Kim Yo Jong's statement and Western Media's disgracefull coverage
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Kim Yo Jing with South Korean President Moon |
During a visit to South Korea’s strategic missile command Friday, South Korean Defense Minister Suh Wook said that South Korea has the ability and readiness to launch precision strikes on North Korea if it detects the North intends to fire missiles at South Korea. Seoul has long maintained such a preemptive attack strategy to cope with North Korea’s growing missile and nuclear threats.
On Sunday, Kim Yo Jong issued a statement. It was a brief statement, however,- it looks like after reading the coverage of her statement by the proxy media-, she made a follow-up statement on the subject.
This was her Press Statement
Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department, Director of C.C., WPK
Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, issued the following statement Saturday:
The south Korean Defence Minister on April 1 revealed his confrontation hysteria with the DPRK, talking about "preemptive strike" on it.
The senseless and scum-like guy dare mentioned the "preemptive strike" at a nuclear weapons state, in his senseless bluster which will never be beneficial to south Korea, either.
He is a confrontation maniac engrossed in the mindset of confrontation with his fellow countrymen in the north.
His reckless and intemperate rhetoric about the "preemptive strike" has further worsened the inter-Korean relations and the military tension on the Korean Peninsula.
Now we can not but take his confrontation hysteria seriously and reconsider a lot of things.
South Korea may face a serious threat owing to the reckless remarks made by its Defence Minister.
As long as the south Korean military revealed its intent to seek provocative incentive of serious level and escalate a showdown with the DPRK, I will give a serious warning upon authorization.
We will reconsider a lot of things concerning south Korea.
South Korea should discipline itself if it wants to stave off disaster.
I hope I don't hear him blustering again.
According to the proxy-extension media of the West that supposedly carries news from North Korea which fabricates "gossips" and uses self-created gossips as the source of the news printed that;
" many people responded with complaints such as, “It would be better if a war broke out and everything got plowed over,” “Die in a war, die of starvation, it’s all the same” and, “If a war breaks out, the first person I want to shoot is our party [committee] secretary.”
And stated that the follow up statement of Kim Yo Jong is "tuned down" due to "internal criticism.
This is no different than the Western Media's news coverage of Russia based on fantasies and wishful thinking that there is a serious internal dissatisfaction in Russia.
Despite all the falsified news the homeless in South Korea is spreading especially among teenagers. There is none in North Korea. Every one have access to free housing. Poverty is more than %15 in South Korea. Considering the fact that North Korea is under the stringiest economic blockade for over half a century, people are comparatively in better situation than South. This is one side of the story which is not our subject now, but a subject that how the media spins the "news" .
Her follow up statement;
"defense minister of south Korea, on April 1 revealed extreme uneasiness, touting a "preemptive strike" on our army's possible strike against south Korea.
His abrupt bluffing evidently showed that they are so frightened.
It seems that he wanted to give impression to the public that the south Korean army is well prepared. But it was an irretrievable very big mistake that he, so-called representative of the south Korean army, talked about "preemptive strike", terming us as the enemy.
We have already clarified that south Korea is not our principal enemy.
In other words, it means that unless the south Korean army takes any military action against our state, it will not be regarded as a target of our attack.
We oppose war. If the armies of the two sides fight against each other, the entire Korean nation will suffer a disaster as it did half a century ago that might be more terrible, no matter which side will win or lose in a war or combat. We are definitely against such war. That's why our Marshal clarified that our principal enemy is war by itself. However, the south Korean army, labeling us as the enemy, talked about the possibility of mounting a preemptive strike on us with such a premise as in certain circumstances.
Such nonsense itself is a very dangerous and nasty expression.
If no one provoke us, we will never strike them first.
But if south Korea, for any reason - whether or not it is blinded by misjudgment - opts for such military action as "preemptive strike" touted by Su Wook, the situation will change. In that case, south Korea itself will become a target.
Two days ago, we solemnly warned that the south Korean army will face an unimaginably terrible disaster, the worst-ever, if it violates even an inch of our territory.
In case south Korea opts for military confrontation with us, our nuclear combat force will have to inevitably carry out its duty.
It is the primary mission of the nuclear force to prevent such war before anything else, but in case of war, its mission will convert into the one of eliminating the enemy's armed forces at a strike.
One's nuclear combat force is mobilized to take initiative at the outset of war, completely dampen the enemy's war spirits, prevent protracted hostilities and preserve one's own military muscle.
If the situation reaches such phase, a dreadful attack will be launched and the south Korean army will have to face a miserable fate little short of total destruction and ruin.
This is not just a threat. This is a detailed explanation of our reaction to possible reckless military action by south Korea and its consequences and, at the same time, a briefing on the reason why south Korea should not harbor such fancy as military provocation against a nuclear weapons state.
But there is a way for averting such miserable end.
It will be possible to avoid the above-said horrible disaster, if it refrains from making untimely provocation and dreaming a daydream and ponders over a way for protecting itself from a shower of fire, although it might not happen.
"Preemptive strike" against a nuclear weapons state? …
This is a fantastic daydream, and it is hysteria of a lunatic.
We make it clear once again.
We will not fire even a single bullet or shell toward south Korea. It is because we do not regard South Korea as match for our armed forces.
This opinion comes not from an obvious contrast with a nuclear weapons state in the light of military capabilities but from the fact that the north and the south of Korea are of the same nation who should not fight against each other.
I pray that such morbid symptom as feeling threat for no ground would be cured as early as possible.
We do not see on any Western or Western puppet media any mention of her statement ;"We have already clarified that south Korea is not our principal enemy" .
Western Media with Neo-Con's narrative hides the real aggressors and presents whoever against the West as the aggressor cannot quote these in order to serve the policy of Neo-Con aggression. Their narrative is North Korea is aggressive and a threat. The reality, however, is other way around. That is the reason rather than using her full statement, they use omitted version with cherry picked sentences. We do not see her important statements like; "We oppose war...If no one provoke us, we will never strike them first" or the significant statement "We will not fire even a single bullet or shell toward south Korea. It is because we do not regard South Korea as match for our armed forces....the fact that the north and the south of Korea are of the same nation who should not fight against each other.."
The Main Stream Western Media lost all its credibility. Any news commentary from the Western Media should be considered as false and should be taken with a spoon full grain of salt. Its journalists have become the disgraceful representatives of journalism, and the editors have become the "gate keepers" for the Neo-Con policies and narratives. Simply put it, they have become the tools, the means of the aggressive, war mongering policy of Neo-Cons.
Erdogan A
April 6, 2024
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