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Trotskyists - Transcripts from the Soviet Archives

Transcripts from the Soviet Archives Volume XI - 1931

"Совершенно секретно"

Лубянка--Сталину о положении в стране (1922-1934 гг.)

"Top secret" Lubyanka to Stalin about the situation in the country (1922-1934)

 By Soviet Union. United State Political Administration,


The materials at our disposal on the active Trotskyist groupings liquidated over the past year and currently existing show that counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activities were carried out in the direction of:

1. Putting together and organizing the remnants of the defeated counter-revolutionary Trotskyist underground.

2. Attempts to establish underground technology and release illegal materials to propagate Trotskyist views.

3. Disguised penetration into the ranks of the CPSU (b) in order to disintegrate the ranks of the party and create conditions conducive to Trotskyist work.

4. The increase activity of Trotskyist groups and individuals in connection with the discussion of the letter from Comrade Stalin, manifested in speeches at open party, trade union meetings and circles of party education.

5. Everyday Anti-Soviet agitation with the use of difficulties and shortcomings in the supply of workers and individual distortions in the field of tariffication, up to attempts to organize collective performances and bagpipes in this regard at industrial enterprises. The main core of active Trotskyists were and still are those who returned from political isolation and exile.

Of the total mass of Trotskyists who were in exile and imprisoned in political isolation cells, 1,421 people returned back throughout the Soviet Union. Of the total number of returnees, about 1,000 people settled in Moscow. Of the Trotskyists who returned to Moscow, 645 people were reinstated in the party. The latest data, of a top secret order, indicate that the increased Trotskyist activity at this time is explained by the organized preparations for the 17th Party Conference.

Counter-revolutionary Trotskyist groups

Trotskyist group of Gorodetsky (Moscow). In December 1930, Gorodetsky's Trotskyist group was liquidated in Moscow, the group consisted of 30 people. The group prepared a number of anti-party documents for publication and arranged the distribution of directive letters from Trotsky, Rakovsky and other leaders. She also restored ties with the remnants of Trotskyist groups at enterprises, established ties with the Leningrad, Kharkov and Rostov Trotskyists.

Trotskyist group Bezgin (Moscow)

In December 1930, the active counter-revolutionary group of Bezgin was also liquidated, formed from the number of Trotskyists who had returned from isolation wards and exiles.

The group organized equipment to issue leaflets and Trotskyist documents and began recruiting new individuals from among those who had left the opposition. The group pursued an exceptional tactic of double-dealing, setting itself the task of joining the party, corrupting it from within and creating a new Bolshevik party, believing that the "VKP (b) is a corpse." The new party, according to the group, was supposed to lead the workers' discontent, based on the difficulties of the current situation.

Trotskyist group of Nikolaev-Pelevin (Moscow)

At the end of 1930, the Trotskyists Nikolayev, Ponomarev, Manchev, Pelevin and the Decist Pshenichnikov, who had returned from exile, organized a counter-revolutionary Trotskyist group, which set itself the task of establishing Trotskyist work among the workers of TsAGI and restoring ties with Trotskyist groups in the industrial regions near Moscow (Noginsk).

The group met in the apartments of its members and discussed plans for its counter-revolutionary activities. During the collective agreement campaign, the group decided not to speak, but to make proposals:

a) on strengthening the supply of the factory canteen; b) on improving the work of plant security; c) to increase wages by 50%. It was also decided to organize a mutual assistance fund.

The group paid special attention to obtaining and distributing Trotskyist literature. Some members of the group (Pelevin) expressed clearly terrorist sentiments against the party leadership and, in particular, comrade. Stalin. “About two months ago, Pelevin and I, being in his yard at Stromstroy, talked about the general political situation in the country. Pelevin and I came to the conclusion that a fight is inevitable, up to and including the use of terror. I said that Stalin is the culprit for everything that is happening. Pelevin confirmed this and said that first of all it is necessary to kill Stalin ”(Elkin's testimony).

The group was liquidated on December 18, 1930.

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