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Trotskyism and Fascism


THE purpose of the campaign organized by the reformist **■ leaders in defense of the Trotskyite and Zinovievite terorists is not to protect, but to disrupt, proletarian unity and the growing international united front of struggle for the defense of the heroic Spanish people. No evasions can diminish the significance of the fact that all the inveterate enemies of the unity of the work­ing class and of the popular front, all the enemies of democracy, socialism and the Soviet Union, clutch at the pronouncements of the official representatives of the Labor and Socialist Interna­tional and of the International Federation of Trade Unions for the purpose of giving a further impetus to the campaign of slander against the U.S.S.R. 

But the struggle for the united proletarian front has made so much progress, nationally and internationally, since the Leipzig trial that no double-dealing maneuvers on the part of the reac­tionary leaders of reformism can check it.

Both the friends and the enemies of the working class move­ment have already become convinced that united proletarian action and the popular front movement are powerful weapons in the struggle against the offensive of capital, against fascism and against the danger of war. This is proved by the fury with which fascism attacked the popular front at the recent fascist congress at Nuremberg. It is proved also by the growing resistance to the establishment of the united front on the part of the reactionary leaders of reformism. But despite the hopes of these leaders, the desire of the workers for unity is not diminishing! On the con­trary, thanks to the struggle waged by the Communist vanguard, it has grown into a powerful movement of the masses of the people for peace, bread and liberty! And no matter what forme the resistance of the reactionary leaders and their “Left” alliee to proletarian unity may take, it can and will be overcome if sufficient organized pressure is brought to bear by the masses of the workers. 

Comrade Dimitroff referred to the resistance of the reactionary leaders of Social-Democracy to the united action of the working class even when he was in the prisoners’ dock in Leipzig, where, over the head of the fascist court, he explained to the German workers why they had been unable to prevent Hitler from coming into power. 

This thesis, thoroughly analyzed and explained, was taken into account by the Seventh Congress of the Communist International when it formulated its new tactics, and it was emphasized by Comrade Dimitroff in his speech at the Congress when he said: 

“The assistance the Communists render to that section of Social- Democracy which is becoming revolutionary will be the more effective the more we intensify the fight against the reactionary camp of Social-Democ­racy which is participating in a bloc with the bourgeoisie.” 

The pronouncements of Citrine and Co. in defense of the despicable terrorists have been seized upon with such glee by the enemies of the working class precisely because their object was to disrupt the united struggle of the toilers against the fascist enemy. The millions of adherents of unity in the ranks of the Labor and Socialist International and the International Federa­tion of Trade Unions must put a stop to a situation in which the enemies of proletarian unity and slanderers of the land of social­ism can make pronouncements ostensibly in the name of their organizations. It is the duty of all workers, irrespective of their political opinions, to increase their efforts tenfold in the struggle to establish a united proletarian front and popular anti-fascist front, in the struggle against the enemies of proletarian unity whether they come out under the hypocritical mask of friends of unity or not. 

The fine example of proletarian heroism displayed by Com­rade Dimitroff at the Leipzig trial continues to live and develop in the minds and hearts of increasing masses of the workers. This is proved by the titanic, self-sacrificing struggle now being waged in Spain by the Communist, Socialist, Anarcho-Syndicalist and unorganized workers, by the peasants and intellectuals, by all 

champions of democratic liberty and human progress, against the monarchist-fascist rebels who have been armed to the teeth by the bloc of fascist states and international reaction. It is proved by the hundreds and hundreds of cases of Communists and other anti-fascist fighters in fascist prisons and at fascist trials showing by their deeds that they are prepared to sacrifice their lives for the interests of the working class. It is proved by the self-sacri­fice and staunchness of millions of workers during strikes, demon­strations and mass protest meetings against the capitalist offensive, against the fascist menace. Larger and larger masses of workers are displaying in this struggle against fascism the staunchness, self-sacrifice and loyalty to the cause of liberty which Comrade Dimitroff displayed at the Leipzig trial. 

The reformist enemies of proletarian unity assert that the Moscow trial has created an obstacle to the development of the united front. This is not true! The blow at the Trotsky-Zinoviev terrorists is part and parcel of the anti-fascist struggle of the international working class and helps to strengthen unity in its ranks. The exposure of saboteurs and malicious splitters of the working class movement like Trotsky opens the eyes of the work­ers to all renegades and double-dealers no matter what mask they don. It is in the vital interest of all workers, and primarily the Social-Democratic workers, to learn to distinguish their real friends from their concealed enemies, to learn to expose the agents of the class enemy within their ranks and to expel them in good time. It is in the interest of all workers, and primarily, of the Social-Democratic workers, to ascertain in the course of the class struggle which of their leaders who declare themselves to be opposed to splitting the ranks of the workers really support proletarian unity, and which of them, while talking about unity, are only playing a double game. 

The masses of the workers who are inspired by the great vic­tory for socialism in the Land of Soviets will reply to the vicious campaign of the reactionary leaders of reformism, which are seized upon so gleefully by the fascists, by carrying still further, in spite of all obstacles, the banner of proletarian unity which was unfurled by Comrade Dimitroff at the Leipzig trial. 

[1] Referring to the pious hypocrite Yudishka Golovlev in Shchedrin’s novel The Golovlev Family.
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