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APO the Leader of PKK in his own words.

""Marxism cannot be reconciled with nationalism, be it even of the "most just", "purest", most refined and civilized brand. In place of all forms of nationalism Marxism advances internationalism, the amalgamation of all nations in the higher unity,..

The principle of nationality is historically inevitable in bourgeois society and, taking this society into due account, the Marxist fully recognizes the historical legitimacy of national movements. But to prevent this recognition from becoming an apologia of nationalism, it must be strictly limited to what is progressive in such movements, in order that this recognition may not lead to bourgeois ideology obscuring proletarian consciousness.""" V. I. Lenin , Critical Remarks on The national Question 

Stressing the fact and clarifying the deceitful, false claims disseminated in a rewritten history by the Bourgeois Nationalists in English and Spanish on internet claiming that Mr. Apo was one of the founder of THKP/C ;
He was NOT the founder or the leader of any Marxist Leninist movement nor was he a member of any - rejected by all as nationalist. He was a Bourgeois Nationalist from the get go, paying lip service to Marxism Leninism which was dominant then, for the sake of opportunism.
Without any further comment; these are few of the extracts from Apo’s speeches, writings and interviews which should give an idea on his political views on Marxism Leninism, on his (mixed and borrowed) political views , on murders and environmental destruction and may be a little bit more in psych sense. I will let the reader decide.

Regarding Political view;
"I call my own model 'Great Democratic Solution'. I call that the model of surpassing the US and the EU...I also call on the Military General Staff. One of their representatives in the investigation said, "Let's not leave the solution of the problem to the USA and Europe, let's settle it between ourselves"(Özgür Politika, 23-24 August 2003)
"Marx, just says his words. My situation is very different, for me, to say words is the simplest part of job. Lenin says (speaks of) his organizational principles, for me, to say(speaks of)   organizational principles also is a very simple task. They say (speak of) class struggle.  It is a very simple ordinary task for me to say(speaks of) class struggle. I had already learned all of them long ago as in ABC format, I have tossed it aside. There are much more that I have done ..."" 

"Lenin, on these issues, is not deep enough as much as we are. And maybe he cannot make much sense. We're just like a great master at this point. Lots that Lenin couldn’t think, we actually are handling and applying in depth."

"Lenin is also limited and even helpless in solving the problems within organization. It stands like a kind of intellectual. Mine is a stormy militancy.  (Mine) is warrior-ship, to one’s great relationships to one’s (inner) cells. It does not come to Lenin‘s mind, as Mao’s mind too. Ours is much further. We have definitely progressed at the level of warring, at the organization level."

"I am in a great war like the prophet of the era. In other words, beyond being philosopher, ours can be defined as a little prophetic action too. Now I understand better. Here is what you are saying, 'a three thousand year decline.' If this is true, the answer has to be a little prophetic. I do not regard myself as a prophet in a way people understand. But with some qualities it looks a little like a prophetic rise ..."

"considering us  to be only as a philosopher, is an underestimation. I'm not even a believer. I'm trying to be with some current-era prophetic  feature ..."

"Philosophers are pitiful at this point. Even politicians and political scientists are pitiful. My level is very different. I am like (philosophy) turned into great action. I say in a minute what the philosophers will say in a lifetime."

"What the Politicians could be doing in fifty years, I can do it in one day. I am such a productive technique. .." (Serxweb's, No. 179, November 1996); Apo interview with a political Science Student and from the book Abdullah Öcalan Weşanên Serxwebûn 85
"Once I was a Muslim too. And I still  guard the revolutionary essence of Islam against persecution. I see that Islam is not applied to our country. I reacted to it and I got away from Islam. I embraced socialism. Then I looked at socialism they have made it Turkish socialism ... I went against it. At this base, I went against the fake practice of Islam, and  applied socialism in Kurdistan . Today a great revolution led by the PKK emerged. I'm not saying that I only applied to socialism Kurdistan, we are for the first time applying the Islamic revolutionary principles to Kurdistan. "(Berxwedan, Issue 168 February 15, 1994)" 
"...  equation of PKK with classic communist parties is not a correct assessment . Ideological and political line of the Party, is not in classic communist style as told ...""

"Let me say clearly; real socialism and the parties giving directions to her, as they did not assess the the Kurdish reality accurately, they even offer the most basic materials in its denial, and in strengthening of TC. As People and parties we have seen more harm (from) this socialism.""  (“Özel Savaşın Sol Devşirmeleri”, Özgür Ülke, 2 Kasım 1994) Öcalan, Ali Fırat imzasıyla
"But I can comfortably clarify that our understanding of socialism could not be without democracy in such countries where reel socialism was dominant, (where) individual is constantly reduced, the state constantly strengthened. We are tightly committed to even more pluralistic than pluralism in capitalist countries, a democratic understanding, an understanding that the state government in the classic sense is removed. Again, state capitalism and socialism based on it, is an economic approach we do not adopt; we believe in the need of an economic regime that can freely develop one's skills. We have a reaction to all ideologies which prevent the development of individuals, on behalf of the state... "(Serxweb's, No. 160, April 1995) 
"Now this is very clear: There cannot be any resistance of the people without partyeven so, there cannot be any people without me. Some may find this exaggerated, but that's what's being realized now. If it were not for my thirty-year adjustment, such a birth of the people of Kurdistan would be a fairy tale. Without my such action, no democracy would have developed in Turkey. I do not say this, others those who have been fighting for democracy for forty-five years in Turkey say this. No one should say, he exaggerates himself. That's what those who are sane are saying. "(Political Report submitted to PKK 5th Congress, June 1995, p.130) 
"You will be great enough to appeal to all humanity when necessary. You will behave like a proletariat when you need it, you will know if it is necessary to handle a petty bourgeoisie, or even a big bourgeoisie, and a landlord. You will have things to offer to all .... "(Presented to the 5th Congress of the PKK Political Report, June 1995, p. 137) 
"The PKK movement, at a time when socialism has been declining around the world, proceeding with the same rhetoric and by adding commentary on socialism, has become a popular and increasingly regional movement, . Examination and lessons will open new horizons for the revolutionaries of the region. "(Berxwedan, Sayı: 159, 15 Mayıs 1993)

" even if we were not ready at the beginning and we are quite a national movement,  the current international conditions, regional developments, are bringing the PKK spokesmanship to the representation of a universal socialism, to its representation, it is almost forcing it,."
(Serxwebun, Sayı: 137, Mayıs 1993, s. 12) 

"The PKK experience is a movement that reached the greatest socialist action and its ideological line at a time when the real socialism that has reached the balance with capitalist imperialism around the world has been dissolved because of its internal bottleneck and therefore socialism is desired to be reduced to a very low level." (Serxwebun, May 1993, pp. 12)
Calling the capitalist restoration as the bourgeois-democratic revolution
"Earlier, in the October Revolution, it was said that 'we quickly moved from the current bourgeois-democratic revolution to socialism'. Undoubtedly, socialist practices also developed. But on the other hand, the bourgeois-democratic revolution also persisted; ultimately declared victory with Gorbachev and Yeltsin.” (Socialism and Revolution Problems, Istanbul, MELSA Publications, 1992)
On October Revolution
“It is often said that the October Revolution was a revolution that gave birth prematurely, thus leading to a form of socialism built on severe constitutional diseases and which could not escape dissolution.”  (“Günümüzde Sosyalist Hamlenin Bazı Özellikleri”, Serxwebun, Sayı: 137, Mayıs 1993)

“Although the October Revolution was an important one, it should not be exaggerated, especially as "it divided the world into two camps and led to a rapidly developing communist revolution".” (Socialism and the Problems of Revolution)

“If we are going to talk about a socialist renewal today, it is necessary to capture the level of contradictions well. It is clear that it is no longer possible to fight imperialist capitalism and colonialism with 19th century workers' literature and its ideological weapons. Nor can it be fought with the weapons of national liberation of the 20th century. The stage at which the contradictions arrive is different. This difference is also reflected in the solutions.” (Socialism and the Problems of Revolution)

“Just as the capitalist-imperialist system has turned the balance of man with nature into a very dangerous contradiction of destruction, its social organization has also taken humanity to the relationship of consumption. So this has led to two fundamental global contradictions. ...... Being able to solve such a comprehensive contradiction can update socialism. Therefore, it cannot be satisfied with a narrow definition of class.” (“Some New Features of the Socialist Movement Today”, Serxwebun, Issue: 137, May 1993)

“If socialism is to be talked about – and this is our contribution to socialism – how should we deal with capitalist history, the individual, society, the world, and even the state? We can bring more innovations to the concepts of socialism, especially if we have an approach that starts with the individual and leads to environmental problems. In fact, it is not realistic to develop class-based analyzes. Because these concepts are the concepts of the 19th century. The working class of Marx and, in a sense, Lenin's period, existed neither in the East nor in the West. This kind of working class is a bit stuck in very backward countries like Kurdistan.” (Problems of Socialism and Revolution, p. 253)
In relation to Turkish Bourgeois state and imperialists;
"If they (USA and EU) have interests that has no boundaries,  If the Middle East is concerned, let them say it openly and let's talk about it. "(Yeni Politika, 18 Temmuz 1995)

Letter to US President Bill Clinton, dated October 13, 1995
“I would like to once again undertake that our Party is ideologically different from the classical communist parties, and I would like to state that we do not make an insistent effort to change Turkey's current borders and to leave. We also reject any form of terrorist activity. I would like to convey that we, as the Party, are ready for a peaceful solution for both the Kurdish and Turkish peoples and the peace and stability of the region. I believe.” (Ö. Politica, October 22, 1995)

""The army cares about Turkey more than any other party. We see that some changes in CHP, the party of the Army, are desired to be brought to the agenda. The CHP has to go to reform. Because, CHP does not go to reforms, it means that the army does not go to reform, which accelerates the collapse. If The military wants to keep Turkey, must accept the reforms. Because of that, he (army) is smart enough not to leave this work to others. Thus, instead of expecting these reforms from this or that party, it must be expected from the army. "(Ozgur Politika, October 3, 1995) 

"We know this TÜSİAD  (Association of business) very well, they have supported the right-wing, most fascist regimes, governments with all their power, on 12 March, 12 September, even 91 coup d’état. But now it's acting even before the left (acts for democratic program). It wants to take an initiative in discussing it with a very advanced democratic political program, an approach which gives it a priority. Europe is asking this too. This is the precondition of European capital. "(Ö. Politika, 9 Şubat 1997)

"If I would have ignored the international political equilibrium, the necessities of diplomacy, even for one day, you could not have fought for such a long time, not even one day. Here too, you have a great lack of consciousness ... "(Serxwebun, Issue 188, August 1997) 

"If you are in doubt that destroying the state will not be beneficial to anyone, then you must be ready and open to reorganization ... "(Serxwebun, 191, November 1997)

"Some say the (military) intervention is anti-democratic, intervention is forcing democracy etc.; just the opposite is anti-democratic. So if the army is in for a serious political mission-–and it is- it should intervene more. In the name of democracy. It is clear that these political demagogues (politicians) are the greatest threat to democracy. "(Özgür Politika, 12 April 1998)
From the letter A. Öcalan to the Turkish state authorities:
"What I can do, to the extent of my power, is to put a stop to this trend, which has already exceeded the purpose of the PKK, and has become a tool of personal benefiting and  of huge foreign power...What is important is that all the strategic powers I mentioned earlier have already created their own Kurd, their formation, and they have even prepared their plans to parcel out the PKK as the main power besides me...” (ÖzgürPolitika, July 7, 1999)
From Öcalan's speech supporting military and  a military coup:
"We do not find a disintegration within the current borders of Turkey very suitable for our political purposes...In other words, if the army is in a serious political mission – and it is – it should intervene more, In the name of democracy. Because it is clear that these political demagogues are the greatest danger to democracy.” (Özgür Politika, 12 Nisan 1998)

"I said that we see the restructuring of the state on the basis of the pluralism of peoples as the most important exit. And most importantly, a ceasefire is reasonable for the parties, I said that the parties will not suffer from it. These were the main points of the letter. But I have not yet received a response from the generals. If the answer comes, it will be positive, if not, I believe that we will be more successful with war." (Özgür Politika, 6 Nisan 1998)
From Öcalan's article in which he proposes turning the guerrilla into a police force:
“Guerrilla can also be discussed... Guerrilla (note that I'm not saying of the Kurdish people) is the calling force of democracy in Turkey. It is the engine of the democratic institutionalization of the peoples in Turkey. If these duties are fulfilled, for example, democracy is fulfilled and the rights of peoples are guaranteed. Then there would be no need for a separate guerrilla. What will we do with the guerrilla? How can we make the guerrilla the security of the people, the militia force? So the militia isn't necessary? There are even civil defense units in Turkey. We turn the guerrilla into civil defense units. Could there be a more practical solution than this? In this way, something they feared as a guerrilla would be easily overcome, if they wanted a solution.” (Özgür Politika, 8 Şubat 1998)
At a time when the murders of Communists by PKK became widespread he justifies;
"Many left-wing groups whatever they call themselves, their place in fact is with MHP (fascist party). The place of those who wear their left, left like names to themselves is now with the party of Turkes (leader of fascist party). Those important remnants of Revolutionary Path …those so called Marxists ….those whose job is the critique of PKK ….. It is best (for them) to leave their groups and parties and organize in MHP!  "(Ozgur Ülke, 25 October 1994) Ocalan, Ali Firat
When in October 1993, 4 TDKP members were killed and six were injured, 2 TKP (M-L) revolutionaries were killed, 4 TKP (M-L) sympathizers were kidnapped, 4 villagers were kidnapped, and 6 teachers were killed Apo explains as warning;
"In an environment where a big showdown with the state started, provocations were tried to be put into action, and those who had nothing to do with the people and the left (Communists) began to side with the special war....Some forces wearing left masks have undertaken the mission of KDP, Hizb-i contra and village guard. Therefore, a stern warning has been issued. It should be known that if they insist on the same path, our stance will become tougher." (ERNK European Organization statement, Özgür Gündem 14-15 October 1993)
How he sees Communists and justifies the murders of them;
"Concerns are growing for a wide range of segments of the Turkish left. Whether they are activists or such leftists, they are all forms of leftism that is extremely state-dependent and does not harm the state. They should not be called leftism or anything like that. These should be considered as some left masked private organizations of the state, some organizations that are encouraged and indirectly supported to meet some needs." ("The Left Recruitment of Private War", Özgür Ülke, November 2, 1994)
Yet as seen from above quotes it is clear who is trying to compromise with the state even offering the guerilla to state as police. Hypocrisy is that killing communists as state-dependent is common, yet not in their history killing one high ranking state bureaucrat -military or otherwise- is seen. Aside from communists, the targets have always been largely the average people, economy and environment.
"While our Leader was kept in hell conditions in the middle of the sea; It should be known that the cost of vacationing by the sea and in touristic areas is bombs and death.
"We state once again that tourism centers are among our primary goals, and we also warn tourists who are considering choosing Turkey for their holiday; We will not be responsible for the consequences of our actions that we will develop in fascist Turkey, especially in tourism centers ...Do not contribute to the special war regime, dirty fascist practices and the profits of bloody politicians by coming to Turkey. Every foreign currency you provide to Turkey returns as bombs, bullets and massacres on our people and our children." (TAK) statement dated April 29, 2006)
After making such calls, his hypocrisy lies in the admission of crimes;
"... The killing of innocent people, which is not in the tradition of our party, without disregard if they are  children or not, without any decision.

We were worried at first, we said no, this must be the work of counter-guerrilla. Then we saw that it was done by our guerilla, we were in great pain to bear the moral responsibility of this. We made a great effort to fix it, but this method was not abandoned. They even massacred those who gave them bread and water. In other words, they see it as enough to punish a period in which people compete even in usefulness, and they shoot. They kidnap 12-year-old children, no military law does that. They punish many people, especially the university youth, who come in waves while kidnapping them, under the accusation of 'metropolitan boy'.
Yet as it continues to  justification and blaming the "people"; 
Our people are in a state of indignation against the aggravated isolation on our Leader. Due to this situation, various groups may have justified protests. Although some of them exceeded their aims, the forces that continue their attacks against our people are responsible for this. It is a known situation that the Kurdish youth and the patriotic Kurdish people will not remain silent in the face of attacks based on the most advanced technique of the age. It can be seen that there are difficulties in organizing the growing anger of the Kurdish people and youth in the form of controlled actions. It should be known that it is difficult to prevent the anger of the people in the face of such implementation of state terror." (KCK, 10 January 2008, statement on Diyarbakır attack)
Yet admision is clear;
"Our people have received this instruction from its National Leader, President Apo, and no power has the authority to cancel or degenerate this instruction. There is only one instruction, and that is the instruction of President Apo. What falls to us and our people is to fulfill the requirements of that instruction. This instruction can only be invalidated by a second instruction from President Apo himself.... All kinds of violence are justified and legitimate in Turkey and Kurdistan without any discrimination. All kinds of institutions, organizations and individuals, whether civilian or military, that develop hostility towards our people are the targets of the Kurdish people." (PKK Başkanlık Konseyi bildirisi Özgür Politika, 20 Şubat 1999)
Forest fire provocation call;
"A large part of our people are in the metropolis, in Antalya, İzmir or Istanbul;

Well, there are hundreds of thousands of you, is it difficult to light a match and burn a forest?

Is it hard to throw a small explosive into the factory? Is it difficult to burn down a fascist's shop, a fascist's association in one night? If three young people unite, burn a certain shop or factory, start a forest fire in a hundred places. If they burn Kurdistan, you can answer like this... (Zafere Kadar Savaş, " Serxwebun Ağustos 1994 sayı 152)
I believe the quotes above will give a clear understanding of Apo and PKK to anyone who has the grasp of the basics of Marxism Leninism.

Quotes Translated by Erdogan A
Feb 9, 2016

Must read -

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