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on the socialist competition of factories and plants

Archive source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 739.L. 14-17.

Appendix No. 6 to p. 24 ave. PB No. 79.

Draft Central Committee resolution on socialist competition.

To item 24 of the agenda of the PB meeting dated 9 May 1929

Top secret.

Decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the socialist competition of factories and plants.

1 . The solution of the tasks of the socialist reconstruction of the entire non-native economy requires the mobilization of all the forces of the working class to fight for the rapid rate of industrialization of the country.

One of the most important methods of socialist education of the proletariat and the involvement of the broadest workers' masses in economic management should be the further and wider development of socialist competition between factories and plants, mines and workshops, on the basis of which the creative initiative of the masses should be fully developed, the involvement of more backward strata of workers into socialist construction and the promotion of the broadest cadres of new organizational forces from the ranks of the proletariat.

The Leninist idea of ​​"organizing competition on a socialist basis" by the working class was practically embodied and is being embodied in our conditions in the organization of communist subbotniks, production reviews, roll calls, competitions, etc., which have already played a large role in raising the national economy of the USSR.

The competition of working youth, which has been successfully launched recently by the Lenin Komsomol, is finding ever more active and widespread support among the masses of the workers, as well as competitions launched by Pravda (review of production conferences, roll call of Krasny Vyborzhets and the Kamensk paper mill, etc.), Rabochaya Gazeta (All-Union Coal Competition) and other newspapers - it is necessary to develop as a competition of factories, plants, mines and transport enterprises, embracing an ever wider masses of workers, linking this matter with the implementation of the main practical tasks of the socialist industry to reduce costs, increase productivity labor and strengthening labor discipline.

The specific tasks of the competition should be: fulfillment and exceeding of industrial financial plans, fulfillment and exceeding of the planned norms for reducing costs and raising labor productivity, improving product quality, combating truancy and rejects, reducing overhead costs, achieving exemplary production discipline, actively carrying out technical improvements and rationalizing production with the broad involvement of workers' inventions.

2... The decisive condition for achieving these tasks and real economic results of competition is the conscious and active participation of the working masses, as well as the most active participation of specialists in competition at the enterprise, in the shop and workshop. To do this, all challenges and decisions about participation in the competition must necessarily go through general meetings of the shop and enterprise. Particularly important is the initiative of the workers themselves in organizing, developing and consolidating the results of competition. It is necessary to resolutely fight against any attempts to bureaucratically regulate and introduce into the schemes established “from above” various forms of competition put forward by mass experience. It is also necessary to warn all organizations against the danger of competition turning into a ceremonial roll call of organizations without the actual participation of the masses.

On the part of the trade unions and all factory public organizations, every support should be given to the initiative of the workers in the development of socialist emulation. All mass cultural work, in clubs, red corners, hostels, etc., should be brought closer to competition. rationalization groups, interfactory and interdepartmental roll calls, etc.) and make them the property of all other factories and plants.

The main measure of the success of the competition at each enterprise is the achievement of practical results in the field of increasing labor productivity and reducing the cost of production, for a given workshop, enterprise, trust, etc., as well as such consolidation of these achievements through rationalization measures and technical improvements, which ensures further increasing labor productivity.

3 . It is necessary to introduce incentive measures for the best enterprises in the shops, groups of workers, specialists and individual workers. To propose the Supreme Council of the National Economy and the People's Commissariat for Trade Unions, in agreement with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, to allocate a special bonus fund to better meet the material needs and cultural needs of workers and women workers, as well as to establish various forms of social encouragement: a red list, a certificate of honor, a labor banner passing from shop to shop and from one enterprise to another, etc.

4 . The Soviet party press must organize broad and all-round coverage of the competition between factories and plants, mobilizing the attention of the masses on the living experience of the best enterprises, pulling up those lagging behind, organizing public accounting and control of the results achieved. The entire press, especially the factory press, must place the organization of socialist emulation at the center of its work.

5 . On the basis of the experience of competition among industrial enterprises, the competition of state and collective farms, cooperatives and co-institutions, schools and hospitals, etc., should be widely developed.Party organizations, with the active participation of trade unions and the Komsomol, should support the development of these types of competition, providing general management of this matter with taking into account the features and mass practice of socialist competition existing here.

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