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Report to the first International Conference of Socialist Women - Belgium Working Women

To the first International Conference of Socialist Women

The National Federation of Women Socialists of Belgium is affiliated to the Labour Party, and has for its aims the realization of the following programme: I. 'rirn Recognition of Woman as a human being and a member of society. II. The right to vote; elegibility for the legislative chambers, provincial and municipal councils, boards of conciliation and arbitration ; and, in general, for all public office. III. The opening to women of all duties and professions, with equality of salary for equal services. IV. A mini­ mum wage such as to grant a woman the power to lead a normal existence. V. Free and compulsory education up to the age of 16 years, the same curriculum being adepted for both sexes; and free admission to technical schools and to all higher educational institutions. VI. State maintenance of orphans up to the age of 18 years. VII. State support of all of either sex who have been invalided by their work. VIII. The prevention of drunkenness and prostitution by the relief of misery; the prevention of war by the well-being of the workers; the fraternity of nations; and the in­ stitution of a tribunal of international arbitration. 

To the federation belong; groups of Women Socialists, so­ called mixed groups that is groups in which men and women are. organized, trade unions, friendly societies, and groups for propaganda, for education and political clubs, so as to establish unanimity of purpose and thus secure the various points mentioned in the pro­ gramme. It actually numbers about 8 groups with about 1000 members. Each year it organizes a Congress, and 3 times a year a general assembly. The Executive, consisting of 8 members is entrsted with the execution of the decisions of the Congress and assemblies. It publishes 2 monthly journals, one in French "La Femme Socialiste", the other in Flemish .De Stern der Vrouw". The Federation publishes tracts and brochures to meet the needs and requirements of the moment; and organizes meetings and conferences. The Women's Federation is represented at the General Council of the Party and has a delegate to the Executive, another to the General Council, and a supplementary delegate, these being entrusted with the demands of the women to the Labour Party. 

Considering the number of members attached to the Labour Party, it is distressing to state tliat our organization is very weak. This is due to the lack of women propagandists, and to apathy and ignorance. 

At our last congress in December, it was decided that, in order to strengthen the organization and form new groups, the bureau of the Federation should communicate with the secretaries of the different districts and three times a year enquire into the moral condition · of each group. 

Since our journals were not thriving satisfactorily, it was decided that each group should pay an annual subscription and distribute the copies to its members. 

At the extraordinary Congress, convened last June by the Labour Party, in view of the Stuttgart Congress. Citizeness Tillmanns presented a report on the conclusions of which had been Women's Suffrage formerly adopted by the Federation. The congress of the Party too agreed to it after discussion and voted unanimously the following resolution: .In view of the fact that women should know, in the interests of all, as well as their own, the laws which they obey, and should assist in the making of the same, this Congress decides: I. That the Labour Party commence an active propaganda throughout the country to convince men of the necessity and utility of female suffrage. II. That the affiliated groups organize conferences and meetings on the subject, and dealing with the social education of women. Ill. To commence an immediate campaign for Women's Suffrage and their eligibility for boards of conciliation and arbitration, Labour bureau, and municipal councils. IV. That the Party decide upon the proper moment to proclaim the right of legislative suffrage for women as stated on the programme: Universal Suffrage, pure and simple, without sex distinction. This resolution is to guide the attitude of the Party's delegates to the Stuttgart Congress. Comrade Van Langendouk proposed, that the reporter, Maria Tillmanns should represent the General Council of the Party at Stuttgart, the motion was carried. 

At the annual Congress of the Labour Party, the Federation's Secretary protested at the indifference of the Party to the point of view of the women's organizations, resolutions of sympathy were passed; and the General Council for the next congress will report on the work done. We hope thus to strengthen existing groups and to form new ones. We look forward to new members who will sow the seeds of Socialism for and wide throughout the world, and demand the rights of women so long denied by the social system of to-day. 

On behalf of the Federation 

Maria Tillmanns, Secretary.
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