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Kaganovich, Molotov to Stalin September 13, 1935

 Stalin and Kaganovich. Correspondence. 1931–1936 Moscow: (ROSSPEN), 2001 Pp. 566

Archive: RGASPI F. 558. Op. 11. D. 89. L. 112. Certified typewritten copy.

Copies .

Owls, secret .

Code .

To. Stalin.

The KIM Congress is supposed to be covered in the press in the following way.

The basic information about the congress is given in Komsomolskaya Pravda, which prints daily diaries, about two hundred lines, similar to Pravda's diaries about the Comintern Congress. Additional detailed presentation of reports and speeches is not published. The same materials are transferred to the local Komsomol press.

Komsomolskaya Pravda, in addition to reports, publishes leading articles for the opening and closing of the congress, essays, and articles by delegates of the KIM congress on the work of the Komsomols of individual countries.

Pravda gives short diaries about the opening of the congress, the report of Kuusinen, the representative of the ECCI, and the closing. For the rest of the newspapers, TASS gives three short diaries about the opening of the congress, Kuusinen's report and closing.

The resolutions are published after the end of the congress in Komsomolskaya Pravda and are issued in mass pamphlets.

Please let us know your opinion. HP 1412/sh.

Kaganovich. Molotov.

13.IX.35 г.


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