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VOICE OF REVOLUTION - Issue No: 9 (May 98)

Statement of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations
15 communist parties and organisations from all over the world came together for the latest International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations held in Germany in November 1997. The main agenda of the Conference, which went on for three days, was "the work of the communist parties within the working class".

Since 1993, these conferences have been held annually with about 15 parties participating. The Quito declaration of 1994 was signed by 25 communist parties and organisations from all over the world.
The Conference publishes the journal Unity & Struggle twice a year in English, Spanish, French and Turkish. The last two journals have also been published in Arabic and Russian. It is being distributed in over 30 countries.

The 1997 Conference issued the following statement and resolutions:
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations which was held in Germany put the activities of communist parties within the working class at the top of its agenda.
The statements of the sister parties present at the conference shows that despite shortcomings and weaknesses there are positive and rich experiences. All the parties present agreed on the importance of taking further steps and of exchanging experience in this front.

Despite the fact that all the parties have different experiences because of different levels of development and changes in the situations they work in, they drew attention to many common problems facing parties and peoples in both imperialist and dependent countries.

The debates have demonstrated that the following approach and practice have been adopted once again:

1- Both because of the ideology and politics we advocate and because we aim to take root within the working class whatever the size of the working class and the stage of revolution, we are the working class parties.

2- It is the main responsibility of every party to build itself within the working class.

3- At the present stage of the crisis of the world imperialist system, the attacks on the working class and working masses have become more fearless. However, in many countries the working class fights against these attacks with a greater consciousness and fighting spirit, and they have entered a higher stage of their struggle.

The general tendency of the day is towards a new rise of the workers' and popular movement. Our parties are taking part in this movement and striving to take the lead in order to direct it towards a revolutionary rise.

4- The crisis of imperialism deepens the crisis of the reformists and revisionists and forces them to take off their masks and to take part more openly in the making and implementation of anti-working class and anti-peoples’ policies. There exists a tendency within the workers' movement to break away from collaborationist and conciliatory elements. Our parties must use these favourable conditions to help the working class hasten this break away and to gain their independence. This situation makes it possible and obligatory for our parties to gain strength within the working class.

5- Our parties are aware of the importance of trade union activity in work among the working class. This is closely linked to the character of our parties who bear the responsibility for defending the interests of the working masses. Trade union activity is also one of the main areas of activity to take root within the working class, to learn how to lead their struggle and to draw the most advanced sections into the party.

6- Our parties once again draw attention to the importance of developing within the workers' movement and trade unions the line of class-based trade unionism, revolutionary trade unionism one of the bases of which is internationalism. It is an important task to develop the line of class based trade unionism within the unions led by our parties as well as those which are under the influence of revisionists, reformists and other ideological and political currents or in the countries where there is a single union structure with a reactionary-fascist character.

7- Our parties are aware of the great importance of education within the working class, the education of the leading cadres of the workers' and trade union movement, and the communist workers who will become our parties' conscious militants.

8- The internationalisation of economy also implies the imperialist aim of dividing and provoking different sections of the working class against each other in individual countries and on the international scale. No class fight can ignore this fact today. The sharpening of the crisis of imperialism makes it urgent to realise international solidarity on a greater scale. Being aware of the obligatory character of this task our parties are making every effort to give a class character to this solidarity. This effort must be strengthened and developed.

Workers of all countries, unite!
November 1997, Germany

Resolutions of the Conference

On Latin America:

The rising struggle of the working class and the peoples of Latin America is an indication of the revival and rise of revolutionary popular movement.
Workers and peoples are joining the struggle  against the destructive impact of economic programmes imposed by the IMF and the World Bank. With political demands and demand for change they join the struggle, endangering the stability of bourgeois democracy which is an inalienable instrument  of imperialist hegemony and bourgeois power.
The deepening crisis in the continent places the struggle for political power at the centre of the conflict, and this struggle is quite advanced in some countries compared to the others. The rising struggle of the peoples brings about  new social and political explosions and strengthens the perspective of revolutionary action in this part of the world.
The Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations that signed these resolutions declare their international solidarity with the precious struggle of the workers and peoples of Latin America.
We declare our solidarity with Marxist-Leninist parties, encourage them to take the leadership of popular movement, and declare our solidarity particularly with the Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist) which has been the target of the most fierce oppression and attacks on the Latin American continent.
On the Middle East:

The Middle East is one of the most important centres of inter-imperialist rivalry and conflicts today. On one hand all imperialist powers, and especially the US,  have close links with the reactionary regimes and currents in the region, and on the other, they sow animosity, provoking the existing national, regional and religious contradictions in favour of their interests. 

The Israel-Turkey alliance, which was formed under US direction, constitutes a new link in the chain of the attacks directed at the peoples of the region. This alliance is:
  • a new attack on the Kurdish national movement;
  • a new attack and intimidation on the Palestinian people;
  • a new threat to and intimidation of the peoples of Iran and Iraq in particular and the peoples of the region in general. 
    Also, the provocation of enmity between Turkey and Greece at every opportunity constitutes a new step to consolidate imperialist hegemony over both countries and to make Cyprus a tool of imperialist desires. 
    All this means inciting conflicts between the peoples of the region and using this situation as an instrument for realising the bloody interests of imperialism. It means unbridled oppression, exploitation and plunder.
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations:
  • condemns the imperialist attacks on the peoples of the Middle East;
  • condemns the bloody imperialist plans for the future of the Palestinian and the Kurdish peoples and defends their right to self-determination;
  • condemns the violation of the territorial unity of Iraq which has been subjected to an inhuman blockade;
  • condemns the occupation of Cyprus, demands the withdrawal of  the foreign military presence from the island and supports the demand for an independent and united Cyprus;
  • calls the peoples of the region to be in solidarity against imperialist hegemony and the attacks stemming from this hegemony; and declares its support for, and solidarity with, the struggles against imperialist hegemony.
On the situation in Africa:
For the last few years, Africa has been shaken by strong popular movements with the following demands:
  • an end to imperialist domination;
  • an end to the destructive measures imposed by big international monopolies, the World Bank and the IMF. 
    The imperialist powers in the first place brought to power so-called democratic governments by means of fraudulent elections in order to control these movements  and to divert them. However, after the failure of these attempts, they have returned again to oppressive rulers who could intimidate the people. 
    Hence, in this process we have seen the fascisation of the regimes in Africa in the face of the developing struggles of the peoples. 
    In the same framework, as is shown in the Congo-Brazaville example, imperialist powers do not hesitate to overthrow by force their stubborn servants who become obstacles for them. 
    However, all these imperialist maneuvers cannot stop the struggle of the African peoples who stand up with anti-imperialist sentiment and with the desire for self-determination. 
For this reason, the Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations:
  • supports the African people's struggle against imperialist plans and against the policies of imperialist institutions such as the World Bank, the IMF and the European Union;
  • encourages the African revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninist parties to increase their strength in their effort to prepare the subjective conditions of the revolution in Africa. The conference takes on the responsibility to develop solidarity between the proletariat and the peoples of imperialist countries and of Africa.
On the situation in Algeria:
Algeria has been experiencing a tragic process of massacre for more than five years. This situation is a result of a deep political and social crisis which has become deeper with the military coup of January 1992 which was to prevent FIS, which emerged victorious from the general elections, from coming to political power.
Since then, this unbridled barbarian massacre has caused 100,000 deaths, the majority of which have been civilians. Women, children, elderly, workers, peasants and intellectuals, including dozens of journalists, have been murdered, slaughtered, beheaded or burnt alive.
Despite the fact that responsibility for these massacres is officially being placed upon the armed Islamic groups whose murderous character is obvious, the involvement of the military apparatus of the state and of the militia under their command is as great as that of the Islamic groups.
Torture, abduction and disappearances, extra-judicial executions, civilians being left unprotected and left to their fate, press freedom and freedom of expression being violated are daily events in Algeria. The publications in the international press of the statements of those who escaped from the oppressions in the country and of the ex-members of security forces prove the direct involvement of the military apparatus in these massacres.
The undersigned Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations:
  • condemn the barbarism implemented on the people of Algeria by the regime and by the armed islamist groups with the aim of continuing exploitation, oppression and the plunder of national resources (oil, gas, etc.);
  • condemn the hypocrisy of the Western imperialist powers in general, and of French and American imperialism in particular whose sole aim is to consolidate their domination by manipulating the tragedy in Algeria; and
  • declare their solidarity with the people, the working class and the democratic-progressive forces of Algeria who have the capacity to change the course of events, to stop the brutality and to establish a genuinely democratic and progressive state.
The message of the Communist Party of Albania to the Conference:
To the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations

Dear Comrades, 

We were not able to participate physically in the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations held in Germany. For this reason, we send our greetings in the name of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Albania through this fax and wish the Conference success in its work. We believe that this Conference, like the others, will help us in our struggle. We think that the recent events in Albania will be discussed in the future.
Revolutionary greetings,

Hysni Millochi, President of the CPA 

Hekuran Osmani, Political Secretary of the CPA

31 October 1997, Tirana
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