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Moscow, March 17, 1921

Mr. Washington B. Vanderlip Dear Sir,

I thank you for your kind letter of the 14th, and am very glad to hear of President Harding's. favourable views as to our trade with America. You know what value we attach to our fu­ ture American business relations. We fully recognise the part played in this respect by your syndicate and also the great im­ portance of your personal efforts. Your new proposals are highly interesting and I have asked the Supreme Council of National Economy to report to me at short intervals about the progress of the negotiations. You can be sure that we will treat every rea­ sonable suggestion with the greatest attention and care. It is on production and trade that our efforts are principally concentrat­ ed and your help is to us of the greatest value.

If you have to complain of some officials please send your com­ plaint to the respective People's Commissary who will investigate the matter and report if necessary. I have already ordered spe­ cial investigation concerning the person you mention in your let­ ter.

The Congress of the Communist Party has taken so much of my time and forces that I am very tired and ill. Will you kindly excuse me if I anı unable to have an interview with you just now. I will beg Comrade Chicherin to speak with you shortly.

Wishing you much success I remain.

Yours truly,

Wl. Oulianoff (Lenin)

Vol. 45, pp. 98-99
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