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On conspiracy.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 740.L. 13-15.

Appendix No. 2 to p. 17 ave. PB No. 80.

About conspiracy.

( Approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on May 16 , 1929 ).

In order to maximize the secrecy of the secret documents of the Central Committee, it is considered necessary to carry out the following measures:

a) Destroy the institution of confidants of the 2nd category (that is, those who receive secret documents of the Central Committee without the right to open them). Suggest to all comrades who received documents through the trusted of the 2nd category to receive and keep them in person, return them to the Central Committee either in person, or by calling from the Central Committee a specially designated employee of the Secret Department. Suggest to the Secret Department of the Central Committee to simplify the return procedure as much as possible.

b) Leave the proxies who receive documents with the right to open, store and return them, only to members and candidates of the Politburo, the Organizational Bureau and the Secretariat of the Central Committee and members of the Presidium of the Central Control Commission allocated for attendance at the meetings of the Politburo and the Organizational Bureau.

c) Instruct the commission consisting of comrades. Royzenman (chairman), Polonsky, Bokiya, Agranov, Tovstukha (with the replacement of Comrade Poskrebyshev), Trilisser and Pyatnitsky to carry out a thorough check of all trusted and secretaries specified in paragraph 2 of the persons, term of work 2 months.

d) Accept Comrade Tovstukha's proposal to instruct the same commission to also check the entire staff of the Secret Department of the Central Committee. Term - 3 months.

e) Confirm the earlier decision (dated May 5, 1927) on the deadline for returning the Politburo minutes in 3 days. If the protocol is not returned within this period, the next protocol should not be sent.

f) Establish, as a rule, that extracts from Politburo meetings are not sent to comrades who receive the Politburo minutes, except for urgent matters and questions of a special folder (the latter are received and returned only by the addressees personally).

g) Confirm once again for unswerving execution the Politburo resolution of May 5, 1927 (clauses “B”, “C”, “E”, “G”) on the use of classified materials by sending it to all members and candidates Central Committee and members of the Central Control Commission, as well as persons receiving secret documents of the Central Committee (see appendix).

Application .
From the decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of 5.V.1927 "On the use of classified materials."

Based on the old tried and tested principle that secret affairs should be known only to those who absolutely need to know it, and in order to ensure maximum secrecy in communications and in the use of classified materials, it is necessary to consider:

B. With regard to the distribution of conspiratorial documents.

1 . Extracts from the minutes of the Politburo can only be viewed by comrades to whom they are addressed (only one extract can be sent to one institution, indicating all addressees located in this institution).

2 . Set the deadline for the return of the minutes of the Politburo and the Plenums of the Central Committee no more than 3 days from the date of receipt.

3 . Extracts from the minutes of the Politburo must be returned no later than within 7 days. Extracts from a special folder are subject to return within 24 hours.

Note : NKID, Voenvedu, OGPU, ECCI allow leaving materials for a longer period under the personal responsibility of the head of the institution.

4 . Confirm that highly classified documents should be sent not to the institution's address, but personally (with an inscription on the envelope: “only in person”).

5 . The same directives sent to institutions and localities are sent to only one address.

6 . Confirm the obligation to number copies of the materials sent to you.

7 . Ciphers and materials of the Politburo, with the inscription “in person”, are opened only by the addressee.

Note : Instruct Comrade Tovstukha to regulate the technique of delivery of materials.

8 . To oblige the heads of institutions to organize especially strict and careful control over the timely return and destruction of the conspiratorial material sent out.

9 . To establish, as a rule, that materials for meetings of interdepartmental and other commissions discussing secret issues are fully sent only to those members of the commission who must know the issue as a whole. Representatives of various departments and institutions are sent only that part of the materials that directly concerns them.

10 . To establish the return of the classified materials sent out on the agenda of the commissions to the Chairman of the commission immediately after a decision on the relevant issue is made.

11 . To invite all institutions, as well as the commissions, to discuss the most secret issues in closed sessions without secretaries and speakers, with the keeping of the minutes by the presiding officer.

12 . Consider it necessary to reduce to a minimum the amount of information material sent out, which should be sent only to comrades who need it for work .

B. With regard to the storage, handling and transmission of conspiracy materials.

1 . Confirm the rule on keeping secret documents at home and in institutions.

2 . Confirm the rule prohibiting the transfer and transportation of secret documents of the Central Committee, OGPU, NKID and ECCI, in addition to the diplomatic post and field corps.

Note : By decision of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, exceptions to this rule can be made.

3 . Strictly prohibit the storage of classified materials of the Central Committee, OGPU, NKID and ECCI as personal archives. To oblige the Secret Department of the Central Committee, within 2 months, to demand from all comrades the secret materials of the Central Committee that they have.

E. About the employees conducting secret work.

With regard to crimes in secret affairs, all employees of institutions and organizations conducting secret work are subject to extrajudicial liability.
G. About the procedure for carrying out these events.

1 . To oblige all heads of institutions to urgently carry out all the above measures. In the future, pay special attention to the procedure for storing, mailing and monitoring the return and use of secret documents.

2 . Instruct the OGPU (Comrade Bokiyu) to monitor the correct use of the ciphers by institutions and persons.

3 . To entrust the OGPU (Comrade Bokia) with control over the implementation of the above decisions in practice, offering to submit to the Politburo in a month and a half a report on the implementation of this resolution.

4 . To ask the Central Control Commission to wage a decisive struggle against comrades who are spreading secret decisions and all kinds of political rumors, gossip, etc.

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