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Nomenclature terror

Needs editing -İn Russian

Authors: I.I. Chigirin , R.I. Kosolapov

"Stalinist" repression named after Khrushchev

The myth of massive and illegal repressions, based on Khrushchev's "secret report to the 20th Congress of the CPSU", is the main accusation of the "world community" against Stalin. Moreover, this "report" was not a "bold improvisation" of the chief leader of the party and state, but a thoughtful and carefully prepared action of the West. This is confirmed by a very remarkable "foresight" of the American newspaper "New York Times". Even on the opening day of the congress, February 14, 1956, that is, ten days before Khrushchev's speech, she wrote: “ Despite the official rhetoric, the XX Congress of the Soviet Party will draw an unambiguous line under the Stalinist period and, most likely, will mark an official rejection of ideology and the practice of Stalinism ".

Through the author of the "skeleton" of Khrushchev's speech, Finintern's protege Otto Kuusinen, the USA knew that the "report" was ready and knew its content.

Even if we leave aside the deceitful and provocative content of this report (the American historian G. Ferr in 2007 discovered 61 (!) Groundless accusations in its text), it was initially neither legitimate nor competent, both from the point of view of party discipline and from the point of view of formal logic. It was not discussed and it was not approved by their vote by the delegates of the congress! The fact is that on February 24 the congress was already officially closed, a significant part of the delegates and representatives of fraternal parties left Moscow. And Khrushchev's performance took place on the morning of February 25. The empty seats of the departed delegates were filled with staff members of the Central Committee apparatus, its scientific, educational and printing institutions. In addition, the closed meeting was chaired by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and not by the Presidium of the Congress, which could have demanded that a different work procedure be adopted after the "report" was read. Without discussion, the delegates to the congress would hardly have left such a document, as did Khrushchev - in the post of First Secretary. Therefore, such a forgery was required!

Party discipline played a cruel joke on the people: out of habit to believe Stalin, people believed his "heir" Khrushchev. At the same time, the overwhelming majority (98.2%) of the population of the USSR during the years of Stalin's rule was never subjected to political repression in any form. For a long time, all the power of the propaganda machine has been directed to conceal this indisputable fact. On this myth, the younger generation of the people was raised and the older generation was widely promoted.

The real number of those repressed differs many times from the deliberately invented figures. In this article, we rely on the data published in the book by V. Zemskov "Stalin and the People", M., 2018.

A certificate was drawn up in the name of Khrushchev and Malenkov, in which, on the basis of the statistical reporting of the 1st special department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of those convicted of counter-revolutionary and other especially dangerous state crimes for the period from January 1, 1921 to July 1, 1953 - 4,060,306 man. This figure consisted of 3,777,380 convicted for counter-revolutionary crimes and 282,926 for other especially dangerous crimes against the state, including those sentenced to capital punishment - 799,455 people, including criminals.

The largest number of prisoners in all places of deprivation of liberty (camps, colonies, prisons) was recorded as of January 1, 1950 - 2,760,095 people. Now compare these figures with Khrushchev's statement that “when Stalin died, there were up to 10 million people in the camps” (an almost fourfold difference suggests that this was a deliberate lie); with the assertions of Solzhenitsyn, who "brought" the number of repressed and executed to 110 million (which would have taken Stalin 40 years to change the contingent of "prisoners" annually), and, finally, with an "absolute record" from Nemtsov of 150 million (the population of the USSR in 1939 year, according to the All-Union census, was 170.6 million).

The main reason for the increase in the number of prisoners in the late 1940s and early 1950s was the successful work of law enforcement agencies with criminal offenses. For consideration by the OGPU Collegium, the Special Conference and other bodies, cases were submitted not only of political or especially dangerous state criminals, but also of ordinary criminals who robbed factory warehouses, collective farm storerooms and citizens. For this reason, they were included in general statistics as "counter-revolutionaries" and today are considered "victims of political repression". There were always significantly more criminals in the total number of convicts than political ones (from 70% in the 30s to half in 1937-38 and the post-war period). At the same time, the overwhelming majority of criminals were convicted precisely for criminal offenses, without being charged with a political nature.

The story of the repressions will not be complete if you do not understand what happened in 1937 and 1938, and what is now called the "Great Terror". In those years, 353,074 and 328,618 people were sentenced to capital punishment, respectively.

1937 is the year of direct, secret, equal and general elections under the new Constitution of the USSR, adopted on December 5, 1936. Despite the fact that the changes in the electoral law meant the largest democratic reform of the Soviet political system since October 1917, since people who were previously deprived of voting rights could now take part in the elections. The new Constitution equalized the rights of workers, peasants, intelligentsia and Cossack formations. "General, equal, direct and secret elections will be a whip in the hands of the population against poorly functioning government bodies," Stalin noted in an interview with American correspondent R. Howard on March 1, 1936.

In secret and direct elections, the risk of losing power was too great for the party nomenclature. And she made her choice. Here are quotes from some speeches of party secretaries from the regions at the February-March plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1937:

Kosior (Ukraine) : “ We must be suspicious of alien elements. Believers have become more active, there are thousands of them ”.

Khrushchev (Moscow and the Moscow Region) : “An SS group was recently discovered in Ryazan! "

Mirzoyan (Kazakhstan) : “ In connection with the upcoming elections under the new system, there has been a great revival of hostile elements - priests and mullahs. We already have a number of facts when hostile elements from the remnants of the former kulaks and clergy are preparing and saying: get ready for elections . "

Popok (Turkmenistan) : “ Together with the clergy, returnees-kulaks are very active. A large number of kulaks passed through the Solovki and other camps, and now they are returning as "honest" workers, demanding the return of the land, making all kinds of demands, going to the collective farm and demanding admission to the collective farms. Afghanistan and Persia border with Turkmenistan, where at one time there was a large emigration. Now the flow of returning emigrants has increased precisely under the influence of the new Constitution. They demand land, they complain, they want to join the collective farms ”.

Evdokimov (Azov-Black Sea Territory) : “A counterrevolutionary gang of Trotskyists, Zinovievites, rightists, leftists and other counterrevolutionary evil spirits seized the leadership in the overwhelming part of the cities of the region. This gang aimed at discrediting the party and the Soviet regime and the collapse of party work . "

Postyshev (Ukraine) : “ Out of 52 co-opted - 15 Trotskyists, open enemies. Here is the position for you: the secretary is the enemy, the chairman of the executive committee is the enemy, the director of MTS is the enemy, the head. Raizo - enemy, head. the district financial department is the enemy. What remains. And elections are also a serious matter. If we have disbanded - within the party organization, so where can we cope with the multimillion masses! "

Krupskaya : "The closed elections will in fact show how close the party comrades are to the masses and how much they enjoy the authority of the masses ."

Popok : “ On the question of authorities. Sometimes it is determined by the number of collective farms named after him. " (RGASPI.F.17, inventory 2, storage unit 588, fol. 76-82).

Lenin's widow warned the former "Leninist guard", but they understood it in their own way. Enemies turned out to be a sea - millions. What should people who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes of revolutions and the Civil War do? Give up power in their regions, territories and republics? No! The easiest way out is to disrupt the elections. How to do it? It is necessary to organize the struggle against obvious and imaginary enemies!

The future "innocent victims of Stalinist repression" were distraught at the thought of their possible displacement in the course of alternative elections. They delivered an ultimatum to Stalin: either elections under the new Constitution, or "limits" on executions. Here is an example of their initial "proposals": in Uzbekistan - 5441 people, in the Kuibyshev region - 6140, in the Far Eastern Territory - 6898, in Kazakhstan - 6749, in the Azov-Black Sea Territory - 13 606. Recognized by the XX Congress as "innocent" He wished to shoot 10,800 people in the West Siberian Territory, excluding those sent into exile. But Khrushchev, the future speaker of the XX Congress and the denouncer of the "Stalinist" repressions, distinguished himself most of all: of the 38 secretaries of the Moscow City Committee and the Moscow City Conservatory who worked in 1935-1937, only three survived. 136 out of 146 secretaries of city and district committees were arrested. Of the 86 members of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Ukraine, only three people also survived. In just 1935-1938, Khrushchev signed 160 thousand death sentences, so he was afraid of retribution. And strong.

Together with real enemies, tens of thousands of not only innocent people, but also the most active and sincerely devoted to the cause of building socialism, actually fell into the millstones of the Great Terror. A significant part of those arrested on political charges were people who fell into a wave of repression at the height of the epidemic of denunciations that swept the country. Denunciations were written against friends and colleagues in order to improve the material, housing situation, personal hostility, and similar base reasons. The arrests of innocently specified people caused a chain reaction of repression of their relatives, friends and workmates.

It would be a naive delusion to believe that counter-revolutionaries, foreign spies, terrorists and saboteurs were absent in a country that has survived the First World War, three revolutions and the Civil War, which is in its infancy and on the eve of a new war in a third of a century.

The most radical representatives of the opposition were ready to fight against the Bolsheviks “even together with the devil”, to destroy and divide the country together with foreign states. “The investigation considers it established that:“ in 1932 - 1933. on the instructions of the intelligence services of states hostile to the USSR, the accused in the present case formed a conspiratorial group called the "Trotskyist bloc", which set as its goal espionage in favor of foreign states, sabotage, sabotage, terror, undermining the military power of the USSR, provoking a military attack by these states on the USSR, defeat USSR, the dismemberment of the USSR and the separation from it of Ukraine, Belarus, the Central Asian republics, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan - in favor of the above-mentioned foreign states, finally the overthrow of the existing socialist and state system in the USSR and the restoration of capitalism and the rule of the bourgeoisie in the USSR. " (Judicial report. Materials of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. M., 1997, p. 688). After everything happened before our very eyes in 1986-1991, will the language turn to consider the charges of 1938 fabricated from beginning to end? During the "perestroika" it turned out that the class enemies did not disappear, they not only survived, but also got so strong that they were able to successfully implement what their ancestors and like-minded people had dreamed of and aspired to half a century earlier: to overthrow the Soviet regime, destroy the socialist system and destroy the state. how it all happened before our eyes in 1986-1991, will the language turn to consider the charges of 1938 fabricated from beginning to end? During the "perestroika" it turned out that the class enemies did not disappear, they not only survived, but also got so strong that they were able to successfully implement what their ancestors and like-minded people had dreamed of and aspired to half a century earlier: to overthrow the Soviet regime, destroy the socialist system and destroy the state. how it all happened before our eyes in 1986-1991, will the language turn to consider the charges of 1938 fabricated from beginning to end? During the "perestroika" it turned out that the class enemies did not disappear, they not only survived, but also got so strong that they were able to successfully implement what their ancestors and like-minded people had dreamed of and aspired to half a century earlier: to overthrow the Soviet regime, destroy the socialist system and destroy the state.

It is wild to regard as unfounded legal documents published in hundreds of thousands of copies: the Industrial Party trials, the 1936 and 1938 trials, the above court report ...

We repeat once again: despite the above figures, the overwhelming majority of the population of the USSR was not affected by the "Stalinist" repressions. At the height of the "Stalinist" repressions, in 1937, the share of workers and collective farmers among the repressed was 9.3%, and in the very flood of the Khrushchev "thaw", only in 1957, of all those convicted under "political" articles, they were already 81, 7%, and only 18.3% - employees, which included the entire intelligentsia (Kramola. Dissent in the USSR under Khrushchev and Brezhnev. 1953-1982: M., 2005, pp. 39, 40). In 1957-1958, the number of those convicted for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda amounted to 41.5% of the total number of all those convicted for 32 years (1956-1987) of "liberal communism" (ibid., P. 36).

Since the early 1990s, the victims of political terror include those who died of hunger in 1932-1933, and the idea that the famine was a consequence of Moscow's anti-Ukrainian policy, that it was a deliberate genocide, has been actively promoted. In most of the USSR, the causes of high mortality were drought, illness and the "diligence" of local leaders in carrying out collectivization, and in Ukraine - unbridled theft and disease. There, in two years, 2,518.5 thousand people died from all causes. As for collectivization, the local leaders, with their zeal, brought the Kremlin's policy to the point of absurdity: with Stalin's planned collectivization of 2–4% per year, for example, Vareikis, who then led the Central Black Earth Region, increased its percentage from 5.9 to 81.8, and Bauman, the first secretary of the Moscow committee of the CPSU (b), by March 1, 1930, brought collectivization to 73%. The Repionals showed open defiance to the center. Khatayevich, the first secretary of the Central Volga regional party committee, created a "military headquarters" for dispossession and, on his own initiative, decided to arrest 5 thousand people and collect 15 thousand families for eviction in 5 days, while at the same time categorically refusing the "kulaks" to join the collective farms. In this regard, Stalin's words are noteworthy: “In some areas they beat people in hundreds and do not take into account what it means to expel a person from a collective farm. And this means - doom him to a hungry existence or push him to steal, he must become a bandit. This is not something to be expelled from the party, it is much worse, because your source of existence is taken away from you, you are disgraced, firstly, and, secondly, you are doomed to a hungry existence "(RGASPI. F. 558, inventory 11, ed. xr. 1118, ll. 18, 19).

The losses of the peoples deported in 1941-1944 have been greatly exaggerated: Germans, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Karachais, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and others. For example, it was claimed that 40% of Crimean Tatars died in transit to places of exile. It follows from the documents that out of 151 720 Crimean Tatars sent in May 1944 to the Uzbek SSR, 151 529 were adopted according to the acts of the NKVD of Uzbekistan, and 191 people died on the way (0.13%).

A special place in the myth of repression is occupied by the assertion, launched already in the "perestroika" times, that Soviet prisoners of war who managed to escape from German captivity were sent to Stalin's camps. The notion that the top political leadership of the USSR allegedly identified the concept of "prisoners" with the concept of "traitors" belongs to the category of backdated fables. Such "writing" aimed to defame and discredit I.V. Stalin. In particular, the expression attributed to him “we have no prisoners, we have traitors” is a fable composed in 1956 in the literary and publicistic environment on the wave of criticism of the personality cult of Stalin. And this is far from the only fake invented "for Stalin".

There is a story by V. Shalamov "The Last Battle of Major Pugachev", based on which a film of the same name has already been made, about the escape from the Kolyma camp and the death of former Soviet officers, allegedly convicted innocently. Indeed, on July 26, 1948, 12 dangerous criminals fled from the Gulag department (one murderer, two policemen and nine Bandera members). After killing the guards and grabbing weapons, they left the camp. And they fought the last battle in the hills, as a result of which almost all died themselves and killed 28 innocent soldiers. Major Pugachev shot himself. In the battle, nine bandits were killed, three were returned to the camp and, after serving, were released. The survivors of the Pugachev gang probably greeted "perestroika" with joy and pretended to be innocent victims of "Stalinist" repressions. In the film, this gang of German accomplices is miraculously presented as "honored frontline officers."

The numbers are as follows. By March 1, 1946, 4,199,488 Soviet citizens (2,660,013 civilians and 1,539,475 prisoners of war) had been repatriated. Of these, arrested and transferred to the NKVD: from civilians - 1.76% (46,740) and from the military - 14.69% (226,127). The rest, after checking, were sent home, drafted into the army, and assigned to the workers' battalions. Most of those arrested are Vlasovites, policemen, punishers and other accomplices of the Nazis. According to the Criminal Code, they were subject to execution under the article “Treason to the Motherland”. But some of them were lucky: in 1948 and 1949 the death penalty was not carried out. A Khrushchev gift awaited those convicted and fled from the Red Army at the suggestion of the Anglo-Saxons.

In 1954 I.A. Serov (in 1939-1941 he was the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR, when Khrushchev was the 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) there), sent a note to the Central Committee of the CPSU with proposals on the desirability of amnesty to Soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the war. The need for this measure was dictated, in the author's opinion, by the fact that there are up to 500 thousand “defectors” abroad - former citizens of the USSR, who, in the event of a military conflict between the USSR and the United States, could be used by the enemy in their own interests. In order to "disintegrate the anti-Soviet emigration", to attract former compatriots to the USSR, it was proposed to declare an amnesty even to those who served in the armed forces and police of Germany and participated in hostilities during the war. For the former commanders of the Vlasovites and other special military formations of the fascists, in the event of their voluntary return, it was proposed to impose a maximum sentence of no more than 5 years of exile. These proposals of the chairman of the KGB, after being worked out by the Central Committee of the CPSU, formed the basis for the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 17, 1955 "On amnesty for Soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Under this decree, more than 100 thousand people returned from places of detention and the same number from abroad, where they fled from the Red Army. All property was returned to them. These proposals of the chairman of the KGB, after being worked out by the Central Committee of the CPSU, formed the basis for the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 17, 1955 "On amnesty for Soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Under this decree, more than 100 thousand people returned from places of detention and the same number from abroad, where they fled from the Red Army. All property was returned to them. These proposals of the chairman of the KGB, after being worked out by the Central Committee of the CPSU, formed the basis for the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 17, 1955 "On amnesty for Soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Under this decree, more than 100 thousand people returned from places of detention and the same number from abroad, where they fled from the Red Army. All property was returned to them.

In the current conditions, Bandera chose the non-violent path of struggle - it was decided to penetrate the Soviet, state and party institutions. And they succeeded - by 1980 their number in the authorities of the Ukrainian SSR reached 50%. The decree of 09/17/1955 is the first action by Khrushchev to destroy the "legacy of the Stalinist regime." He cannot be denied the ability to anticipate events. Without this decree, there would not have been today's revival of Nazism in Ukraine. Now the Ukrainian people will again, as in a war, liberate their homeland from the admirers of Hitler and Bandera.

As Yuri Zhdanov said, his father told Stalin at the end of the summer of the year about what was happening in the country:

- It seems to me that a provocation is taking place with us on an all-Union scale.

- To me too, - Stalin answered.

Analyzing the results of the past war, in a narrow circle of members of the Politburo, Stalin unexpectedly said: “The war showed that there were not as many internal enemies in the country as we were told, as we thought. Many have suffered in vain. The people had to drive us out for this. Knee in the ass. We must repent. " (Yu.A. Zhdanov. A look into the past. Rostov-on-Don, 2004, p. 227).

During Stalin's lifetime, post-war rehabilitation of convicts was also carried out, but their scale was not as significant as the pre-war ones. The first took place after Lavrenty Beria took office in November 1937 as People's Commissar of Internal Affairs. He released more than 327 thousand people illegally convicted, and their places in the cells and at the execution wall were taken by the perpetrators of atrocities against innocent people. With the arrival of Beria in the NKVD, the number of those arrested in December 1938 fell 4 times, and those sentenced to the VMN - 150 times. After the murder of Beria, the rehabilitation was headed by Khrushchev, who was directly involved in political repression: “Were there any crimes? We ourselves, without waiting for others, should say that they were. When they begin to ask about us, there will already be a trial, and we are on trial. I do not want this, and I will not take on such a responsibility "(NS Khrushchev. Time. People. Power. Vol. 2, p. 185). So Khrushchev convinced the members of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee of the need for his "report to the XX Congress." The instinct of self-preservation worked, and it was scary for the crimes committed.

Hundreds of thousands of people have become victims of trumped-up and fabricated charges. But most of them were convicted of specific military actions against the existing system. Khrushchev rehabilitated them with a chokh. As Bandera's by the decree of September 17, 1955. It was done like this. In the Supreme Court of the RSFSR, for example, they ripped out and destroyed the case of the convicted person from the folder and pasted in a certificate of his rehabilitation. And - ends in the water: an innocent convict, a victim of Stalin's repressions.

Khrushchev told Bulganin: “ If Beria takes state security, this will be the beginning of our end. He will take this post in order to destroy all of us. And he will do it! "(Khrushchev NS Time. People. Power. Vol. 2, p. 131).

The criminals understood that they would have to answer for the innocent victims. Beria had material for each. Therefore, it was destroyed so quickly - on June 26, 1953. Even during the Great Terror of Khrushchev on the understanding that blame their crimes will be on Stalin - the first person of the state, and under cover of the Twentieth Party Congress was made a decisive step towards the collapse of the socialist state and the restoration of capitalism in our country.

Newspaper "Tomorrow",

December, 2019 # 50 (1357)

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