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American Imperialism Is Fighting for World Domination


From the Political Education Serious Pamphlet  1952

The United States imperialists tried to utilize the Second World War for the purpose of further usurpation and plunder. During the war they captured new markets and made huge fortunes out of the sale of arms and war material. Thanks to war contracts, the profits of the American capitalists increased threefold; in the five years immediately preceding the war their profits amounted to 17,500 million) dollars but during the six years of the war they amounted to 53,000 million dollars. Thus, a clique of American monopolists made billions out of the blood and suffering of millions of people.

After the war, war contracts diminished, production began to shrink and the menace of an economic crisis hovered over the United States. To maintain and even increase their profits and to stave off the crisis, the United States imperialists began artificially to expand the production of armaments and vigorously to seize new markets. The war had left the industry and agriculture of Europe and Southeast Asia in a state of utter ruin. The American imperialists took advantage of all this to seize new foreign markets and to subject other peoples, including those of the capitalist countries in Europe, to their domination.

One of the major implements the United States imperialists employed for the purpose of enslaving the peoples of Western Europe was the Marshall plan. This was the plan proposed in 1947 by ;General Marshall, then United States Secretary of State, for the economic and political enslavement of the peoples. In conformity with this plan, the American imperialists grant loans to other countries on the monstrous terms and thereby get them entirely into their clutches. 

By means of the Marshall plan the American imperialists have imposed their control over the economy of Western Europe. The governments of the West-European countries are obliged to utilize the loans they receive from the United States only in the way dictated by the American billionaires, that is, mainly for armaments. The countries which accept the Marshall plan are developing primarily those branches of industry which serve the war aims of the United States. 

The American monopolies are flooding the West-European countries with overstocked goods that cannot be sold in the United States and compel these countries to increase the output of those raw materials which the United States needs. The American imperialists have compelled the countries which have accepted the Marshall plan to break off normal economic relations with the Soviet Union and the People's Democracies. All this has still further undermined the economy of the West-European countries: some branches of industry have shrunk considerably, the currency in the European countries has still further depreciated, the masses are sinking deeper into poverty. 

The economic enslavement of the West-European countries is accompanied by their loss of political independence. On all thee major questions of international and domestic policy, the ruling circles of the West-European countries act in conformity with orders received from the American imperialists. The composition of the governments of the bourgeois West-European states and the policy they pursue are dictated by the United States. 

United States intervention in the internal affairs of the European countries assumed even more open forms. The British and American imperialists organized open intervention in Greece. They sent troops, arms and money to that country and with the aid of the reactionary forces there restored the fierce fascist regime. The United States now dictates all the actions of the Greek government; the Greek ministers cannot adopt a single decision without the sanction of the United States ambassador. The latter is the virtual dictator of Greece. 

The American imperialist bosses make no, secret of the fact that their aim is to establish "American world domination," that the United States has set out to create a world-wide American empire. Thus, the United States imperialists want to carry out the same insane plans that the German fascists had tried to carry out.

For the purpose of establishing their world domination, the American imperialists are openly preparing for a new world war. In the 1951-1952 budget year, the Unit-ed States will spend sixty times more for war purposes than it spent in 1938-1939 and twice as much as it spent in 1941-1942, i.e., at the height of the Second World War. In Great Britain and France, direct expenditure for war purposes in 1951 will be twice as high as in 1949. The total armed forces of the United States, Great Britain and France exceed 5,000,000 men, which is several times more than the armed forces of these countries before the Second World War. 

The American imperialists have created numerous air and naval bases thousands of kilometres away from the shores of America. The United States has turned the whole of its economy to war purposes. It is expanding war production to the utmost and is piling up huge stocks of armaments, particularly of atom bombs and other weapons for the mass extermination of the civilian population. 

In an interview granted a Pravda correspondent, published on February 17, 1951, Comrade Stalin pointed out that in the United States, Great Britain and France there are aggressive forces that are thirsting for war. "They need war in order to rake in super profits and to plunder other countries. These are the billionaires and millionaires, who regard war as a paying proposition yielding gigantic profits. 

"These aggressive forces hold the reactionary governments in their grip and direct them. But at the same time they fear their peoples, who do not want another war and stand for the maintenance of peace. They are therefore trying to use the reactionary governments to enmesh their peoples in a web of lies, to deceive them and represent another war as a defensive war, and the peaceful policy of the peace-loving countries as an aggressive policy. They are trying to deceive their peoples in order to foist their aggressive plans upon them and inveigle them into another war." 

Like the Hitlerites in their time, the British and American imperialists camouflage their policy of unleashing a new war with the plea that they are fighting Communism. They are waging a campaign of scurrilous slander against the Soviet Union in the endeavour to undermine the high prestige the latter enjoys among the working people all over the world. They are openly calling for war against the Soviet Union. 

Over the radio, in the newspapers, in books and magazines, whole gangs of imperialist hirelings try to scare the people with the fictitious danger of war, which they falsely allege is threatening from the side of the Soviet Union and the People's Democracies; they have let loose a flood of lies and slander against the Soviet Union, the Chinese People's Republic, the European People's Democracies and the working class and democratic movements. The American imperialists are conducting what they call a cold war, stirring up war hysteria and artificially creating a tense war situation, of which the armaments manufacturers and warmongers are taking advantage. 

The British and American warmongers have dragged the Hitlerite "race theory" into the light again. Churchill and the other warmongers assert that only the English-speaking nations are fit nations and should rule over all the other nations of the world. But the other nations, which constitute the overwhelming majority .of the world's population, have no desire to become the slaves of the British and American imperialists. 

The American imperialists are forming all sorts oi alliances for the purpose of conducting the war they are preparing for. In violation of all their obligations, they are disrupting peaceful collaboration with the Soviet Union and the People's Democracies and are striving to organize a united front of capitalist countries against them. 

In 1949, the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Portugal and Iceland signed the North-Atlantic pact, which is directed against the Soviet Union and the People's Democracies, and against the national-liberation movement and democratic forces all over the world. 

The North-Atlantic pact is an instrument for the open and direct preparation of a new imperialist war and for the enslavement of the West-European countries by American imperialism. In conformity with this pad, the bourgeois governments of the West-European countries have provided the American imperialists with war bases in their territories, have subordinated their armed forces to American command, and have placed their industry under the control of the American capitalists.

In preparing to carry out their aggressive plans the American imperialists place great hopes in Western Ger-many. At the conferences of the three powers-U.S.S.R., U.S.A. and Great Britain-held in Yalta and Potsdam in 1945, it was agreed that if universal peace and security is to be established it is absolutely necessary to demilitarize Germany, to prevent her from having armed forces and an armament industry. It was also decided to democratize Germany, i.e., to reorganize her life on new, democratic principles. The object of the decisions that were adopted in Yalta and Potsdam was to create a united, democratic, peaceful Germany. 

But in spite of these decisions, the governments of the United States, Great Britain and France, whose troops occupied the Western zones of Germany, are preventing the democratization of Gerrmany. The American, British and French authorities persecute the democratic organizations, arrest their leaders, and ban their meetings. On the other hand, they do everything to protect the Hitlerites; they are releasing the war criminals, big German capitalists and fascists and taking them into their service. 

The British and American imperialists are pursuing a policy of splitting Germany. They refuse to set up democratic institutions for the whole of Germany, sabotage the conclusion of a peace treaty with Germany and are trying to perpetuate their cruel occupational regime. They have set up a separate West-German state. The government of this so-called state consists of hirelings of British and American imperialism who are betraying the interests of the German people and are helping the United States to enslave Germany. 

The United States, British and French governments are restoring the armaments industry in Western Ger-many and are reviving the German army. With the object of carrying out their aggressive plans they have abandon-ed the policy of demilitarizing Germany for the policy of remilitarizing her.

The American imperialists are sabotaging another important decision that was adopted at the Potsdam Conference, namely, to democratize and d militarize Japan. The American forces which have occupied Japan are by every means suppressing the democratic movement that has arisen in that country. They are releasing the war criminals and fascists from prison and placing them in power; but, in conjunction with the reactionary Japanese govern-ment, they are persecuting the democratic organizations, prohibit meetings and demonstrations, rob the workers of the right to strike, prohibit the leaders of the Communist Party from engaging in political activities, suppress communist newspapers, and so forth. 

The United States imperialists are reviving the Japanese armed forces and armament industry. The United States government is sabotaging the conclusion of a general peace treaty with Japan and is preparing to conclude a separate treaty with her, which will enable the United States to continue to treat her as a vassal.

Utilizing Japan as a war base, the American imperialists launched open hostilities against the free and independent Korean people. For nearly forty years this country had been ruled by the Japanese imperialists. North Korea was liberated from the Japanese yoke by Soviet troops. South Korea was occupied by American forces. 

After liberating the Korean people, the Soviet Army opened for them the road to a new, free life. In North Korea a People's Democracy was established. Big democratic reforms were introduced; an agrarian reform was  carried out, as a result of which the peasants received over a million hectares of land; large-scale industry, the transport services and the banks were nationalized; an eight-hour day was introduced in the factories. In September 1948, the freely-elected Supreme National Assembly of Korea proclaimed Korea a People's Democratic Republic, adopted a Constitution and elected a government header! by Kim Ir Sen, the leader of the Workers' Party. 

A different situation arose in South Korea. The Americans landed here not as liberators, but as new oppressors of the Korean people. The American authorities kept in-tact the entire apparatus of oppression that had been built up by the Japanese and laid their hands on the entire wealth of South Korea. They set up a government consisting of traitors to the Korean people. At the head of this government they placed their agent Li Seung Man and in conjunction with him introduced a reign of terror and violence in South Korea. 

The American military authorities formed, trained and armed a large Li Seung Man army and prepared it for the invasion of North Korea with the object of converting the whole of Korea into a war base for an attack upon People's China and the Soviet Union. On June 25, 1950, on orders from Washington, this army attacked the Korean People's Democratic Republic. The American imperialists landed troops in Korea and commenced open military intervention against the Korean people. At the same time they seized the Chinese island of Taiwan (Formosa), brought the 7th United States Fleet into the Straits of Taiwan and began to make air raids on Chinese territory. 

The American interventionists encountered the deter-mined resistance of the Korean People's Army. The entire Korean people rose to wage a just war for their freedom and independence. In order to break the resistance of the people, the American aggressors are resorting to the most inhuman methods of warfare. American aircraft barbarously bomb undefended Korean towns, destroy dwellings and hospitals and kill civilians-women, children and the aged. The American aggressors and the Li Seung Man authorities round up and kill Korean 'patriots by the thousand after subjecting them to the most inhuman torture. 

But neither the American armaments nor brutal terrorism can bring the American invaders victory. The American and British soldiers regard the war against China and Korea as an unjust war. As Comrade Stalin has observed: "It is hard to convince the soldiers that the Unit-ed States o"f America has the right to defend her security on the territory of Korea and at the frontiers of China, and that China and Korea have not the right to defend their security on their own territory or at the frontiers of their states. Hence the unpopularity of the war with the American and British soldiers."*  J. Stalin, Interview With Pravda Correspondent, Moscow 1951,

The new, people's China came to the aid of the Korean People's Democratic Republic. With the object of protecting their own security and of assisting the fraternal Korean people, masses of Chinese volunteers, in conjunction with the Korean People's Army, are successfully fighting the American invaders. The intervention of the American and British troops in Korea must inevitably end in defeat.

American Imperialism Is Fighting for World Domination
From the Political Education Serious Pamphlet  1952
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