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The genius of bourgeoisie; summarizing the entire war against socialism under one .

In reference to the dominant ideas, Marx in his “German Ideology” essay writes; “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.”

If Marx’s this theory is taken scholastically, isolating it from its wide range implications and context, without applying this theory to the environment and conditions of current technology, without considering the power of the means of communication today which reach millions at once and easily, without the ongoing class struggle where the imperialist bourgeoisie finances and employs think-thank organizations, so called foundations, professional writers…this theory will be nothing but another memorized sentences without any serious meaning.

Well aware and conscious of the class struggle, Bourgeoisie, with the means of mental production at their disposal has always been in search of new tools and methods of persuading the masses to think and act against their own interests. Especially the dominant class of America with vast resources of technology and brain in its disposal,has been the incredible genius of mind and behavior manipulators.

At any society divided in classes, world where countries are divided as oppressor and oppressed, manipulation of thoughts and expected behavior in accord with the manipulated thought have been one of the most important instrument of controlling the masses, repressing the struggle against them.

Although the methods and means of manipulation numerous and vary, the core of it lies in the control of information and of ideological tendencies. The mind management industry has become another large industry by itself with research groups, heavily funded foundations, professional writers etc.

Manipulation relies not only on existing false realities but creation of new false realities that continuously repeated. The behavioral reasons of human beings can not be isolated from their environment, from their belief and thoughts. Once their environment, their thought and belief are manipulated, they act not because they must act as such, but because they believe they are expected to act so.

Bourgeoisie, having all the means of communications and means of mental production at their disposal created false realities about the Soviet Union and Stalin since the death of Lenin. As an unexpected or (if we research the relationship of Trotsky and Trotskyites with the Zionists) may be expected bonus to the manipulation practices of imperialist bourgeoisie, the Trotskyite attacks on Soviets and Stalin, (entirely identical in context to those of imperialists and fascists), made this false realities more repetitive and more believable.

With the genius of Bourgeois mind management and manipulation, all the ideology and false reality crated about Soviets and Stalin have been concentrated and summarized in one belief and thought; “Stalinism equals Hitlerism”.. Thus, millions of falsified, distorted ideological essays, books, news, philosophical discussions on Marxism, Leninism, Soviets and Stalin, have, in fact, in a genius way, turned in to being “unnecessary “ since all of them summarized in the slogan of “Stalinism equals Hitler” , has found its way in to the minds of large masses including in the revolutionary masses.

Since the behavior and action of masses will be in accord and as expected with the manipulated belief and thought they have, we can justifiably make the statement below.

When the summarized core of counter-revolutionary theory; “Stalinism equals Hitlerism” is accepted by the masses, the behavior of the masses to any repression against any revolutionary movement that associates herself with Stalin will inevitably be impartial at best, be supportive at worse. Proceeding from this mind management and manipulation of behavior based on the ideology summarized in a slogan, the feedback, expected result inevitably will be this;

“”” if any, anti imperialist or revolutionary, socialist or democratic movement will, at the end, lead to "Stalinism", then any and all possible measures to suppress the movement through torture, execution, mass murder, military junta, meaning fascism itself, are justified and ratified.””

Since there is not even one genuine Marxist Leninist movement who will reject Stalin as a true Marxist Leninist, anti revisionist leader, the intended enemy under the slogan of “Stalin equals Hitler” is no other than Marxist Leninist revolutionaries and thus no other than socialist ideology and socialism itself.

The fact then is that the imperialists and dominant classes use and will use anti-Stalinism to justify their fascist repression, imprisonment, torture and murder of any revolutionary attempt against their power and against their imperialist masters. That is why Trotskyism is nothing but an ideological tool in the hands of imperialists to create confusion, to manipulate the minds of masses and their behavior concurrent with the manipulation, to repress the revolutionary movements with the use of any means necessary.

Anyone who is ignorant of the this fact, and sees Trotskyism as a Marxist movement will, intentionally or otherwise, be ratifying the false realities and manipulation and thus will be serving to the interest of bourgeoisie.

Since the bourgeoisie equals Socialism with Stalinism in reality, Stalinism with Hitlerism in false reality, every revolutionary has to defend Stalin at the minimum as a staunch Marxists Leninist leader. .

Marxism is learned from its original source, not from western professional bourgeois writers in various disguise including real or the disguise of Trotskyism. As once Che Guevara noted, in order to learn Marxism,””” It would be necessary to publish that complete works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and other great Marxists. Here would come to the great revisionists, well analyzed, more professionally than any other and also your friend Trotsky, who existed and apparently wrote something." Che Guevara, Letter to Armando Hart

Erdogan Ahmet
April 22, 2010

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