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Telegram of the Government of the Azerbaijan SSR to the Government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

A source: 
USSR foreign policy documents. Volume 4. p. 83. Moscow. State Political Publishing House. 1960

April 24, 1921

On the anniversary of that historic day when, as a result of the Entente's attempts to crush independent Turkey, the mass of the Turkish people in revolutionary anger raised their weapons for a sacred struggle, the Azerbaijani Soviet Government, sharing the joy of this historic celebration, sends its sincere congratulations to the Government of the revolutionary Turkey.

On the day of two years of heroic tension and sacrifices of the Turkish people for the right to an independent life, the Turkish people can sum up the results of a great victory over those who, under the command of the Entente, tried to kill the proud impulse for freedom and independence with fire and iron. Triumphant together with the Turkish people over the tremendous successes of fraternal arms over our common enemy, the Azerbaijani Soviet Government expresses its deep, indestructible conviction that the day is not far off when the victorious troops of revolutionary Turkey will hoist their victorious banners over their historical capital, Istanbul.

Long live revolutionary Turkey!

Long live the union of the Soviet Federation with Turkey!

Pre-revolutionary committee

I. Narimanov


D, Huseynov

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