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The Defeat of the Tamil Tigers and the PKK

November 02, 2009

A look at the theory of the Right of Nations to Self-Determination.

In his article titled "The Fate of the Tamil Tigers and the PKK", Garbis Hodja presented his analysis and interpretation of the subject on a strategic and tactical basis in an informative way, and by making a comparison with the PKK, he came to the conclusion that the PKK is less likely to suffer the same or a similar defeat on a strategic and tactical basis, or that there is no possibility of such thing.

One wishes that in his conclusion of these analyses, Garbis Hodja  is right, and the Kurdish working and peasant people will not and should not suffer such a defeat under a leadership like the PKK.

However, Marxists' approach and analysis of events  should not be based on subjective wishes and desires, but in the  light of Marxist theories, regardless of however painful the conclusion is. In this sense, I will try to make an interpretation and comparison on the basis of Marxist theories as briefly as possible.

On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination

When approaching the theory of the right of nations to self-determination, as in almost every basic issue, two historical periods (capitalism -bourgeois democratic revolutions, and imperialism) and the application and practice of the theory according to these periods are confused with each other. In the same way, the question of the nation-State and the emancipation of the national societies (nations) within these nation-states (which has been transferred to the second period) has been detached from its content and meaning, the right of (oppressed)  nation-states  to self-determination has been completely abandoned or, at best, subordinated to the bourgeois liberation struggle of the National societies (minority nations) within this nation-state.

As I tried to emphasize briefly in the article titled "The Right of Nations to Self-Determination and Turkey", this approach, contrary to one of the main goals of the theory and perhaps the most important one,  which is to ensure the trust, cohesion, unity and brotherhood of the peoples (especially within an oppressed nation-state), has led to the formation of distrust, separation, and hostility among the peoples within this nation-state .

The general question has been stripped of its class content and position and transformed into nationalist content and a bourgeois practice of emancipation.

The Imperialists, who claim the right of self-determination of nations with the theories and practice of globalization, in fact, in line with Rockefeller's words "If we increase the number of nation-states/countries in the world to 1000, we will extend our domination over the world for 10,000 years", it aimed to divide, dismember, suppress and destroy the struggles of oppressed peoples, and only, as long as it suits their own interests, they practice the deception of giving the right of self-determination to nations.

The theory of the NRSD advocated by the Marxists is, as the masters stated, "not to  encourage the establishment of small states in any way, but on the contrary, to prepare the establishment of larger states and federations, freer from fear, and therefore wider and more universal." In this sense, the theory of the NRSD has revealed the great differences between the capitalist period and the imperialist period in terms of both theoretical and practical approach.

"In fact," says Lenin, "the practice of recent years has once again confirmed that the  national and colonial question is inseparable from the question of liberation from the domination of imperialism, and that nations and colonies  that do not possess all their rights cannot be liberated without the overthrow of the power of capital."  The Marxist analysis and theory, sadly, constitutes and summarizes the theoretical explanation of the reason for the defeat of the Tamil Tigers.

The essence and content of this theory is that in the period we live in, which corresponds to the imperialist period of "capitalism that has matured and is moving towards a socialist society", Marxists have waged and must wage their irreconcilable struggle against bourgeois nationalism in the "National movements", that it is a period of anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist struggle, and that the theory is  based on the emancipation of (oppressed) nation-states  in general, (dependent on the emancipation of this oppressed nation-state), and this nation-state, It  focuses on the fact that it is about the right of self-determination of national-societies (nations) within it.

Tamil Tigers and UKKTH

The fact that the leadership of the Tamil Tigers is not Marxist Leninist  has led to their isolation (and the Tamil laboring peasant people they lead) from the entire working and peasant people of Sri Lanka,  and explains the  basic theoretical and therefore, practical truth of the formation and deepening of nationalism and animosity within the Nation-State between the nations.

At this point, it  cannot be beyond imagination to argue that the bourgeois emancipation of a national society even if it  is won for a period of time (as long as it is not completely under the guidance and control of imperialism) can not be long-lasting, let alone socialist within that nation-state without ensuring fraternity, solidarity and unity among the working and peasant peoples existing in that nation-state,.

The defeat of the Tamil tigers, who were isolated from the working and peasant population of Sri Lanka, was another bitter proof of this fact.


Tamil Tigers and PKK

Although the history of oppressed peoples within a nation-state differs in form, in essence the oppression of the State has involved , from the denial of freedoms to the rejection of the national character of the national society in question continues to contain the same theory and practice.

In practical terms,  it is a historical fact that the Tamil Tigers were born and developed out of the struggle of the Tamil people, while the PKK seized the revolutionary struggle of the Kurdish working and peasant people  externally with the help of the Nation-State bourgeoisie (consciously or unconsciously) and turned it into a nationalist struggle.

Again, in practical terms (perhaps as an explanation for the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, the massacre of the Tamil people in front of our eyes, the demonstrations in Iran can be broadcast 24 hours a day in all imperialist media, but this massacre was not broadcasted for even 24 seconds), the uncompromising stand of the Tamil Leadership with the imperialists and the calls of PKK leadership for reconciliation not only with the imperialists but also with the nation-state, is another theoretical and practical, difference between the two.

Since our subject is a comparison on a theoretical basis, when we look at it on this basis, we see that neither of them is a Marxist-Leninist leadership, that they do not embrace other working and peasant peoples in the nation-state, that they do not make any effort in this direction,  that they engage in actions targeting the people, and that their practice ensures the formation and ossification of hatred between the peoples… In short, we can see that the practical consequences  of the division and fragmentation of the working and peasant people's power within the nation-state, the Nationalist-ization, opportun-ization, or tail-ization of even the left-wing movements within that nation-state, are not fundamentally different for both.


The theory of the right of nations  to self-determination cannot be reduced to the theory of the self-determination of a national society (nation)  within an oppressed nation-state. The right of self-determination of an oppressed nation-state, that is, the struggle to establish revolutionary democracy by freeing itself from the yoke of imperialism, cannot be secondary and subordinated to the bourgeois liberation struggle of a national society within a given country.

The struggle for revolutionary democracy is a general question, and the liberation of national societies is a special question. It has general priority, specific is subordinated to the general interest.

The struggle over democratic demands is within the minimum program of the general struggle, and the  maximum program cannot be subordinated to the minimum program struggle.

As summarized in an analysis made many years ago, the defeat of the Tamil tigers "has once again confirmed that the national and colonial question is inseparable from the question of liberation from the domination of imperialism,  and that nations and colonies that do not have all their rights cannot be liberated without the overthrow of the power of capital."

The real emancipation of the Kurdish working and peasant people cannot take place independently of the emancipation of all the toiling and peasant peoples in Turkey,  and especially not under a petty-bourgeois leadership such as the PKK.

Lenin's '... The question is not the size of an organization, but the question of the  real and objective meaning of its policy: does it represent the masses, does it serve them, that is, does it  aim to liberate them from capitalism, or does it represent the interests of the minority, or  the reconciliation of the minority with capitalism? The answer to this theory "" will also be the answer to the policy of the PKK leadership, and the question of where it is leading the struggle of Kurdish laboring people.

As I emphasize in every article on this subject;

At this point,  national movements (of the peoples of the nation-state or the national community -nation  within that country)  that do not target and exclude imperialism, do not include real democracy in the maximum program, and do not implement revolutionary solidarity, will be condemned to become toys in the hands of imperialism and the collaborating ruling classes,  and will end up betraying both to their own people and to the revolutionary struggle in the country they live in.

"It will be an inevitable consequence of any revolutionary leadership that contributed to or remained spectators to this betrayal for emotional, opportunist and similar reasons  will meet the same fate.

"Even if it is the most 'just,' the 'pure,' the most refined and the most civilized, Marxism is incompatible with nationalism." Lenin

Erdogan Ahmet

June 2009

* Lenin, both in his speech at a meeting of Activists and on  Imperialism and in many others when he says "nation", speaks of the "nation state" and its people, their liberation from the yoke of imperialism and capitalism, and when he speaks of the oppressed nation within a nation-state, he emphasizes this in particular, or the issue is about the right of self-determination of the nation within a nation-state.

"Oppressed nations constitute not less than seventy percent of the world's population. To these the Peace of Versailles added another hundred or one hundred and fifty million people.

"Now, we are not only representatives of workers of all countries, but also representatives of oppressed peoples. ..... the slogan "Workers of all countries and all oppressed peoples, unite".... Of course, this amendment is wrong from the point of view of the Communist Manifesto, but the Communist Manifesto was written under completely different circumstances... From today's political point of view, change is right." Lenin, Speech Delivered at a Meeting of Activists Of The Moscow Organisation of the R.C.P.(B.) December 6, 1920

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