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Letter from I.V. Stalin to .V. Kosior about the political situation in the villages of Ukraine. April 16, 1932

Letter from I.V. Stalin to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U S.V. Kosior about the political situation in the villages of Ukraine. April 16, 1932

Archive: AP RF. F. 3. Op. 61. D. 794. L. 18. Copy.

Tov. Kosior!

Be sure to read the suggested materials 1 . Judging by the materials, it seems that in some places in the Ukrainian SSR, Soviet power ceased to exist. Is this true? Is it really so bad with the countryside in Ukraine? Where are the organs of the GPU, what are they doing? Perhaps they would check this case and inform the Central Committee of the CPSU about the measures taken?


I. Stalin

1 Materials in the case were not found

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