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Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the report on social insurance.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 760.L. 7-10.

Appendix No. 1 to item 14, ave. PB No. 100.

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the report on social insurance.

( Approved in the main by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on September 26, 1929 ).

Social insurance of the USSR, covering the most important aspects of everyday and cultural life, is one of the main achievements of the working class, achieved by the victory of the October Revolution. As a result of the powerful development of the national economy and the rapid pace of industrialization of the country, social insurance has become a major factor in improving the living standards, material and cultural situation of the working class.

Social insurance covers 10 million workers and employees. Social insurance funds are growing steadily from year to year, its budget in 1928-29 reached 1.150 million rubles. The circle of those provided for all types of social insurance has expanded significantly; social insurance is being developed for the proletarian elements in the countryside (farm laborers); the level of security is steadily increasing from year to year. The largest achievement in the field of social insurance is the introduction of old-age insurance for workers in the main sectors of the national economy (metalworkers, miners, textile workers, transport workers - railway workers and water workers). Social insurance is currently provided for a significant number of disabled workers and members of their families (over one million pensions), on which 260 million rubles are spent. Expenditures on providing for the unemployed registered at labor exchanges increased significantly, reaching 145 million rubles in 1928-29. The provision for temporary disability costs 285 million rubles. Additional types of support are essential in the everyday life of a working family: at the birth of a child, for feeding, in case of death, etc. (50 million rubles). In sanatoriums, resorts and rest homes, over 600 thousand workers and employees receive treatment and rest during the year, 70% of them are workers. In 1928-29, 300 million rubles were spent on medical and sanatorium-resort assistance to the insured. Additional types of support are essential in the everyday life of a working family: at the birth of a child, for feeding, in case of death, etc. (50 million rubles). In sanatoriums, resorts and rest homes, over 600 thousand workers and employees receive treatment and rest during the year, 70% of them are workers. In 1928-29, 300 million rubles were spent on medical and sanatorium-resort assistance to the insured. Additional types of support are essential in the everyday life of a working family: at the birth of a child, for feeding, in case of death, etc. (50 million rubles). In sanatoriums, resorts and rest homes, over 600 thousand workers and employees receive treatment and rest during the year, 70% of them are workers. In 1928-29, 300 million rubles were spent on medical and sanatorium-resort assistance to the insured.

In recent years, there has also been an improvement in the service of the insured by bringing the insurance office closer to the insured and the payment of benefits at enterprises through the post office and savings banks.

Along with the achievements in social insurance, it is necessary to note a number of significant shortcomings in the work of social insurance bodies.

The work of the insurance authorities is not sufficiently linked to the wider working community. Insurance authorities and trade unions do not pay enough attention to the development of mass insurance education and the creation of a powerful grassroots insurance asset. There are also frequent cases of bureaucracy and red tape in the work of insurance authorities to service the insured.

One of the most serious shortcomings in the work of the insurance authorities is the lack of due attention to the rational spending of insurance funds, which were often spent without sufficient linkage with the interests of the country's industrialization and service of industrial workers. Insurance legislation suffers from complexity and lack of clarity in establishing the preferential provision of proletarian cadres. As a result, there is a contamination of the circle provided by the petty-bourgeois elements and people from the bourgeois strata.

The colossal funds spent by the social insurance bodies, as well as the tasks facing the social insurance bodies in the matter of better provision of the main proletarian cadres and all possible assistance to the further growth of labor productivity on the basis of the general plan for the industrialization of the country and the socialist reorganization of the countryside, place great responsibility on the social insurance bodies for the correct and the appropriate use of insurance funds.

In the further work of the social insurance bodies, it is necessary to conduct a clearer class line in the provision of proletarian cadres, as well as the implementation of a number of measures for the transition from monetary and individual to labor and socialized types of assistance (labor types of assistance to the unemployed and the disabled, naturalization of additional types of benefits, further deployment preventive measures - rest homes, etc.).

Along with the rise of the creative initiative of the broad masses of workers to increase labor productivity and labor discipline, they still have a place, and in some cases even intensify, among the unconscious part of workers and employees, especially people from other classes, as well as among new cadres of workers who have not yet mastered the rules labor discipline - unjustified absenteeism due to illness (simulation, self-harm), refusals without good reason from the offered job, etc. All this brings significant harm to socialist construction and reduces the possibilities for the development and improvement of insurance assistance to workers and employees who really need it.

In order to combat these phenomena, the existing system of granting benefits for temporary incapacity for work should be reviewed and a number of measures should be taken to eliminate abuse in this area. Social insurance and health authorities should strengthen medical and work control over the provision of sick leave and the correct use of it by insured persons. In order to combat unreasonable truancy due to illness, special attention should be paid not to involve the general proletarian public in the fight against truancy.

For a more rational spending of funds on additional types of benefits and strengthening measures for the protection of mothers and infants, it is expedient to recognize the transition from monetary forms of granting benefits to in-kind by deploying, primarily in industrial centers, a network of consultations, dairy kitchens, nurseries and issuing childcare items , with the involvement of cooperation in this business. Along with the replacement of monetary forms of benefits in kind, which improve the provision of additional types of factory workers, it is necessary to revise the norms of benefits for these types for the most affluent groups, as well as for people living in the countryside or having side incomes.

In order to improve the provision of unemployed qualified and indigenous proletarian cadres, as well as to eliminate the contamination of the unemployed by petty-bourgeois elements and people from the bourgeois strata, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, such as:

establish the requirement of seniority for the right to receive benefits for all groups of unemployed and revise the norms in order to better provide production workers;

to establish, when assigning unemployment benefits, certain amounts of income for which benefits are not issued;

stop the payment of unemployment benefits to persons who refuse the job provided to them without good reason;

to expand the use of benefits for labor assistance to the unemployed (labor workers, collectives, etc.);

to carry out in the near future, with the broad participation of trade unions and workers, an inspection of the composition of the unemployed receiving benefits.

In order to expand the circle of workers provided for in old age and involve young proletarian cadres in production, as well as to improve the provision of workers and disabled workers and to combat the contamination of the disabled by non-working elements, it is necessary:

In the coming years, to extend the law on old age insurance to all production workers, primarily in relation to those sectors of the national economy, in connection with the rationalization and change in technology, it is especially necessary to replace old cadres with young ones.

To expand the deployment of work on the organization of labor types of assistance to disabled people (labor colonies, dispensaries and the expansion of the practice of cooperation in existing and newly created artels for disabled people).

Establish a longer length of employment for the right to receive a pension, especially for non-production groups of workers and employees, except for harmful professions; having established especially increased requirements for the right to receive a pension for persons who had previously resorted to hired labor and lived on unearned income.

Revise the size of the pension for persons with side earnings (handicraft, agriculture, etc.).

In view of the presence of cases of curvature of the class line in the work of the medical examination bureau when determining disability and distributing it into groups, - to revise the composition of the examination doctors and ensure that the class line is carried out in the work of EVE, by establishing a predominant influence on the work of the medical examination bureau of trade union and insurance bodies.

To carry out during 1929/30 a check of the number of disabled persons.

For a more rational use of the amounts allocated for medical care to the insured from social insurance funds:

establish the procedure for the distribution of insurance deductions for medical care in individual republics and regions, which guarantees an improvement in the setting of medical care in industrial regions;

to organize better control over the organization of medical care and the use of the medical care fund both through the audit commissions of insurance funds, and by involving the general working community in work to improve medical care for the insured;

decisively ensure the implementation of benefits for workers from production in the use of resorts, sanatoriums and rest homes (at least 80%).

To adapt sanatoriums and holiday homes to operate throughout the year, paying particular attention to the use of local sanatoriums and resorts.

One of the significant drawbacks of social insurance, lowering the quality of insurance work and leading to unproductive expenditure of insurance funds, is the weak scientific study of issues of social insurance practice (in the field of temporary incapacity for work, disability, the use of part-time work of disabled people, sanatorium and resort assistance, as well as on theory and social insurance practices). NKT and NKZ to expand the organization of scientific work on social insurance, using existing research institutes for this purpose.

To strengthen the financial base of social insurance, create a reserve in the amount of, but less than 5% of the new, in excess of the social insurance budget formed this year, prevent further mechanical reduction of the insurance rate; to stop, as a rule, the transfer of enterprises to a preferential tariff, to leave a reduced tariff for enterprises in the heavy industry and gradually transfer to a normal tariff other financially strengthened enterprises and institutions.

In order to accomplish the tasks aimed at better servicing the social insurance of the insured and a clearer implementation of the class line, it is necessary to improve and strengthen the apparatus of the insurance authorities by attracting and securing the best cadres of workers promoted to insurance work and expelling from it bureaucratic and other alien elements, in particular the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries perverting the class line.

Trade unions should take an active part in carrying out the tasks assigned to the social insurance bodies and pay more attention to the formation of insurance bodies and saturation of them with seasoned and active workers from among the foremost workers, paying particular attention to the turnover of the composition of insurance workers.

Pay special attention to strengthening the cadre of insurance workers, for which to ensure the organization of departments and cycles of social insurance at universities and industrial and economic institutes; and also to expand the network of insurance courses for training and retraining of insurance workers and to introduce into practice the contracting of university students.

The insurance bodies should pay special attention to strengthening ties with the proletarian public, for which all the work of the insurance bodies should be under the control not only of the trade unions, but also of the broad masses of workers. One of the priority tasks for this is to increase attention to the development of mass insurance education and the creation of a powerful insurance asset.

Social security agencies, together with trade unions, with the active participation of the proletarian and Soviet public, must ensure, along with class consistency of insurance legislation, simplicity and clarity of its presentation, understandable for every worker and worker.

Successful implementation of all of the above tasks will increase the role and importance of social insurance in the socialist organization of the national economy and improve the material and living conditions of the working class.

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