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Conversation with Afghan Ambassador Extraordinary Mohammed Wali Khan

 OCTOBER 14, 1919 90


Comrade Lenin met the ambassador in his office with the words: "I am very glad to see in the red capital of the workers 'and peasants' government a representative of the friendly Afghan people who are suffering and fighting against the imperialist yoke." To this the ambassador replied: "I extend a friendly hand to you and hope that you will help the whole East to free the whole East from the yoke of European imperialism." During the conversation that began later, Comrade Lenin said that the Soviet government, the government of the working people and the oppressed, strives exactly for what the Afghan Ambassador Extraordinary spoke about, but that it is necessary for the Muslim East to understand this and help Soviet Russia in the great war of liberation. The ambassador replied that he can assert that the Muslim East understood this and that the hour is near when the whole world will see.

Then the ambassador stood up and said: "I have the honor to present the head of the free Russian proletarian government with a letter from my master and I hope that what the Afghan government is talking about will attract the attention of the Soviet government," comrade. A letter from the emir to Lenin. Comrade Lenin said that with great pleasure accept this letter and promises to soon provide an answer to all your questions Afghanistan .

"Pravda" No. 232 and "Izvestia All-Russian Central Executive Committee" No. 232, October 17, 1919

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