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Statement by Menzhinsky, Yagoda and Trilisser. 6 February 1929

Archıve source: Heinrich Yagoda. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, General Commissar of State Security. Collection of documents. - Kazan, 1997, pp. 336-337.
Archive: TsA FSB, f. 2, op. 2, d.9, l. 249.


Menzhinsky, Berries and Trilisser

Central Committee of the CPSU (b)

Comrade Stalin

Copy of the previous Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) Comrade Ordzhonikidze

A counter-revolutionary Trotskyist leaflet containing a record of Comrade Bukharin's July conversations with Comrades. Kamenev and Sokolnikov on the change of the PB, on the revision of the party line, etc., there are two passages dedicated to the OGPU:

1. To the question of Comrade Kamenev: what are your strengths? Bukharin, listing them, allegedly said: "Yagoda and Trilisser are with us" and further
2. "Don't talk to me on the phone - they are eavesdropping. The GPU is following me and you have the GPU."

Both of these statements, which are mutually exclusive, are absurd slander either against Comrade Bukharin, or against us, and regardless of whether or not Comrade Bukharin said something like that, we consider it necessary to categorically refute this slander in the face of the Party.

Please attach our statement to the minutes of the joint PB and Presidency meeting. CCC, having sent it to the participants of this meeting.

V. Menzhinsky

G. Yagoda

M. Trilisser

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