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On the reunification of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions with Russia

The position of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the AUCPB

Nina Andreeva

On September 23-27, referendums on joining the Russian Federation were held in the Donetsk People's Republic, Luhansk People's Republic, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

The overwhelming majority of residents of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions voted for joining Russia. In the DPR, 99.23% of voters approved joining the Russian Federation, in the LPR - 98.42%, in the Zaporozhye region - 93.11% and in the Kherson region - 87.5%. The turnout, taking into account the polling stations in Russia, was: in the DPR - 97.5%, 2,131,207 people took part in the voting, in the LPR - 94.14%, or 1,662,607 voters, in the Zaporozhye region 85.4%, or 541 voted 093 people, and in the Kherson region - 78.86%, or 571,001 people.

For the first four days, in order to ensure security, voting was conducted by mobile election commissions in the buildings of schools, theaters, in the adjacent territories, as well as by targeted visits to residents. On the last day of voting, it was possible to cast one's vote at the polling stations. In the territories of Russia where voting for refugees was organized, it was possible to vote at polling stations during all five days.

The turnout was calculated from the number of voters included in the lists at the end of voting. This is due to the fact that at the polling stations that were formed outside the regions, the lists were compiled from scratch: they included voters who came to vote and presented the necessary documents. In addition, in the territories liberated after February 24 as part of the DPR and LPR, the electoral lists at the time the referendums began were preliminary and replenished as people who had the right to vote in each specific polling station came and presented registration documents.

The voting was monitored by observers, in addition to the Russian Federation, from Italy, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Latvia and 45 other countries from five continents, who followed the course of the referendums. All observers acknowledged the openness of the referendum and the high level of public confidence in its organization. So, for example, the international observer Mexican writer Israel Gomez Arconada stressed that international observers did not record the fact of pressure on the referendum in the LPR. An international observer from Brazil, a columnist for Krasny Zhurnal, Enrique Dominguez, said in an interview with TASS that the people working on the referendum in the Zaporozhye region were very well prepared and took their work very seriously.In addition, he paid special attention to the fact that people vote voluntarily, they are not pressured.

The presence of the Russian armed forces did not affect the voluntary and free will of the population. Russian military personnel only ensured order and security in the conditions of massive artillery strikes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on crowded places and civilian objects.

Thus, analyzing the results of the referendums, we, the VKPB (Nina Andreeva), state that the past referendums are really a direct, voluntary and free manifestation of the will of the inhabitants of the liberated part of Novorossia to become part of Russia. The people of Novorossia have exercised their legitimate right to self-determination, enshrined in the UN Charter.

The imperialist West and their liberal and Trotskyist servitors in Russia raised a wild cry about "Russia's annexation of part of Ukraine." These statements are invalid. Recall that annexation is the seizure of the territory of a foreign state " AGAINST THE WILL OF ITS POPULATION " and thereby a violation of the "SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE NATION" ( VI Lenin , Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 27, 288 and vol. 30, page 26). The people of New Russia expressed their will to separate from Ukraine and unite with Russia in accordance with the right of peoples to self-determination.

It is the United States, striving for world domination, that grossly violates the principles of international law. Consider the Kosovo incident. Using Albanian terrorists, the US bombed Yugoslavia. Kosovo Albanians declared independence from Serbia. The West immediately recognized Kosovo. The West did not care about the fact that there was no referendum, or discrimination against the Serbian minority, or the territorial integrity of Serbia. In other words, the United States declares some nations separatists if it is unprofitable for them, other nations recognize it if it is beneficial for them.

We respond calmly to all the heart-rending cries of the West and the pro-American fifth column in Russia: there was a referendum.

Big New Russia from Kharkov to Odessa has always gravitated towards Russia. Novorossiya was historically formed as part of the Russian state, that is, on Russian territory, and not on the territory that Ukrainian nationalists consider "primordially Ukrainian."

In a number of regions of Novorossia, Russians make up more than 50% of the population. The Russian population is concentrated in the regions adjacent to Russia. In urban centers and industrial areas, the Russian population predominates. The vast majority of the entire population of the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine considers Russian to be their mother tongue.

At the moment, not the entire territory of Novorossiya has been liberated from the neo-Banderists. LPR and Kherson region are almost completely liberalized. Approximately half of the DPR and three-quarters of the Zaporozhye region have been liberated (the regional center, the city of Zaporozhye, is under the control of the Kyiv regime; in the liberated territory, the center is the city of Melitopol). According to the leaders of the DPR and the Zaporozhye region, referendums in the unliberated territories of the Donetsk and Zaporozhye regions will take place after their liberation. Other regions that are also part of Novorossia: Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk (formerly Yekaterinoslav), Nikolaev and Odessa are (let's hope not for long) under the control of Bandera.

On September 30, in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin, a ceremony was held to sign agreements on the admission to Russia of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Lugansk People's Republic, the Zaporozhye Region and the Kherson Region and the formation of new subjects of the Russian Federation.

On October 5, after passing the necessary legislative procedures in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed four federal constitutional laws on the admission of these territories to Russia.

Thus, the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions are included in the Russian Federation as subjects. 

The DPR and LPR will retain the status of republics and their former names, the state language will be Russian. Zaporozhye and Kherson regions will become part of the Russian Federation as separate regions. The limits of the republics and regions are determined "on the day of their formation and acceptance into the Russian Federation." The borders connected with the territory of a foreign state (in this case, Ukraine) will be the state border of Russia. At the same time, the DPR and LPR are part of the Russian Federation within the 2014 borders established in their constitutions. 

Citizens of the Russian Federation residing in the territories of the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions will be recognized as documents on education issued to them earlier in the DPR, LPR, in Ukraine, work experience, the right to receive pensions, social and medical assistance (the Ukrainian fascist regime deprived residents of Donbass all allowances and pensions ). The currency will be the ruble. The armed forces of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics will be included in the Russian armed forces.

Until the election of the heads of the new regions, they will be led by temporary acting heads appointed by the current heads of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Elections of regional parliaments will be held on a single voting day in September 2023. 

We, the VKPB (of Nina Andreeva), welcome the reunification of the liberated part of Novorossiya with Russia. We fully support the will of the population of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions and the decision of the Russian leadership to admit them to Russia.  

Supporting the entry of Novorossia into Russia, the VKPB (Nina Andreeva) proceeds from the Leninist position on the right of peoples to self-determination. It equally presupposes both the freedom of separation and the freedom of rapprochement and association . IN AND. Lenin and IV Stalin emphasized that the national question, which provides for the right of the nation to self-determination, is decided in each specific case from the point of view of the struggle of the working people for democratic rights and for socialism.

From the very beginning of the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in Ukraine, the VKPB (Nina Andreeva) supported the struggle of the Russian and Russian-speaking population for their democratic rights, including the right to study in their native language.

The VKPB supported the referendums in Crimea and Sevastopol and their reunification with Russia and the referendums on the declaration of independence of the DNR and LNR. 

The VKPB (Nina Andreeva) supported the idea of ​​the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, to create a new independent state of Little Russia as part of the DPR and LPR with a course towards joining the Union State of Russia and Belarus and considered this idea in the context of the struggle of all anti-fascist forces to overthrow the Bandera junta.

" Novorossiya should become an example for the entire population of Ukraine of a successful struggle for their inalienable rights - both national and economic, and for the right to self-determination, enshrined in the UN Charter " ( NA Andreeva . The future belongs to socialism , Leningrad, 2018, p. 574). 

The incessant ferocious onslaught of the neo-Bandera Nazis, powerfully backed by NATO weapons, on the Russian-speaking population of Novorossiya confronted them with a choice: to be under the protection of Russia or to be exterminated and expelled from their land . It was solely for the purpose of self-defense that the people of Novorossia decided to join the Russian Federation.

It should also be noted that the fierce confrontation in Ukraine over the course of eight years has shown that the working class and the anti-fascist forces of Donbass are NOT READY alone to confront the neo-Banderist regime on their own. Unfortunately, the murder of the leaders of the people's militia significantly undermined the strength of the anti-fascists.

We cannot discount the fact that Ukraine is under direct external control of the United States and is essentially deprived of its independence. The West is already openly discussing options for dividing Ukraine. Hungary, Romania and especially Poland claim their rights to the Transcarpathian region, the Slavic territories of Bukovina, Bessarabia, Western Ukraine (while Poland also claims Western Belarus, along the border of which the Polish armed forces are already saber-rattling with might and main ). These NATO members are just waiting for the front command from Washington. Ukraine has essentially ceased to be an independent state and is falling apart.

The state border of the Russian Federation is now the western border of the annexed Novorossiya. This undoubtedly creates confidence in the security of the population of Novorossiya and cools the ardor of Zelensky, drunk on NATO arms supplies. 

Today, the working people of Novorossiya need to achieve peace and tranquility on the land of Donbass, it is necessary to decisively curb the neo-Banderists, who are distraught from impunity, massively shelling the Donbass, killing civilians, which is possible only after the military defeat of Ukrainian gang Nazis throughout Ukraine . (If the overthrow of the Kyiv junta is not achieved, then the conflict will take on a smoldering character, it will only be mothballed for a while and then flare up with renewed vigor. Therefore, there can be no peace with the Nazis and it is necessary to implement in full all the goals of the special operation for demilitarization and denazification declared by the leadership of the Russian Federation Ukraine).  

It is necessary to restore industrial enterprises, roads, schools, hospitals, theaters, and the entire civilian infrastructure destroyed in the conditions of hostilities. It is necessary to resume teaching children in schools in Russian, seeking objective and truthful coverage of the period of our Soviet history. It is necessary to eradicate the entire Nazi Bandera ideology, especially among the younger generation...

It is necessary to demand from the leadership of the Russian Federation the provision of effective multilateral assistance in restoring the economy and civil infrastructure, the provision of humanitarian, medical and other assistance, and the improvement of the living conditions of the population.

The first urgent task of the people of Novorossiya is to firmly gain a foothold in their positions, immediately liberate that part of the DPR and the Zaporozhye region, which is still under the control of Kyiv, and organize reliable protection of the new state borders.

These are the next TACTICAL OBJECTIVES.

On the other hand, setting the STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE of guaranteeing the interests of the working people, we warn the working class of Donbass and the workers of all Novorossia: bourgeois Russia has not been brought liberation from oppression and exploitation to the working people of Novorossia.

The appetites of the Russian bourgeoisie are no less than the appetites of the Ukrainian oligarchs. The Russian bourgeoisie destroyed the Soviet Union, destroyed the national economy of Russia, its science, education, medicine and led the country to poverty and abyss. The Russian bourgeoisie brings with it anti-Sovietism and anti-communism. The Russian bourgeoisie will covet the enterprises of Donbass in order to make a profit, exploit the working people of Novorossia, siphon natural resources from Novorossia and make huge profits on this ...

The most important question is in whose hands, in the hands of WHAT CLASS, will the property, first of all, the instruments and means of production, plants and factories, be in the private property of the capitalists or in the hands of the working class. The working class of Donbass will need to achieve the transfer of the means of production to the ownership of the working people.

A very important issue, as taught by VI Lenin, is the QUESTION OF POWER, TO WHOM IT BELONS - TO THE BOURGEOSIS OR TO THE PROLETARIAT.   

We call on the working class of Donbass, together with the working class of Russia, to ultimately fight for the destruction of all oppression and exploitation, both on the part of the Ukrainian bourgeoisie and on the part of the Russian bourgeoisie, for the destruction of capitalist oppression through the restoration of SOCIALISM.

In conclusion, we, the VKPB (of Nina Andreeva), appeal to the working people living on the territory of the USSR with an appeal:

- provide all-round ideological and organizational support to the communist and anti-fascist forces of Novorossia;

­ - to fight together with them for the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, for the restoration of our common Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

- explain to the people in their propaganda that only socialism is able to free the world from armed conflicts and ensure the peaceful coexistence of peoples;

- explain to the people the historical inevitability of the proletarian revolution and prepare for it .

Moscow City


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