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Stalin- Order to improve the intelligence work of partisan detachments

 No. 105. Order to improve the intelligence work of partisan detachments

No. 0073 April 19, 1943 

In order to improve the reconnaissance work of partisan detachments in the interests of the Red Army, as well as in order to timely use the reconnaissance data of the partisans by the headquarters of the fronts and the General Staff of the Red Army, I order: 

1. To appoint the commanders of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army as deputy chiefs of the intelligence departments of the republican and front headquarters of the partisan movement. 

2. In partisan detachments operating in areas of interest to the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, appoint the commanders of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army to the positions of deputy commanders of partisan detachments and commanders of reconnaissance formations. 

3. Establish that reconnaissance reports from partisan detachments are signed by the commander and commissar of the detachment and the deputy commander of the reconnaissance detachment. 

4. To oblige the Central, republican, and front headquarters of the partisan movement to provide full assistance to the intelligence agencies of the Red Army in planting special agents, isolated and conspiratorial from the partisan detachments. [130] 

People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin 

F. 4, op. 11, d. 74, l. 171. Original.

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