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"Democracy and Totalitarianism"

by Felix Gorelik

In the counter-revolutionary changes in the USSR and other countries that were building socialism, the last elections in the Ukraine again confirmed the correctness of the thoughts of V.I. Lenin regarding socialist and bourgeois democracy. All the former and present lies and propaganda about this "democracy" begs the answer as to the actual difference between the two. Dialectical analyses and logic, points to one or the other conclusion. Bourgeois ideology, in order to hide its real meaning, uses only formal logic. These "ideologues" are putting on the same level the Soviet state and its democracy and counterposing it to fascist Germany, "communism" and "fascism". They point out that in Germany and in the USSR there was only one party in power. Thus this kind of system is called "totalitarian" and is opposed to "democracy", which embellishes itself with many political parties, elections, changes of parties and their government with another party and government, "rights of man", "pluralism" in the countless newspaper and media.

Where are the lies in this presentation? Lenin taught that every question is based on the question of the classes, making this fact known to the people. Only a simple question needs to be asked: Which class is in power in the country? In whose interests is the political system geared? To which class does the means of production belong? Then the answer becomes very clear. Marx, Engels, Lenin wrote volumes on this question. The class which rules in the economy, to which belongs the means of production, shall utilize all mass production means, shall grab all power politically in order to rule. Capitalism utilizes all forms of rule, fascist rule, and "democratic" rule, but having one thing in common - it's the dictatorship of the financial oligarchy. The role of the government that is led by the Communist Party is to guarantee the rule of the working class, and that is why the composition of the Communist Party in its majority should be composed of the working class - workers, farmers and peoples intelligentsia - thus they shall guarantee that the interests of the workers are looked after and defended.

The meaning of the word "democracy" and "people's rule" is synonymous. Most countries or peoples are composed of over 95% workers. That is why only workers rule can be classified as democratic! That is why V.I. Lenin always stated that the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is the highest form of democracy, as people's rule!

I, as a teacher by profession, saw with my own eyes how the party organized around our school, the building of all necessary components utilizing all workers, teachers together to build what is and what was needed by our school, district, region - and it was done.

Because of the imperialistic encirclement and constant danger of war, we could not have built and manufactured everything that was needed or that we could have accomplished.

We are always asked and derided as to why did we only have one candidate in the elections - there was no choice! But these elements fail to tell the people that each candidate was discussed by the trade union organizations and workers councils. Those that were nominated as candidates to Parliament were worthy candidates, having procured the majority of votes at countless meetings, believed in by their peers and workmates who grilled all candidates and elected the best and the most honest and dedicated ones. I do not see the necessity of many parties and many candidates. This process is just demagogy, to struggle for power in one's personal interests thus giving the opportunity for anti-peoples candidates through demagogy, vote buying influence... and we see this now in front of our eyes and the consequent results.

Interests of the one party system is saved only until such time that the communist party is the party of the workers. History now gave us a bitter lesson. Under the weight of bureaucracy, when the top leadership of the party is out of the control of the working class, of the majority of party members, it then becomes a closed knit "nomenklatura" system and loses contact with the masses... thus giving credence to personal rule. That is why socialist democracy is only possible when there is internal party democracy, struggle against "personal leadership", basing itself on the masses, which are united around the Soviet of Deputies, organized in the shop levels.

Is it possible to have "people's rule" when capitalism rules the country? This is shown by the "Independent" Ukraine where the workers have the choice to elect this or that person who represents the capitalist class or the capitalist oriented party. The opportunity to elect a genuine representative of the working class or the left parties is at a minimum. The last results of the elections in Lugansk Ukraine should serve as an example. For the third time the rich capitalist industrialist Kolomoytsev in Lugansk was elected plus Borzykh. Kolomoytsev was a consultant to president Kuchma, rabid "reformist" anti- communist. Borzykh, formally a Director of a "State Farm", but in actuality the owner of this "state farm", member of the parliamentary group "Reform", voted for all anti-people laws in parliament. And only one Communist - secretary of the City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, F. Maramazin was able to win from the Lugansk district.

How was it possible that the workers voted for this their own class enemy, responsible for their present plight? Well here is the "democracy" which raises its ugly head. Before the actual elections, the state paid out the unpaid wages, gave money to where they felt would produce the best publicity propaganda. According to one member of RUKH (an organization not known for sympathy towards communists) it cost $3 million dollars to be able to be elected to the Parliament of the Ukraine on average. This money buys constant TV ads, radio, press, posters, leaflets, parties. These "candidates", sometimes for 1 or 2 hours, were on TV telling all sorts of lies about their deeds for the people, etc., etc. Wherever a person turned you could not get away from this constant barrage.

But there was another secret weapon that these candidates used. This owner of the "State Farm" was sending into the cities gallons of milk, selling it at 35 kopeks, but not at 50 kopeks as other farms were doing. He told people that this is how he cares about the misery of the people, plus giving free milk to needy children.

Unfortunately the people voted for this "good Samaritan" not understanding that this same "benefactor" voted for all anti-people laws that are being enacted on behalf of the transnational corporations and the International Monetary Fund. His main propaganda was against the pensioners, who always voted for the Communist candidates. He opened up a special store only for pensioners, veterans, where he sold goods during the election time for very low prices. He also published his own newspaper called the "Veteran" which were given out free, plus medicines for older people. On every holiday, he gave a bottle of "brandy", "chocolates" to veterans. He also sent 300 pensioners to a Sanatorium but it was found out that the money came from the top echelons of the government), with a special convoy which was headed by scores of priests, leading a procession, like sheep to slaughter... all this was constantly on TV day and night.

Of course he won the elections for the third time!

These "candidates" are supported by both internal and external enemies. Such "candidates" all over the Ukraine are needed by the present regime in order to hide the underlying sell-out that is going on. These elements, getting in under such circumstances, are now in the majority in Parliament and thus the IMF and Kuchma can rely on them to vote for its policies, for NATO, etc., etc.

Against them were running a Socialist and a Communist, no finances and no unity, thus they split the votes and the reactionary nationalists got in!

Other methods of running candidates supported by the present regime is to have these candidates run as "independents" thus trying and sometimes succeeding in fooling the voters that they are anti-reform "candidates". Here are some figures that will show you that people are beginning to see through all this fog of lies. In Lugansk district, the candidates of the CPU received 46% of the votes while the bloc of Socialists and Village parties received 50% of the votes! The Party of Kuchma received only 2.8%. Nationalists and RUKH and others did not receive even 1%. In Western Ukraine, the hotbed of Ukrainian nationalism, the Communists were not able to reach any significant percentage of votes. Because of the lack of finances for leaflets, newspapers, radio or TV ads, plus the blackout imposed by Kuchma authorities, it is no wonder that the results were so low.

Even though overall the Communists did gain in seats, everything remains the same. The capitalist system is intact. This is guaranteed by the present Constitution, which is only possible to change by the President... parliament is impotent to change anything.

What kind of "democracy" is this when the voice of the President has the sole right and not the Parliament? This means that Kuchma alone has more rights than the 400 members of the Ukrainian Parliament! President Kuchma (as does President Yeltsin) has the right to disband parliament if the Communists should win a majority of deputies in the Parliament. Where lies and money do not buy votes, there is always the dictatorship of the president and the army, militia and the courts!

Another example which I'm certain the world does not know is the fact that the leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine - N. Vitrenko who was elected had her mandate as Deputy revoked because she dared criticize President Kuchma in pre-election meetings. The reason given by the judge in handing her this sentence was that "she influenced the electorate..."! Also another example of "democracy" in action - the Editor of the newspaper "Soviet Luganshina", a Communist newspaper, was severely beaten up. V. Steletskij had to be hospitalized. The Chairman of the Election Commission of the City of Popasnaya threw himself out of a window and left a note saying: "I know what's going on now in the elections." The head of Lugansk District Committee of the government was fired from his post because the governmental party received only 2.8% of the votes.

The lesson is clear: You cannot by "parliamentary", "constitutional" methods change the bourgeois system. This is guaranteed by the adopted Constitution which unfortunately even some "communists" voted for. The only method is to organize all the people for revolutionary activity and struggle, utilizing all forms of struggle and tested in battles of history.

Bourgeois "democracy" is masked always but it is "totalitarian" - dictatorship of mighty Capital!
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