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Left, Imperialism and PKK

Leftists and Leftist organizations in our world have always embraced any organization from a country that has a leftist label on it. For most cases it is admirable and acceptable, yet in some cases it was done without really knowing the facts which in return made them embrace a counter revolutionary nationalistic fascist organization as leftist.

What makes an organization leftist is not the label on its name, but its’ history, ideology and practices. In this sense, when we study the history, ideology and practices of PKK, we will see that it is nothing but a nationalistic fascist organization who serves the interests of both imperialism and their puppets in order to prevent the democratic struggles of working class and peasantry.

Created and existed thru fighting against the democratic struggle and their cadres, PKK s fight against the Democratic struggle and leaders, was the reason for its very existence. Present day conditions, becoming a tool in the hands of imperialist, for the realization of Great Middle East project, created another reason for their very existence.

Let’s start from the history of PKK which came about middle 1970s as the protector’s of landlords to negotiate the disputes in favor of one to other. Late 1970s have witnessed steadily improving revolutionary organizations of unions, students, peasants all over the country despite the murders of so many revolutionaries by Counter Guerilla and by fascists. Especially in east and north part of Turkey became in accessible by the dominant class and their uniformed or otherwise death squads. Right at this time, 1978, revolutionaries were targeted and killed by PKK. They literally declared war against all the revolutionary organizations and banned their work in these regions. They have shot hundreds of revolutionaries. In other words, fascist death squads and counter guerilla were replaced by PKK.

It should be quite interesting to look at the history where they have become more powerful after the military Junta of 1980, where thousands of revolutionaries were imprisoned and killed. They were left alone for the most part for their service.

Having no leadership left in these areas, the leadership of the Kurdish masses at these areas was presented in gold plate to PKK by imperialist and their puppets in Turkey. Following there were no revolutionary practices, but nationalistic, ethnic, hate mongering fascist practices which divided the working class people and poisoned them with hate one another.

To show that good or bad characteristics of one nation or of its people as their natural characteristics, can not be claimed without falling in to the dirt of racism, or at best chauvinistic nationalism.

Here is a sample of their writings where you can change the name of nation or nationality to any other nation or nationality to see the deep chauvinistic nationalist ideology behind a Marxist mask.
“”….the thing that is called Turkish is nothing but 99% loss of mind of being Armenian or Greek………””

“ …..to save themselves as schizophrenic mental disease a s a nation …..Turks have to see therapy……..””

“””most of them dumb head (“concrete”) head Turks……””””

I will not go further..This and so many similar ones is not written by a sympathizer but from one of the main brains of PKK.

Yet what he says about Kurds;

“Kurd …support even the smallest democratic demands…..their way of life and ideals are already as Europeans……….except Kurds …lucks democratic wing ….””””

No nations’ characteristics are their natural characteristics. To claim that is equal to racism.

Let’s talk about their Marxist ideology.

Marxists do not propagate the separation of nations but their unity.

Marxists fight against ethnic division and nationalism, propagate the proletarian unity.

What PKK says;

“”…..There is no class difference among the oppressor nation (‘s people)….they have all similar characteristics….””””

“…….we believes even the smallest village may be divided….. we are trying to divide Turkey in hundreds of pieces…….never mind dividing Turkey we are trying to destroy Turkey….we are trying to create conditions of such divided Turkey”””

On all of their writings, it is almost impossible to see words like working class, peasant class, revolution etc other than on their window dressing writings addressing readers abroad.

Since, they do not see any class difference; their practices too, have been as such, no discrimination in killings. Same fascist tactics, threats, blackmails, harassment and killing of their own masses applied in general to kill innocent civilians, including children.

“”USA , in order to leave the area (middle east)in pieces (to dominate)… needs …nations divided by ethnically, religiously……..”

An organization targeting to divide a country in to hundreds of pieces, is not hesitating the fact that imperialists need such division in order to success….. Is this a coincidence or trying to “MARKET” themselves to imperialists as a role player?

As I noted at the start PKK has come into EXISTENCE as a replacement to fascist DEATH SQUADS against the revolutionaries and against the democratic struggle, and it is the FUNDAMENTAL reason of its very EXISTENCE to be THE tool in the hands of imperialists.

To consider this organization as leftist is tantamount to treason to the struggle of working class and all enslaved, oppressed people of the world.

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