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Telegram of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR to a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Caucasian Front GK Ordzhonikidze.

A source: USSR foreign policy documents. Volume 4. p. 55. Moscow. State Political Publishing House. 1960

April 8, 1921 No. 8458

Send the following by telegraph to Comrade Mdivani in Angora:

In view of the occupation of Erivan by the communists, it is necessary to immediately implement the new border adopted at the Moscow conference, and in particular, it is necessary to immediately clear Alexandropol by the Turks. On our behalf, declare a categorical protest against the statement of Karabekir Pasha about his unwillingness to clear Alexandropol and convey to the Government of the Grand National Assembly that we strongly insist on the immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops beyond the border established in Moscow. Point out what fatal consequences a clash of Turkish troops with the Red Army troops could have, and that all Soviet Republics are in close and indissoluble alliance with Soviet Russia.


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