Transcripts from the Soviet Archives VOLUME XIV - 1934
Working class
P5- Memorandum of the TO OGPU on the results of work to
increase loading and advance oil from Stalingrad from December 26 to December
31, 1933 January 1, 1934
P8- Special message of the OGPU on the results of the
inspection of the work of the non-ferrous metallurgy of the Urals. January 17,
P17- Memorandum of the TO OGPU on unloading coal and metal
at the Ekaterininskaya railway. for the period from December 26, 1933 to
January 22, 1934 January 23, 1934
P20- Special message of the OGPU about financial
difficulties in the sugar industry. January 29, 1934
P23- Memorandum of the OGPU on the elimination of predatory organizations in the working supply system of the largest industrial enterprises of the Union. March 13, 1934
P28- Memorandum of the OGPU on checking the state of fire protection
of residential premises of workers of IPO enterprises. May 29, 1934
P31- Memorandum of the OGPU on the opening and liquidation
of a number of large thefts in the system of workers' supply and distribution
network. July 10, 1934
P37- Memorandum of the ECO NKVD of the USSR on abuses in
the line of financial agencies, banks, and state labor savings banks. October
7, 1934
Intelligentsia, The youth, Clergy
P45- Special message of the PP of the OGPU for the LVO on
the liquidation in Leningrad of K. R. organizations of Catholics. January 29,
P47- Special message of the OGPU about abuses in the work
of the Central Museum of Fiction, Criticism and Publicism. April 16, 1934
P51- Information from the OGPU STR on the number of
Orthodox churches in the USSR. April 26, 1934
P52- Memorandum on the counterrevolutionary Trotskyist
group in the universities of Omsk. May 19, 1934
P54- Special message from the PP of the OGPU on the AChK
to the OGPU on the activation of the church-sectarian underground in connection
with the drought. May 22, 1934
P62- Special message of the OGPU about the arrest of the
poet Mandelstam O.E. June 1, 1934
Village, peasantry
P64- Special message of the OGPU PP on the SVK on the
preparation for wintering livestock in collective farms, according to data on
December 30, 1933 January 5, 1934
P68- Special message of the PP of the OGPU in the Uzbek
SSR about food difficulties in certain regions of the republic. March 9, 1934
at the earliest
P70- A special message from Kiev about the state of crops
in Ukraine, as of June 10, 1934 June 17, 1934
P74- Report of the OGPU about the facts of fraud during
the sowing. July 9, 1934
P80- The message of the NKVD of the USSR on the progress
of the harvest and the political mood of collective farmers and individual
farmers in the national regions of the JCC, as of July 10, 1934.
P87- SPO GUGB NKVD USSR about food difficulties in
collective farms, according to deputy. chiefs of political departments of MTS.
July 23, 1934
P90- Special report of the NKVD of the USSR on the
progress of grain deliveries in the Union, as of September 20, 1934
Anti‐Soviet manifestations. Banditry
OGPU about K. R. and subversion of a / c elements of city and
January 15, 1934
P117- Report of the OGPU OGPU on the work of special
departments in the Red Army in 1933 17 February 1934
P123- Special certificate of the OGPU SPO about a / c
manifestations at industrial enterprises in June 1934 July 7, 1934
P133- The message of the NKVD of the USSR about the
attempted murder of workers of the Zaobskaya MTS. July 13, 1934
P136- Special message of the NKVD of the USSR on the
elimination of the Atsikanov‐Zhanguzarov political gang. December 21, 1934
P138- A special message from the NKVD of the USSR on the
liquidation of the political band of Dokuni Kanayev in Chechnya. December 21,
Red Army
P139- Special message of the OGPU about the shortcomings in
the air defense system of the BSSR. January 2, 1934
P144- Report of the OGPU OGPU on the work of special
departments in the Red Army in 1933 17 February 1934
Other questions and incidents
P200- The message of the OGPU on the number of those
brought to responsibility for the theft of state and public property in 1933
January 8, 1934
P205- Memorandum of the OGPU on the elimination of
large-scale organized theft of socialist property. January 21, 1934
P210- Memorandum of the OGPU on the work of the OGPU labor
camps in 1933 and the plan for 1934 March 25, 1934
P231- Memorandum of the OGPU on the state of child
homelessness and crime. April 7, 1934
P242- OGPU memo on measures to combat banditry, hooliganism
and theft. April 19, 1934
P249- A special message from the NKVD of the USSR about the
theft of grain in the Union, according to data on September 10, 1934.
P254- Special message of the NKVD of the USSR on the
progress of illegal trade and speculation in bread, as of October 5, 1934
P257- A note on a direct wire about a wound to the head of
Comrade Kirov. December 1, 1934
P258- A note on a direct wire on the further course of the
investigation in the case of L. Nikolaev. December 5, 1934
P261- Special report No. 4 of the NKVD for the AChK about
the mood of the population of the AChK in connection with the murder of the
secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of
Bolsheviks, t. Kirov, as of December 14, 1934.
P270- Certificate of the STR of the GUGB NKVD on the
reaction of the population to the decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee
of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to abolish the bread cards.
December 16, 1934
P278- Special summary of the UNKVD for the Moscow region.
on the responses to the report on the murder of Comrade Kirov, as of December
23, 1934 December 23, 1934
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