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Note from the Plenipotentiary Representative of the RSFSR in Turkey to the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Yusuf Kemal. August 20, 1921

 A source: USSR foreign policy documents. Volume 4. p. 288. Moscow. Gospolitizdat. 1960

August 20, 1921 No. 863-b

Mr. Commissioner,

The government of the Socialist Republic of Ukraine, an ally of Soviet Russia, wishing to conclude an agreement with the Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, appointed Cde. Frunze, Commander of the Ukrainian Forces, to conduct preliminary negotiations in Angora. The said Government hopes that the Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly will do everything necessary to make it as easy as possible for it to fulfill the mission entrusted to it. Comrade Kotsyubinsky, Representative of Ukraine in Moscow, informed Mr. Ali Fuad Pasha, your Representative in Moscow * about the above.

I am happy to have been instructed to make this message, which once again proves the solidarity between Russia and Turkey and the sincere desire of my Government, which has undertaken mediation between the Governments of Turkey and Ukraine, to further strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two peoples.

Having no Representative in Angora, the Government of Ukraine instructs me to send you this message and convey your answer to him.


* See doc. No. 187

The following reply was received to this note from Yusuf Kemal on 23 August 1921:

“Mr. Plenipotentiary Representative,

In response to your letter of August 20, 1921, No. 863-b, I am happy to inform you that my Government will be very pleased to receive Mr. Frunze, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian troops, as a delegate of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.

I hasten to add that Mr. Frunze will receive the most friendly welcome here, as well as the most sincere desire to conclude an agreement that is equally beneficial to both parties.

I will be grateful to you if you do not refuse to inform the Government of Soviet Ukraine of the above and to inform us as soon as possible about the time of Mr. Frunze's arrival, as well as which route he wishes to follow.

Thank you for your kind mediation and I ask you, Mr. Plenipotentiary Representative, to accept the assurance of my highest consideration. "

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