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Appeal of the Soviet government to the governments and peoples of the warring countries with a proposal to join the negotiations on a truce

Documents of foreign policy of the USSR. M., 1957. T. I. Str. 28-30.

Appeal of the Soviet government to the governments and peoples of the belligerent countries with a proposal to join the negotiations on an armistice

November 28, 1917[ 1 ]

In response to our proposal for an immediate armistice on all fronts, in order to conclude a democratic peace - without annexations and indemnities, with a guarantee of the right to national self-determination, the German commander-in-chief agreed to conduct peace negotiations. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Republic, Ensign Krylenko, proposed to postpone the start of negotiations on a truce for 5 days until November 19[ 2], in order to again invite the allied governments to determine their attitude to the cause of peace negotiations. Military operations on the Russian front have been suspended by mutual agreement. No movement of troops during these five days, of course, should not be from either side.

The decisive step has been taken. The victorious workers' and peasants' revolution in Russia posed the question of peace point-blank. The period of hesitation of braces, clerical agreements is over. Now all governments, all classes, all parties of the belligerent countries are called upon to answer categorically the question: do they agree with them to begin on December 1[ 3] to negotiations for an immediate truce and a general peace. Yes or no. The answer to this question will determine whether the workers of the factories and fields will escape the new winter campaign with all its horrors and disasters, or whether Europe will continue to bleed.

We, the Council of People's Commissars, are addressing this issue to the governments of our allies: France, Great Britain, Italy, the United States, Belgium, Serbia, Rumania, Japan and China. We ask them in the face of their own peoples, in the face of the entire world: do they agree to start peace negotiations with us on December 1st?

We are the Council of People's Commissars, we appeal to the allied peoples and to their working masses: do they agree to continue dragging this slaughter without meaning and purpose, blindly marching towards the death of all European culture. We demand that the workers' parties of all countries immediately give an answer to the question: do they want the opening of peace negotiations on December 1st.

The question is posed point-blank. Soldiers, proletarians, working people, peasants, do you want to take a decisive step towards peace among the peoples with us?

We, the Council of People's Commissars, appeal to the working masses of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria. The world that we proposed should be the world of nations. It must be an honest agreement that ensures the freedom of economic and cultural development for every people. Such peace can only be concluded if the revolutionary working masses fight directly and courageously against all imperialist plans and strivings for conquest.

The workers' and peasants' revolution has already presented its program of peace. We published the secret treaties of the tsar and the bourgeoisie with the allies and declared these treaties not binding on the Russian people. We invite all peoples to openly conclude a new treaty on the basis of agreement and cooperation. To our proposal, the official and semi-official representatives of the ruling classes of the allied countries refused to recognize the government of the Soviets and enter into an agreement with it on peace negotiations.

The government of a victorious revolution does not need the recognition of professionals in capitalist diplomacy. But we ask the peoples: does reactionary diplomacy express their thoughts and aspirations? Are the peoples willing to allow diplomacy to miss the great opportunity for peace opened up by the Russian revolution?

The answer to these questions must be given now, and the answer is not in words, but in deeds. The Russian army and the Russian people cannot and do not want to wait any longer. On December 1, we start peace talks. If the allied peoples do not send their representatives, we will negotiate with the Germans alone. But if the bourgeoisie of the allied countries compels us to conclude a separate peace, the responsibility will fall entirely on them.

Soldiers, workers and peasants of France, England, Italy, the United States, Belgium, Serbia! Peace talks open on December 1. We are waiting for your representatives. Take action! Don't waste a single hour! Down with the winter campaign! Down with the war! Long live peace and brotherhood of nations!

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs L. Trotsky

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V. Ulyanov (N. Lenin)

Notes :

[ 1 ] Publication date.

[ 2 ] The date is given according to the old style.

[ 3 ] November 19, according to the new style, corresponds to December 2.

Documents of foreign policy of the USSR. M., 1957. T. I. Str. 28-30.

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