Telegram of J.V. Stalin to Mao Zedong dated 10th January 1949
Stalin I.V. Works. - T. 18. - Tver: Information and
Soyuz Publishing Center, 2006, pp. 520–521.
Comrade Mao Zedong,
On January 9, we received a note from the Nanking government with a proposal to the Soviet government to take over mediation between the Nanking government and the Chinese Communist Party to end the war and conclude peace. A similar proposal was simultaneously sent to the governments of the USA, Britain and France. The Nanking government has not yet received a response from these three governments. The Soviet government also has not yet given an answer. Everything shows that the government's proposal was dictated by the Americans. The purpose of this proposal is to declare the Nanjing government in favor of ending the war and establishing peace, and to declare the Communist Party of China in favor of continuing the war if it directly refuses to negotiate peace with the people of Nanjing.
We think of answering this way: The Soviet government stood and continues to stand for ending the war and establishing peace in China, but before giving its consent to mediation, it would like to know whether the other side - the Chinese Communist Party - agrees to accept the mediation of the USSR. In view of this, the USSR would like the other side - the Chinese Communist Party - to be aware of the peaceful action of the Chinese government, and the consent of the other side to the mediation of the USSR would be requested. We think so and ask you to let us know if you agree to this. If you do not agree, tell us a more appropriate answer.
We also think that your answer, if asked, should be something like this:
The Chinese Communist Party has always spoken out for peace in China, because it was not it that started the civil war in China, but the Nanjing government, which should bear responsibility for the consequences of the war. The Chinese Communist Party stands for negotiations with the Kuomintang, but without the participation of those war criminals who unleashed a civil war in China. The Chinese Communist Party stands for direct negotiations with the Kuomintang without any foreign intermediaries. The Chinese Communist Party especially believes [c. 520] it is impossible for such a foreign power to intervene, which, with its armed forces and navy, is itself participating in a civil war against the Chinese People's Liberation Forces, because such a power cannot be recognized as neutral and objective in the matter of eliminating the war in China. We think your answer should be something like this.
If you do not agree, please let us know your opinion.
As for your trip to Moscow, we think that in view of the circumstances outlined above, you should, unfortunately, once again postpone your departure for some time, because your trip to Moscow under these conditions will be used by the enemies to discredit the Chinese Communist Party as a force, supposedly not independent and dependent on Moscow, which, of course, is unprofitable for both the Chinese Communist Party and the USSR.
Waiting for an answer.
New and recent history. 1994. AP RF. F. 45. Op. 1. D. 330. L. 95–96
No. 4–5. P. 133–134.
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