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On assistance to cowless collective farmers in acquiring cows

 Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) "On assistance to cowless collective farmers in acquiring cows." August 14, 1933

A source: 
Famine in the USSR 1929-1934. Volume 3. Summer 1933 - 1934 M .: MFD, 2011. Pp. 234-236
NW USSR. 1933. No. 52. Art. 303.

No. 174

In order to quickly implement the task set by the party and the government of providing cows to collective farmers who do not have cows for their personal use, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) decide to take the following measures:

1. To organize, during 1933, state aid to unhealthy collective farmers of the Ukrainian SSR, Byelorussian SSR, North Caucasian Territory, Lower Volga Territory, Middle Volga Territory, Central Black Earth Region, Moscow Region, Western Region, Ural Region. , The Kazakh ASSR, Central Asia and the Far Eastern Territory in the acquisition of heifers on preferential terms in the amount of 1,000,000 (one million) heads.

2. For these purposes: a) purchase from dairy collective farms and collective farms with a socialized herd, in the republics, territories and regions listed in paragraph 1, 228 thousand heifers under the age of 8 months; b) purchase 772 thousand heifers under the age of 8 months from collective farmers and individual farmers who have cows for their personal use, by way of purchase with preliminary contract.

3. To approve the following plan for the purchase of heifers in the republics, territories and regions:

In a thousand heads




Due to the offspring of commercial dairy farms and the socialized herd of collective farms


1. Ukrainian SSR




2. North Caucasian region




3. Central Black Earth Region.




4. Middle Volga region




5. Lower Volga region




6. Ural region.




7. Moscow region.




8. Kazakh ASSR




9. Western region.




10. Far-Eastern Territory




11. Belarusian SSR




12. Central Asia




4. Do not transfer purchased heifers from one region to another. 
5. To oblige the councils of people's commissars of the union and autonomous republics, regional and regional executive committees, the Central Committees of the national communist parties, the regional committees and regional committees of the republics, territories and regions listed in paragraph 1 indicating which part of the heifers should be transferred from one area to another, and follow the  
these plans. 
6. Organized on the basis of this decree, state assistance to uncorn collective farmers in the acquisition of heifers should be provided primarily to the best collective farmers-shock workers. 
7. Allocated from the offspring of dairy farms and the socialized collective farm herd of heifers to hand over to the members of the collective farm for cash or with installments of up to one year at the expense of worked days.

8. In order to facilitate the acquisition of heifers, provide collective farmers who are unable to pay in cash for their full cost, a monetary loan at the expense of the state, on average, within 50% of the cost of a heifer with repayment in installments up to one year.

9. To provide credit assistance to low-power, cowless collective farmers in the acquisition of heifers, allocate 35 million rubles at the expense of the state, including 5 million rubles. to assist in the acquisition of heifers from offspring of dairy farms.

10. State credit assistance should be provided through the regional branches of the agricultural bank, and credit should be provided to each collective farmer separately on the basis of an individual agreement with him. Republican, regional and regional organizations are given the right to differentiate the size of the loan by district.

11. Purchase and contracting of heifers from collective farmers and individual farmers at conventional prices.

12. Collective farmers and individual farmers selling and drinking heifers by contract for sale to cowless collective farmers shall be granted a discount on the delivery of milk to the state in the form of a 25% discount from the annual plan and a privilege on the delivery of meat to the state in the form of a 20% discount from the annual plan.

13. Agreements on the contracting of heifers for this purpose shall be registered with the village councils.

14. The organization of the purchase and contracting of heifers shall be entrusted to the boards of collective farms and oblige the chairmen of the village councils and district executive committees to provide them with all possible assistance in this matter, and when buying heifers on their collective farm or in a nearby area, it is imperative to attract buyers of heifers - collective farmers and collective farmers to the selection and purchase of heifers ...

15. Suggest the Council of People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics, regional and regional executive committees, the Central Committee of the National Communist Parties, the regional committees and regional committees of all other republics, territories and regions not specified in this resolution, to develop measures within a month to organize the purchase of heifers for collective farmers who do not have cows in their personal use, and submit them for consideration by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). 146

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov (Scriabin)

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) I. Stalin

146 Immediately after the publication of this decree, active work on its implementation began in the regions. The newspapers quoted Stalin: "Well, we Bolsheviks will try to ensure that all collective farmers have a cow with us" (Pravda. 1933, August 20). “The issue of the heifer is on the agenda,” the headlines of the newspapers flashed (Ibid.). How the decision of the Center to provide assistance to cowless collective farmers was implemented can be judged by the resolution of the bureau of the Lebedyanskiy district committee of the Central Chernobyl Organization "On assistance to cowless collective farmers in acquiring cows" dated August 25, 1933 (Central House of National Research, Lipetsk Region, F. 48. Op. 1. D 146. L. 82), the resolution of the Presidium of the Nizhne-Volzhsky regional executive committee and the regional committee's bureau "On assistance to cowless collective farmers in acquiring cows" dated September 3, 1933 (GA of the Volgograd Region F. R-313. Op. 1. D. 259 . L. 159-161).

The specific mechanism for the implementation of the Center's decision to provide assistance to uncorn collective farmers is given an idea and resolution of the bureau of the Ust-Labinsk district committee, the presidium of the district executive committee and the political departments of the MTS SKK dated August 26, 1933. It approved the figures for the purchase and contracting of cows (heifers) by collective farmers and individual farmers (1070 pieces in the district) from dairy farms. In excess of this amount, the purchase of young animals directly by the collective farmers themselves from individual farmers and collective farmers was allowed. The boards of collective farms and village councils were to provide all possible assistance in this. Credit plans approved. It was allowed to dispense grain waste outside the distribution plan (Central Household Research Institute of the Krasnodar Territory. F. 1471. Op. 1. D. 128. L. 12-13).

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