of this development, OYK announced on 6
October 1998 that the privatisation decision was temporarily
stopped until the workers’ employment problem has been
resolved. None the less Davut Bozkan, the general secretary of
Seluloz Is, stressed that they would not let the government cheat
them, and that they would organise a mass demonstration on 31
October 1998. Bozkan also underlined that the SEKA workers would
march to Ankara, the capital city, if the privatisation decision
was not withdrawn.
After it became clear that the workers
would not step back and that the resistance began to influence
wider sections, OYK, just two days before the planned
demonstration, announced that they cancelled the privatisation
decision. Thereupon, SEKA workers, instead of cancelling the
Izmit demonstration, turned it into a victory demonstration.
Despite the heavy rain, 30 thousand workers and
working people took part in the demonstration organised by the
SEKA workers. The organisations actively attended were the
workers union confederations (Turk-Is, DISK, Hak-Is), the public
workers confederation KESK, mass organisations and political
parties. The paper (SEKA) workers and other workers and working
people from other sectors who gathered in the demonstration
forced the union confederations to act in line with their
struggle. Usually these confederations come together only on May
Days and yield to privatisation attacks. The slogans "SEKA
belongs to the people so cannot be sold", "Today SEKA,
tomorrow the whole country", "SEKA resisted, Turkey
gained" were shouted throughout the demonstration and the
workers highlighted once again the meaning and the value of the
success of the struggle.
The political significance of this successful
struggle against privatisation can be expressed as follows: The
privatisation was first started in 1986 in Turkey. Since then
$4.5 billion worth privatisation has been completed.
Nevertheless, as a result of the pressure of international
monopolies and their collaborators who found the privatisation
process slow, the National Security Council (MGK) and the Yilmaz
Government, in fact led by the generals, have decided to
"accelerate the privatisation programme". The
Government proclaimed the year 1998 as "privatisation
year" and set $4.5 billion as the revenue from
privatisation. The Yilmaz government has announced the
implementation of this programme as a "matter of
honour". The implementation of this programme actually
means the plunder of the public enterprises, which are products
of the labour of the workers and the working masses, by
imperialist capital and their collaborators. With their struggle
the workers forced the government, which openly declares enmity
towards the working people, to take a step back.
What the Telecom workers, Tekel (state company
producing tobacco and alcohol drinks) workers and energy workers
in Tokat and Izmir, miners in Zonguldak who face privatisation
attacks have learnt from this determined resistance by the SEKA
workers is that when the working class acts together these
attacks can be pushed back, that unemployment (1) and poverty is
not inevitable, and that even the most fierce governments can be
repulsed if class-based trade unionists and revolutionary workers
get the upper hand in the unions, which are workers’
organisations and not the property of union bureaucrats, and when
the workers act together with their unions.
When the SEKA workers’ resistance began it
was also a time when the wrangling of counter-guerrilla gangs and
mafia was at its height. This was a result of the attempts of the
dictatorship to re-organise its primary institutions,
particularly those in the superstructure. As a result of this
dogfight it has become clear that the counter guerrilla gangs and
mafia groups use privatisation as an "instrument of
money laundering". Thus the picture stands as follows: On
one side workers who resist privatisation, and on the other links
between gangs and privatisers. For this reason the government
cancelled one of the bids due to "mafia links" in order
to prevent the anti-privatisation public opinion from getting
Undoubtedly, the use of privatisation as a
"means of money laundering" for the mafia, gangs and
drug dealers is just one side of the coin. This fact which did
not take long for the bourgeois press to expose to a certain
extent is not the actual side of the question. The main purpose
of the discussions around the criticism of "dirty
capital" which can no longer be hidden is not about
condemning the plunder of privatisation itself. On the contrary,
the aim is to legitimise, through "clean capital", this
plunder which will be done by big international monopolies and
their collaborators in the country.
In fact, the attitude of the government on this
question is clear. The privatisation programme on Turkish
Airlines, Turk Telecom, Petkim (oil-chemical industry), Tupras
(Turkish oil co.) and Erdemir (iron and steel industry) which was
planned to go ahead in the last quarter of this year has only
been postponed to 1999. To implement the privatisation programme
in a more convenient environment and in a faster and more rigid
way. This is the dictatorship’s plan for privatisation.
The resistance of the SEKA workers shows how these anti-worker
and anti-popular plans can be destroyed. It also demonstrates
that in Turkey, the struggle against privatisation has entered a
new period where this struggle will be more than stopping the
plunder of this or that public enterprise.
(1) If we take into account the population
growth rate in Turkey every year one million people need to be
employed. Far from achieving this, according to the official
statistics, in 1997 more than 54 thousand workers have been made
redundant. According to research made by a union, the
unemployment rate has increased 41.3% in the last year. In this
reaserch, it is stated that unemployment level has reached
10 million. (The official rate of unemployment is 26,1%). 7 out
of 12.5 million people aged between 15-24 are unemployed. In the
meantime, as a result of privatisation redundancies in public
enterprises is at its peak. Only in 1997, 10.1 % of redundancies
are as a result of privatisation.
The Turkey - Israel Agreement: A new step forward for US imperialism's gendarme station in the region
The Agreement signed between Turkey and
Israel at the instigation of the USA is still being
discussed even though it was signed long ago. One of the reasons
why this question is still on the agenda is because of the role
played by the governments of the two countries in the political
and military developments in the region, their announcement of
gaining new positions as "regional forces", and the
reaction of other countries in the region against this
announcement. The other reason is that, following this agreement,
especially the reactionary forces in Turkey have launched a more
aggressive policy both inside and outside the country.
The big powers of world capitalism have
always shown a great interest in Turkey because of its
geographical and strategic position. Turkey constitutes a
"door" where the sea and land routes for Asia, Europe
and Africa meet. With Istanbul and the Canakkale Straits and
through the Black Sea Turkey opens to the Caspian region and to
the Caucasus, and through the Mediterranean to the Red Sea; while
the routes from North Africa and from the Mediterranean and
European countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain intersect in
Turkey. Geographically Turkey is situated both in the Middle East
and the Balkans. As it has territories both in Asia and Europe it
is named as "Euro-Asia Minor".
It is not possible for a big imperialist power
seeking for hegemony on capitalist markets, cheap labour and raw
materials not to show an interest in Turkey and in the region
where it is situated. History proves this fact.
The ruling classes in Turkey have shaped their
policies with the importance of the country's strategic position
in mind, and are still doing so. As the ruling classes of a
semi-colonial country dependent on outside forces they have,
since the beginning of the century, been utilising this position
to increase their involvement in imperialist collaboration.
According to the balance of power of the period, they first
served the British and the French capitalists, and then German
capital. Finally, for the last 50 years they have been the
"trustworthy ally" (in fact, loyal servant and
collaborator) of US imperialism in the region.
The fact that the Republic of Turkey was established on the
heritage of the collapsing Ottoman Empire and that the founders
had a military origin had an effect on its home and foreign
policy having a militarist line since its foundation. From the
beginning, the Military General Council and the top military
bureaucracy had a say in the political governing of the country.
Turkey has never had a democratic political structure. This
situation facilitated even more the implementation of an
anti-popular, reactionary and fascist policy of oppression in the
country, and a pro-imperialist and chauvinist foreign policy
based on tension. This also holds true vice versa: The
collaborationist classes with the support of imperialism have
maintained the fascist regime and kept the working class and the
working people in general under oppression in favour of
international capital.
The US imperialist bourgeoisie, together with
the other Western capitalists and imperialists, tried to use the
reactionary forces in Turkey efficiently in its international
attacks on the Soviet Union. Turkey was considered as an
important element of the imperialist "green belt"
(Islamist) movement against the Soviet Union. The US tried to use
Islam as a "unifying" motive in order to mobilise the
Turks, Arabs, Azerbaijanis, Kirgizes, Chechens, Tadjiks, etc.
against socialism. However, the great revolutionary strength
gained by the working class and the Soviet peoples with the
construction of socialism, the establishment of people's
democracies in Eastern Europe, the development of
left-liberal currents in the name of "Arabic socialism"
in some Arab countries in the Middle East and their increasing
influence in the governing of these countries - all this forced
the ruling classes in Turkey to follow a foreign policy taking
all these developments into consideration. For a long time Turkey
had a foreign policy which took the "big neighbour in the
North" and the "balance of power" into
account. It tried not to create enmity with the Arab nations and
the Palestinian liberation movement in the Middle East.
The disintegration of the Soviet Union was the
most important factor for the Turkish reactionary forces to begin
to follow a more reactionary and aggressive foreign policy as a
tail of the American war mongering. The rhetoric of "the
great Turkic world from the Adriatic to the Wall of China"
was the expression of the policy of the collaborator big
bourgeoisie in the region. After World War II, US imperialism
kept Israel, the existence of which came on to the agenda as a
result of the international situation of the period, under its
protection. Following the overthrown of the Shah's fascist
dictatorship in Iran, the importance the US attached to
"small" Israel was greater. The developments in the
Middle East; the Mullah regime in Iran and its anti-American
policies; the raid in the American Embassy; the distancing
attitudes of Syria, Iraq and Lebanon; the problems with the
Saddam regime; and finally the anger caused by the Gulf War, all
this led US imperialism and other Western big powers to review
their policies on the Middle East and the Caucasus in the
light of these new developments. The US wanted to bring the
Palestinian movement to a standstill, and tried to improve its
relationship with the Turkic republics in order to benefit more
from the Caucasus oil and other natural resources by using the
ruling classes in Turkey more efficiently. With the
Israel-Palestine Agreement the US gained another position in the
Middle East. Thus the conditions were more ripe for a higher
degree of co-operation between Turkey and Israel. The US made a
great effort for the realisation of the Turkey-Israel Strategic
Co-operation Agreement and achieved it.
This Agreement has given a greater role to Turkey (and Israel) in
the Middle East and the Caucasus for American interests. It was
more of a military agreement rather than an economic and
political one. The Agreement was drafted by the Turkish and the
Israeli General Staff and finally signed by the two governments.
According to the Agreement, the Turkish and the Israeli armies
will have joint military training, they will jointly build and
improve their war-planes and other weapons, and an attack on
either country will be treated as one on the other one. Obviously
this is an anti-Arab Agreement which constitutes a threat to the
Arab peoples and which strengthens the positions of the American
imperialist bourgeoisie in the Middle East.
With this Agreement while the US imperialist bourgeoisie has
improved its possibility of using Turkey and Israel, its loyal
collaborators, more efficiently in the fight for power and
markets in the region because of Turkey's strategic position and
the strength of the two countries, the reactionary forces in
Turkey are trying to use it as a basis for "solving"
the problems with its neighbours in its favour.
The collaborating bourgeoisie in Turkey has
serious problems with almost all its neighbours. The Aegean and
Cyprus problem with Greece; the Kurdish question with Syria, Iran
and Iraq; increasing contradictions with Russia because of its
propaganda about "the great Turkic world from the Adriatic
to the Wall of China", its Turkic policy and
provocative-sabotaging practice towards Chechnia, Azerbaijan,
Kirgizistan and Tajikistan; the problems with the Balkan
countries because of its reactionary attitudes towards them and
its direct participation in the Serbia-Bosnia conflict. The
ruling classes in Turkey want to benefit from this Agreement in
"solving" or postponing the problems with the
neighbouring countries.
It is true that the geographical and strategic
position of Turkey provides some advantages to the ruling
classes. However, their impasses are increasing not only because
of their foreign relations and unsolved problems with their
neighbours, but also because of economic and political problems
at home. With this agreement Turkey has drawn the anger of the
Arab peoples on itself. Basing itself on the agreement with
Israel, an adventurism it will conduct in the region or
provocation of conflicts and coups in the Caucasus through the
"Turkic Republics" will encounter the increasing anger
of the peoples in the region. Despite their plans and the
imperialist bourgeoisie, there is no political, economic or
military position to be gained in the Middle East and the
Caucasus by the ruling classes in Turkey. This is because the
"lion’s share" would go to the imperialist
bourgeoisie, and their "subcontractors" could only get
the crumbs, if the imperialist bourgeoisie tolerates this.
The fact that the bourgeoisie in Turkey bases
its politics mainly on the denial and destruction of the Kurdish
people and of their national rights makes it weak -not strong- in
the region and in its relations with its neighbours. The fascist
political regime and the implementation of national oppression
policy on the Kurds leads to the use of international agreements
such as the one with Israel as a trump card against the people at
home and as an instrument for intensifying economic and political
repression. As is the case in other countries, the
bourgeoisie claims that such agreements are useful for
"national interests" and for the security of the
people. However, it is obvious that these kinds of agreements are
not for the development of peaceful politics or for the
rapprochement of the peoples. On the contrary, they are used as
an instrument in the struggle for hegemony, of aggression against
the popular masses at home, and sharpen the contradictions.
The Co-operation Agreement between Israel and
Turkey is not any good for the people of Turkey, other peoples in
the region or the people of the world. The bourgeoisie expresses
armament and the co-operation between reactionary forces with the
excuse of a "deterring factor" and "defending
peace", which is a complete lie. The US-Israel-Turkey
co-operation is not for the peace in the region or in the world.
The increasing hegemony of the US in the region would only
sharpen the dogfight between the imperialists and between the
reactionary collaborators, and consolidate aggressive politics
against the peoples. As a result of the Agreement with
Turkey, Israel’s Zionism has placed itself in a
stronger position against the Arab peoples which will sharpen the
Arab-Israel contradiction. These kinds of agreements promoting
armament, modernisation of weapons and development of arms
technology place a heavier burden on the peoples and make
them encounter the danger of new wars.
The interests of the Turkish and Kurdish
working masses and all the peoples in the region require the
annulment of all reactionary agreements like the Turkey-Israel
one and all other bilateral or multilateral agreements with
imperialists. It also requires an end to the existence of the US
and other imperialist powers in the region. This would also be in
the interest of all the working people of the world and oppressed
nations. Under the present conditions where capitalist
contradictions are deepening and the inter-imperialist struggle
for hegemony is continuing, there is no doubt that these kinds of
agreements would have a context against the proletariat and the
oppressed peoples. Therefore, it is an urgent task to fight
against the imperialist and reactionary initiatives.
The world youth gathering in Bergama
An International Anti-fascist, Anti-imperialist
Youth Camp took place in Turkey between 31st of July and 10th of
August 1998. This has once again demonstrated the
determination and decisiveness of the common struggle of
world youth against imperialism and capitalism. About three
thousand young people from 22 different countries gathered in the
historic Turkish city of Bergama on the coast of Aegean Sea
. For ten days they shared life, struggle, brotherhood /
sisterhood, and friendship. For a short period of time they
lived in a world which they long for, a world in which they could
live fraternally.
During the camp these young people from all over the world
embraced the Bergama villagers who have been fighting against the
multi-national Eurogold Company for nine years.
The organisation of the gathering was initiated
entirely by youth organisations. At the same time,
camp was a meeting place for progressive intellectuals in
Turkey who support the international struggle
of young people from one single front.
The area where the Bergama gathering took place was turned into a
campsite from inhabitable ruins. From catering, accommodation
cleaning and other facilities to the swimming pool, all the
facilities had been built through the collective work of the
youth and local working people. The same spirit of collective
work has been practised in the division of labour, and with the
principle of sharing the problems of everyday life for ten days.
More than 30 mass organisations and
associations from outside Turkey helped in the organisation
of the Bergama gathering which attracted the participation of
about 40 musical and theatre groups. More than 100 intellectuals,
artists, writers, film makers, and poets tried to share their
work, explore science and art with young people and local
villagers; they tried to teach and at the same time learn form
them. They have in practice condemned the "intellectual
type", not in any way linked to social life, imposed
on them. After the discussions and panels which took place during
the day, night concerts and stage performances which took place
in the ancient theatre has attracted 5-10 thousand young people.
During the camp, workers, students, unemployed
people, apprentices (trainees) and villagers –young
people from different parts of the country initiated various
discussions on economics, politics, philosophy etc. Their
discussions were aimed at achieving a common platform
of struggle against wars which are being provoked every day in
one or other part of the world, in the interests of capitalist
plunder and re-division of the world. Different experiences in
different countries were told by the very people who are taking
part in the struggle.
With the Bergama gathering, Turkey has hosted
the first international youth camp. Delegations from
European countries included those from Germany, France, England,
Holland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Albania, Spain and Denmark; from
Latin America there were delegations from Ecuador, Venezuela, the
Dominican Republic and Colombia, and from Asia there were
delegations from India, Iran and Russia. They were embraced by
Turkish and Kurdish youth, by other minorities, intellectuals and
leaders of the workers movement.
In the seminars held during the camp, the
belief was once again affirmed internationally that the
struggle against the capitalist system, imperialist plunder,
exploitation and repression on youth can succeed only under the
leadership of the working class and by adhering to
scientific socialism.
It was stressed that, though struggles may
be isolated, there is a need to unite the continuing and
spreading struggles in various parts of the world against
poverty, exploitation and plunder, and that the young people
are in the forefront of the rebellious sections who do
not obey the existing system.
During the Bergama gathering, world youth has
shown in practice that they don't silently accept the
selling off of social security institutions, public enterprises,
natural enterprises to imperialists. Young people have had
the chance to meet the nine years long anti-imperialist struggle
of Bergama villagers. At the same time, they have worked
together with the villagers, entertained together, and shared
each others problems. International solidarity was experienced
and concretised in 17 villages of Bergama, in the strike of
council workers, and in the visiting of the working peoples'
resistance in Soma thermic power station against privatisation.
This process was in a way a proof that Bergama’s
people, who materialised the struggle against imperialism, who
defended the country and drove back international monopolies and
their collaborators, are not alone. This has also shown that in
spite of all efforts to suppress anti-imperialist sentiments,
they were alive among youth.
Having successfully overcome all the obstacles
and completed the Bergama gathering, with their own talent and
creativeness, the youth have expressed in their declaration that,
"they would confront (oppose) imperialism, capitalist
oppression subordination of peoples, and be in the forefront of
the struggle for the right of the oppressed peoples to
self-determination and for the creation of a world in
Caracas -
Venezuela, October 1998
In October, an International Conference of
Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations was held in Venezuela.
Eight parties and organisations from the American and European
continents participated in the Conference: Communist Party of
Chile (Proletarian Action), Communist Party of Labour of
Dominican Republic, Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador,
Workers' Communist Party of France, Communist Party of Mexico,
Communist Organisation October of Spain (Octubre), Revolutionary
Communist Party of Turkey and Red Flag Party of Venezuela
(Bandera Roja). Some parties and organisations which could not
participate in the Conference for financial and technical
reasons sent messages of solidarity and stated that they would
support the decisions of the Conference. Among them are the
parties and organisations from Tunisia, Upper Volta, Benin,
Italy, Germany, Greece, Albania, Iran, Colombia and the Antilles.
The main agenda of the Conference was
"Anti-imperialist struggle and the tasks of the communist
parties". Following the efficient discussions on this
question, a joint statement was declared. The focus of the
discussions was the tasks and the responsibilities of the genuine
communist parties, under the present conditions where the
workers' and working people's movement has a new ascending trend
on a world scale, in order to prevent the reformist, revisionist,
social democrat and class collaborationist currents from
diverting once more the movement from its path.
Among other decisions taken were the
continuation of the half-yearly publication of "Unity &
Struggle", the journal of the Conference, and improving its
content; the continuation of the international solidarity
campaigns; the organisation of regional and continental meetings;
and the organisation of various activities which could draw
outside parties and organisations.
An International Conference of Marxist-Leninist
Parties and Organisations was held in October. In a fraternal
atmosphere the Conference has evaluated the common work carried
out since the last session; it has analysed the international
situation taking the question of imperialism as a basis; and has
determined the tasks for which the member parties of the
Conference will take responsibilities.
In the evaluation session the following topics
were dealt with: the developments in the relations with outside
parties; the publication and circulation of the journal
"Unity & Struggle"; and the developments in the
campaigns for solidarity with Francisco Caraballo, the First
Secretary of the Communist Party of Colombia (M-L) and the
commandant of the EPL , who is in prison in the hands of the
reactionary government; and with comrade Gregorio Alvarado, the
leader of the Communist Party of Mexico (M-L). Also on the agenda
were the International Meeting of Trade Unionists held in France,
the seminar "Problems of the Revolution in Latin
America" held in Quito, the anti-fascist and
anti-imperialist international youth camp, and the re-publication
of The Communist Manifesto in various languages and countries and
concerning activities to mark its 150th anniversary.
The Conference held useful discussions on the
question of "imperialism and the struggle of the working
class and the peoples of the world". The delegations of the
parties present talked about the general crisis of the world
capitalist system and its effects on the workers, other oppressed
and exploited sections in our countries. "The crisis has
arrived at a level where it constitutes an obstacle to the
development of society, and today imperialism manages to maintain
its existence as the hegemonic system only because of its
economic hegemony and its monopoly on violence apparatus."
The Conference especially highlighted the
achievements and developments of the struggle of the working
class and the peoples against capitalist exploitation and for the
emancipation from colonial and semi-colonial hegemony.
"Based on the existing main tendencies in
the economic, political and social processes in the world",
our Conference has drawn attention to "the particular
importance of developing an anti-imperialist policy which will be
embodied in an international anti-imperialist front".
The Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations
are faced with the task of canalising this anti-imperialist
struggle towards theoretically and politically correct targets by
being in the forefront of this struggle. In this framework it is
of particular importance to fight against the revisionist and
opportunist currents which, with their old and new theses, are
trying to divert the struggle of the working people and to keep
them under the hegemony of capital.
A series of new tasks have been determined,
tasks that involve common work of our parties. Among them are the
international campaign for the return of comrade Gregorio
Alvarado alive to his family and friends, and an urgent action
campaign for the release of comrade Francisco Caraballo.
It was decided that all the work of the
Conference should be dedicated to comrade Washington Alvarez of
the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador whom we lost a
short time ago.
The Conference has decided the venue and the
theme of the next session. It has thanked the Red Flag Party of
Venezuela (Bandera Roja) for its efforts for the success of this
Communist Party of Chile
(Proletarian Action) (PCC-AP)
Communist Party of Labour of Dominican Republic (PCT)
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador (PCMLE)
Workers' Communist Party of France (PCOF)
Communist Party of Mexico (PCM-ML)
Communist Organisation October of Spain (Octubre)
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey (TDKP)
Red Flag Party of Venezuela (Bandera Roja)
To the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Equador (PCMLE):
Having received the news about the tragic death
of Comrade Washington Alvarez, the International Conference of
Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations meeting these days in
Venezuela sends its condolence to the family of the Comrade, to
the comrades from the PCMLE and to the people of Equador.
The death of Comrade Alvarez has caused mourning in all
Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations in the world. The loss
of a militant who made an all-out effort for the emancipation of
the Equadorian people and for the unity of the international
communist movement is a blow on the cause of all the oppressed of
the world. His memory will be an example for us, we also believe
that it will be a flag for the struggle of the people of Equador.
We show our respect for the memory of Comrade
Alvarez and declare our belief that the cause to which he
devoted his whole life will be victorious with our
individual and collective struggle.
With our internationalist regards!
Glory to Comrade Washington Alvarez!
International Conference of
Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations
Venezuela, October 1998
... News update from Turkey ...
Metin Göktepe case still continuing
The trial against the policemen who murdered
Metin Göktepe, the correspondent of the daily paper Evrensel, on
8th January 1996, is still continuing. In the preliminary heraing
on 13th November 1998, the policeman Seydi Battal Köse stated
that the persons who are actually responsible for the murder of
Metin Göktepe are the Chief of Istanbul Security Police Orhan
Tasanlar, the vice-chair Kemal Bayrak, the local director of the
Eyüp Security Police Mehmet Ali Akdemir and the local Security
Commander Mehmet Isbitiren.
Thus, the claims of Metin Göktepe’s
lawyers who, from the beginning, argued that those who are
actually responsible for the murder are not only police who were
arrested but also those who hold important positions.
The case of Metin Göktepe has been followed
carefully by a great number of democratic organisations and
journalists both nationally and internationally. Each hearing has
been attended as if it was a public demonstration.
The lawyers of Metin Göktepe who made a
statement after the last hearing asked for the continuation of
the support given so far in Turkey as well as abroad. They have
also declared that they would demand the enlargement of the case
in the next hearings in order to ensure the trial of the chief of
Istanbul Security Police Orhan Tasanlar and other top officers
involved. The next hearing is on 11th December 1998 in Afyon.
A new daily paper for the workers in Turkey
Since the 25th of September a new revolutionary
workers’ paper has been coming out in Turkey. The first
paper Evrensel was published on 7th
June 1995 but had to terminate its publication life in November
1996 due to the charges made by the judiciary organs. After the
publication of the daily paper Emek for
673 days and after its clousure once again by the State, Yeni
Evrensel (New Universal) which stands for
the defence of the rights and interests of the working class and
the Kurdish people began to come out on the 25th of September
The daily workers’ papers which have been
published continuously since 1995 have faced countless attacks,
bans and arbitrary confiscations by the judiciary organs and
security forces. Also the pro-Kurdish papers are under systematic
attacks. Ülkede Gündem was closed
down for a month in late October.
In Turkey, 40 journalist have been killed since
1980 and around 300 were arrested in 1997only.