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Once Again About Anti-Stalinism

Prof. Vladimir Herasymchuk

The latest events in the Ukraine, as in all of the other Republics of our Motherland, show us clearly that the revolutionary struggles are growing step by step and getting hotter and more resolute. But unfortunately the struggles have not yet reached the position of being effective. This is explained in part by the fact that amongst the workers and farmers there is still no effective leader.. At the same time the people who are heading the various parties and movements, sometimes do not have the skills or are purposely leading their members in the wrong direction. But how can you recognize a genuine leader from a pseudo-demagogue, hiding himself under popular phrases their own hidden interior? It is the truth, that the criteria of political correctness in the first place is his or her attitude to the ownership of production and the dictatorship of the proletariat. We should not be afraid to use this terminology! The meaning of the dictatorship of the proletariat is in essence, the state of the workers, who live from the products of the production. In this regard it is necessary to understand, that "children of cooks" managed the Soviet State much better than the present mayors and presidents. Is this not the truth? It is sad only, that "fat cats", taking advantage of the common people, left the working class and now they themselves arc seated on the throne and ruining the country.

The power before was in the hands of workers and farmers. They governed as they thought best, under the most difficult of conditions. And overall they governed very well. The Communists were the ones that governed, planned and got results with J.V Stalin as the leader of the Motherland. That is why the enemies of the working class of the world have concentrated their attacks against this person. They conjured of this brilliant leader a completely opposite picture, which absolutely does not live up to reality. Unfortunately they managed to present this picture to the people. Therefore, in order to give rebirth and to resurrect our Motherland, the Soviet Union, socialism is impossible without opening these lies to scrutiny and facts for everyone to see. The rapid rise of the Soviet Union, its people, its industry and agriculture, the personality of Stalin... must be shown to the world as the correct path to the future.

Everyone knows that in the struggles against opportunism and revisionism J.V. Stalin defended the purity of Marxism-Leninism. Not looking at the terrible external situation in which the Soviet Union had to build and exist, Stalin led the country to the first place in the world. Again, let us ask - was this not the truth? Therefore to throw away the role of the leader in our history - in the scientific knowledge of the development of our country and of Marxism-Leninism in daily life is to throw away the ideas of socialism and communism. In the present time we know that anti-Stalinism turns into anti-communism. These enemies who mask their speeches with revolutionary slogans and pseudo-socialist slogans - in reality this in nothing but opportunism. Therefore the present leaders who say that they are leading the working class, but throw away the legacy and historical significance of Stalin, cannot be political allies in the present struggle. The question here is not about the personage of J.V. Stalin as a concrete personality... the essence is about his teachings, his ideals, his struggles, in his politics as a leader of the communist movement.

Our main task - to defend Marxism-Leninism from anti-Stalinism, to cleanse it from the husks of opportunism, the ones who are against the dictatorship of the proletariat and for the ownership of production. Only by methodically dissecting the tenets of anti-Stalinism, pointing out that it is nothing but bourgeois- liberal, anti-people cover-up, can we concretely proceed to fight and struggle for the power of the working class. This is exactly what the present ruling Mafia is afraid of - the rebirth of the truth about J.V. Stalin. But the fact is this, that the work and the leadership of Stalin never died. He is living today and will in the hearts and minds of Soviet people.

The class struggles in this contemporary world of ours has become more bitter. Therefore do not be surprised by the fact that anti-Stalinism is being pushed at a feverish pitch - this is meant to defuse, disarm and disunite the working class in their struggles. Unfortunately, the leaders of the opportunist parties have managed to split the working class in our country. Playing footsie with Imperialism, they travel further and further to the right. As an example, when the Chairman of the Socialist Party of Ukraine Moroz was asked as to how he can explain the fact of his party departing from Marxism-Leninism, he said, that "he cannot at this time give a concrete answer" to that question(?!). This is just another example of the opportunistic road over which the Socialist Party of Ukraine is traveling, and it is on their anti-Stalinism, telling the audience to give it to the "archive of Lenin" to be studied. No, my dear "children - democrats"! A study of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin never dies. Is this not so?

Yes, the left parties and movements are rising up and moving against the reactionary governments but not in a united front of struggle. That is why a political union-unity at this time is not possible as yet. But, our paths sometimes might come together in some concrete problems that arise against the governing Mafia. Of course, the coordination of such a common struggle is possible, and it must be said necessary. But this does not mean that we are abandoning our principles. We must be always cognizant of the orientation in the class struggle. The tactics must be followed as was practiced by Lenin and Stalin. This orientation tactics must be understood by the working class. To present these tactics in popular form - this must be our task. This task is to make certain that the means of production belong to the working class. Only the working class and its ownership of the means of production can guarantee the benefits to all of the people.

One more thing - can anyone have any grounds to disagree that only this path will lead to socialism - meaning the dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin and Stalin fought all their lives that the working class shall be victorious over capitalism. The contemporary Bolsheviks are leading towards this goal.


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