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Scenic Places and Natural Monument Protection Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (2011)

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AGLC4 | 명승지, 천연기념물보호법 2011 [Scenery, Natural Monument Protection Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] [tr Daye Gang].

Bluebook | Myeongseungji, cheonyeonginyeommulbohobeob 2011 [Scenery, Natural Monument Protection Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2011)] translated in Law and North Korea by Daye Gang, https://www.lawandnorthkorea.com/. 

Adopted on December 13, Juche 84 (1995), as Decision No. 64 of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended on January 14, Juche 88 (1999), as Directive No. 350 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended and supplemented on October 28, Juche 97 (2008), as Directive No. 2942 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Amended on December 21, Juche 100 (2011), as Directive No. 2052 of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly

Article 1 (Objectives of Scenic Places and Natural Monument Protection Law)

The Scenic Places and Natural Monument Protection Law of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall strictly adopt systems and order in the investigation, registration, and management of scenic places and natural monuments to protect scenic places and natural monuments, and shall serve to assure the cultural life and health promotion of people.

Article 2 (Types of scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments are areas or natural objects that are well-known for beautiful views or are rare and peculiar and have great artistic, educational, or aesthetic value, and are therefore especially designated and protected by the State. Scenic places include well-known areas such as mountains, lakes, waterfalls, valleys, caves, beaches, or islands, and natural monuments include natural objects such as unusual animals and plants, fossils, natural rocks, or natural springs.

Article 3 (Principle of strengthening education work through scenic places, natural monuments)

In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are being preserved many scenic places and natural monuments in accordance with an accurate scenic places and natural monuments protection policy, and they are being fully used for the cultural life, education and cultural work, and scientific research of the people. The State shall extensively organise observations of scenic places and natural monuments to grow in workers and rising new generations a great national pride and self-esteem that they live in a beautiful land of natural beauty stretching for three thousand leagues, and an ardent patriotism that they will treat their country preciously and better manage and glorify it.

Article 4 (Investment principles for the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector)

Ceaselessly developing scenic places and natural monuments protection work is the consistent policy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The State shall systematically extend investment in the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector and must further consolidate and develop the results accomplished in scenic places and natural monuments protection.

Article 5 (Principle of investigation and registration of scenic places and natural monuments)

The investigation and registration of scenic places and natural monuments is important work to find more scenic places and natural monuments, evaluate their value, and finalize them as subjects of protection. The State shall assure scientificity and objectivity in the investigation and registration of scenic places and natural monuments.

Article 6 (Principle of management of scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments are the precious natural wealth of the country. The State shall adopt a management system for scenic places and natural monuments and shall scientize and modernize that management.

Article 7 (Protection of public scenic places and natural monuments)

Protecting scenic places and natural monuments is the manifestation of a noble patriotism. The State shall ensure that all people pay deep attention to scenic places and natural monuments protection work and actively participate in it.

Article 8 (Exchange and cooperation in the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector)

The State shall develop exchange and cooperation in the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector with other countries and international organizations.

Article 9 (Investigative institution for scenic places and natural monuments)

The investigation of scenic places and natural monuments shall be done by the scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution. As necessary, given specialist institutions may also do this, such as scientific research institutions and education institutions.

Article 10 (Investigative method for scenic places and natural monuments)

The scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution and given specialist institutions shall have the required means to investigate scenic places and natural monuments in detail. In these cases, a geographical features map of a scenic place and a location map of a natural monument must be made, and natural monuments must be secured using photographs.

Article 11 (Content of investigation of scenic places and natural monuments)

The contents of investigation of scenic places and natural monuments are as follows.

1. The location of scenic places and natural monuments

2. The historical origins of scenic places and natural monuments

3. The size, nature, use or preservation value, and prospects of scenic places and natural monuments

4. The natural geographical state of the area where the scenic places or natural monuments are

5. Materials about the ecosystem inside scenic places

Article 12 (Notification of scenic places and natural monuments)

Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens must inform the scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution or the given specialist institution if they discover a subject that can be accepted as a scenic place or natural monument. Institutions that have received a notification about the discovery of a scenic place or natural monument must immediately go out into the field to investigate it.

Article 13 (Organisation of deliberation and evaluation committee for scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments shall be deliberated on and evaluated by the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution and be registered after receiving the approval of the Cabinet. For deliberating on and evaluating scenic places and natural monuments, there shall be a non-standing scenic places and natural monuments deliberation and evaluation committee within the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution.

Article 14 (Registration application for scenic places and natural monuments)

Institutions seeking to register scenic places or natural monuments shall make a scenic place or natural monument registration application and submit it to the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution. On the scenic place or natural monument registration application shall be stated in detail things like the name, location, historical origins, nature, preservation value, current state, use and preservation prospects, natural surrounding environment, and basis of registration of the subject sought to be registered, and must attach a geographical features map, location map, and photographic materials to it.

Article 15 (Deliberation and evaluation method of scenic places and natural monuments)

The central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution that has received the scenic place or natural monument registration application must call the non-standing scenic places and natural monuments deliberation and evaluation committee and must correctly deliberate on and evaluate on things such as the historical origins, nature, and preservation value of the given subject. Scenic places and natural monuments evaluated to have registration value during the deliberation must receive the approval of Cabinet.

Article 16 (Registration of scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments that have received the approval of Cabinet must be registered on the scenic places and natural monuments register. In these cases, things such as the registration number, name of the scenic place or natural monument, registration date, location, and surface area of the protected area must be correctly recorded.

Article 17 (Subjects of registration of scenic places and natural monuments)

The subjects of registration of scenic places and natural monuments are as follows.

1. Geographical features or natural features which natural and scenic beauty is classical, rare, and peculiar, and for which there is no visuospatial repetition

2. Academically and visually unusual species among the established or rare animals or significant animals

3. Plants with an academically and scenically unique nature

4. Lakes, thermal springs, fossils, ore, or outcrops with geographical or geological conditions of formation which maintain their unique nature

Article 18 (Reason for deregistration of scenic places or natural monuments)

Registered scenic places or natural monuments may be deregistered in the following cases. 

1. In cases where the preservation value as a scenic place or natural monument due to causes such as earthquake, lightning, fire, or pollution

2. In cases where the animals or plants become unattractive or become extinct

Article 19 (Deregistration process for scenic places and natural monuments)

An institution seeking to deregister a scenic place or natural monument that has been registered shall make an application document for the deregistration of a scenic place or natural monument and submit it to the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution. The central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution shall call the non-standing scenic places and natural monuments deliberation and evaluation committee, correctly review the application document and receive the approval of the Cabinet to remove the given scenic place or natural monument from registration.

Article 20 (Establishment of management system for scenic places and natural monuments)

Managing scenic places and natural monuments well is a fundamental way to prevent damage to scenic places and natural monuments and allow them to maintain their original state. Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions shall adopt a scenic places and natural monuments management system and must do that management using scientific techniques.

Article 21 (Management institution for scenic places and natural monuments)

The management of scenic places and natural monuments shall be done by the scenic places and natural monuments management institution and the institutions, enterprises and organizations that have been allocated that management. The management of scenic places or natural monuments in special areas shall be done by the institution with jurisdiction over that area.

Article 22 (Division of responsibility for managing scenic places and natural monuments)

The scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution and the authorities concerned shall correctly organize the division of responsibility for managing scenic places and natural monuments, shall properly command the state of their management, and must adopt relevant measures. Given institutions, enterprises and organizations must responsibly manage their allocated scenic places and natural monuments.

Article 23 (Protected scenic places and natural monuments areas)

The State shall determine protected areas to protect scenic places and natural monuments. The work of determining protected scenic places and natural monuments areas shall be done by the Cabinet.

Article 24 (Observation of scenic places and natural monuments)

Given institutions, enterprises and organizations shall have responsible managers for scenic places and natural monuments and must ordinarily observe the state of protection of scenic places and natural monuments. The state of observation of the state of protection of scenic places and natural monuments must be registered in the scenic places and natural monuments management journal.

Article 25 (Markers of scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institution and given institutions, enterprises and organizations must make and place things like marker poles, explanation board, precautions boards, and guide maps at scenic places and natural monuments. Boundary markers and required fencing must be arranged for protected scenic places and natural monuments areas.

Article 26 (Facilities management for protected scenic places and natural monuments areas)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions and the authorities concerned must manage things like resting places and observation facilities at protected scenic places and natural monuments areas, must maintain their cleanliness, and must present and advertise those scenic places and natural monuments.

Article 27 (Protective construction for scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions and given institutions, enterprises and organizations must do things like riverbank construction, retaining wall construction, and sand-protection dam erection to protect scenic places and natural monuments.

Article 28 (Preservation of natural environment of scenic places and natural monuments)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions and given institutions, enterprises and organizations must maintain the natural environments of scenic places and natural monuments in their original state. The original species of animals and plants registered as natural monuments shall be preserved, and types where the resources volume is decreasing must be increased. Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens must not do acts to damage scenic places and natural monuments and their protective facilities.

Article 29 (Protection of forest resources)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions and given institutions, enterprises and organizations shall plant more things such as trees and grasses that are of good species within protected areas, according to the nature of the scenic place or natural monuments, and must adopt a forest pests forecast system and forest fire inspection system to protect the forests. Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens must not do acts such as cutting wood or clearing forest in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas.

Article 30 (Protection of animal and plant resources)

Scenic places and natural monuments management institutions and given institutions, enterprises and organizations must well guarantee the habitat of animals and plants in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas and must strictly adopt epidemic prevention measures so that animal infectious diseases and plant pests do not occur. Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens must not do acts to destroy the habitat of animals and plants in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas or catch or gather rare animals and plants.

Article 31 (Construction of facilities in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas)

In cases where facilities are sought to be constructed in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas, the approval of the scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution and of the authorities concerned must be received. Production facilities may not be constructed and coal mines and mines may not be developed in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas.

Article 32 (Land subsidence and prevention)

Given institutions, enterprises and organizations must ensure that the land in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas does not subside because of the use of underground water, the construction of underground structures, ground cutting, mounding, or restoration. Underground water may not be drawn from places where the land could subside.

Article 33 (Adherence to environmental protection order in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas)

Institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens must not do the following acts in violation of the environmental protection order in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas:

1. Acts of operating wheeled vehicles that expel exhaust fumes in excess of determined standards

2. Acts of letting out polluted materials in the construction and operation process for facilities or causing foul smells to occur or creating noise pollution, vibration, or dust

3. Acts of polluting the natural environment by establishing things such as restaurants or noodle shops

4. Acts of entering with goods capable of causing a fire

5. Acts of entering with things such as guns and explosives

6. Acts of burning things such as rubber, vinyl, waste

7. Acts of recklessly throwing away things like litter, cigarette butts, or garbage

8. Acts of catching fish in given waters without approval

9. Acts of cleaning wheeled vehicles or throwing away garbage that pollutes waters

Article 34 (Notification of defect in scenic places or natural monuments)

In cases where institutions, enterprises, organizations or citizens have discovered damage to scenic places or natural monuments or other abnormal phenomena in protected scenic places and natural monuments areas, they must inform the scenic places and natural monuments management institution or authorities concerned. The institution that has received the notification must immediately go into the field to inquire into it and must adopt relevant  measures.

Article 35 (Movement in location or restoration of natural monuments)

In cases where institutions, enterprises and organizations seek to move the location of natural monuments or restore them, the approval of the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution must be received.

Article 36 (Prohibition on buying, selling, or transport to foreign countries of natural monuments)

Registered natural monuments may not be sold or bought or taken out to other countries. In cases where natural monuments are sought to be taken out to other countries for purposes such as exhibitions or symposia, the approval of the Cabinet must be received.

Article 37 (Permanent preservation of scenic places or natural monuments materials)

Scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institutions and the authorities concerned must make things like natural state materials, historical origins materials, and observation materials of scenic places and natural monuments and permanently preserve them.



Article 38 (Principle of strengthening guidance and control over scenic places and natural monuments protection work)

Strengthening guidance and control over scenic places and natural monuments protection work is an important way to improve scenic places and natural monuments protection work.

The State shall adopt a standardized guidance system for scenic places and natural monuments protection work and shall strengthen supervision and control.

Article 39 (Scenic places and natural monuments protection work guidance institution)

Standardized guidance for scenic places and natural monuments protection work shall be done by the central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution under the guidance of the Cabinet. The central scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institution must normally command and guide the scenic places and natural monuments protection work of the whole country.

Article 40 (Guarantee of conditions for protection of scenic places and natural monuments)

State planning institutions and given institutions, enterprises and organizations must assure without fail the labour, facilities, resources, and funds required for scenic places and natural monuments protection. The labour, facilities, resources, and funds required for scenic places and natural monuments protection may not be used for another purpose.

Article 41 (Scientific research in the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector)

Cabinet and authorities concerned must strongly manage a scientific research base for the scenic places and natural monuments protection sector and must assure the research conditions for it.

Given scientific research institutions and scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institutions must actively accept the results accomplished in scientific research in scenic places and natural monuments protection work.

Article 42 (Supervision and control for scenic places and natural monuments protection work)

Supervision and control of scenic places and natural monuments protection work shall be done by scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institutions and given supervision and control institutions. Scenic places and natural monuments protection and guidance institutions and given supervision and control institutions must strictly exercise supervision and control over the state of implementation of the State’s scenic places and natural monuments protection policy.

Article 43 (Administrative responsibility)

In the following cases, responsible workers of institutions, enterprises and organizations and individual citizens shall have an administrative punishment imposed depending on the gravity.

1. In cases where scenic places, natural monuments or their protective facilities have been damaged

2. In cases where production facilities are constructed or a coal mine or mine is developed in a protected scenic places and natural monuments area

3. In cases where acts are done in a protected scenic areas and natural monuments area such as cutting wood or clearing forest

4. In cases where acts of destroying the habitat of animals and plants, or catching or gathering rare animals and plants, in protected scenic places and natural monuments area, are done

5. In cases where a danger of land subsidence is created by recklessly using underground water, constructing underground structures, or ground cutting, mounding, or restoring

6. In cases where interference has been caused to scenic places or natural monuments protection by not properly doing things like riverbank construction, retaining wall construction, or sand-protection dam construction

7. In cases where an act in Article 33 is done

8. In cases where acts have been done such as moving the location of natural monuments or restoring them without approval

9. In cases where a registered natural monument has been bought and sold or exported to another country without approval

Article 44 (Criminal responsibility)

In cases where an act in Article 43 amounts to a crime, the responsible worker of the institution, enterprise or organization, or the individual citizen, shall have criminal responsibility imposed according to the given provision of the criminal law.

Last updated 16 December 2021

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