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Ukraine Peace Summit; a political stunt to legitimize Zelensky as the leader.

Zelensky's illusionary claim that summit is a "history being made" is totally disconnected from the realities, as the headlines of the Western Media claim of "further step toward peace" is a fallacy.

A peace conference without the belligerent country and without the attendance of major government heads can only be a show, a show of a comedian.

Zelensky previously had a half a dozen "peace conference" since 2022. It started with 5 point, and then 10 point, now 3 point plan.

Five Point plan was on September 2022 at the UN, 10 point plan was between November 2022 and January 2024- five different places.  None of the summits had any affect , brought any solutions to the problem because some of the "points" were imaginary and without any substance in relation to the war. 

Ten point plan was calling for the capitulation of Russia. A demand can only be forwarded by someone who lives in a fantasy land disconnected from the realities on the war-ground. His fantasy at that time was that the Ukraine's summer offensive will be successful and force Russia to accept the plan. Realities however turned out to be different. Ukraine's summer offensive was a disastrous failure where Russia gained more victories on the ground.  Anticipation of success shattered by the realities of the world in general and concrete realities on the ground in particular. With his denial of the facts he stubbornly kept on presenting the same plan due to his illusion reinforced by the US-West.

Waking up from his illusions, or most likely with the "advise" of the US-West Zelensky dropped 7 of the 10 point plan. If Russia was invited (although highly unlikely that Russia would have attended) Russia would have come to an agreement with the remaining three points . 1-) Radiation and Nuclear safety, 2-) Nuclear security 3-) Release of prisoners and deported persons.

That is why they have excluded the main party to the war from the summit, because the summit had nothing to do with the peace but aimed at 'legitimizing " Zelensky as the leader of Ukraine. Probably, in addition,  it aimed to test the waters and see the current status of the geopolitical alignment.

Yes, it has been a "history in making", another history of "stunt" for the continuation of  a comedian as the leading actor on the stage. 

Was the summit a success ? Is it another disaster for the US-West and Ukraine?

Without the attendance of the head of governments of the major countries, that summit did not have any legitimacy as Zelensky does not have any legitimacy as the president of Ukraine since he cancelled the elections in Ukraine.  In that sense the main objective of the summit, legitimizing Zelensky's leadership has failed. 

Results of summit is another victory for Russia who has no plans to stop the war till it achieves if not all most of its strategic goals. Unlike the Western claims, that aim does not include the invasion of western Ukraine unless it is forced to do so.

Lets do a rough study of the western media's headlines of "World Leaders Join Ukraine Summit" . Is it a spin and fallacy or fact?

Is it really more than 110 countries participated in the Ukraine Peace Summit or as the Swiss summit authorities says; 160 Countries and organisations are invited to the Ukraine Peace Summit, around 50 attended. (Total "delegation" is ninety-three, 44 out of which is EU countries-no idea how many of them are "organizations- no information is given yet. )

If we assume 27 of them EU countries, in reality total 20 plus countries and organizations attended. (other than the usual suspects, most sent envoys, ministerial delegations not the "Head of Governments")

From South East Asia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar is not participating. No information yet on Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. East Timor, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand attending. Only Timor is participating with the head of Government.

Africa; Cabo Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, and Somalia, total 13 countries out of 54 will be attending.

Asia; Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea is not attending. India, Japan and South Korea attending.

Latin America; (21 countries)  Brazil(sending an envoy), Colombia not attending. Chili, Peru, Ecuador, Ivory Coast

Middle east; Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain and Iraq are all sending ministerial-level delegations. Syria and other Arab countries are not attending.

It shows that "the world Leaders join" to summit headlines of the western media is another fallacy aimed at deceiving the people. This fallacy is actually debunked by some of  the same western media outlets by stating that summit was "shadowed", most of the South and south East Asian countries did not attend , at best sent a "delegation" rather than any high ranking government official.

As a conclusion the Peace Summit (which was not) as a stunt has failed miserably. The play put on the stage with the comedian Zelensky leading role did not impress any audience including the countries of the West. 

It was not a "history in making" but a lousy theatrical play in making.

Erdogan A
June 16, 2024

10 Point plan (with hypocritical explanations- in reality they commit what they accuse Russia of )

1. Nuclear safety (Swiss Peace summit 3 point plan)

In March of 2022, Russia became the first country in the world to militarily take over a working nuclear station when it took control of a nuclear plant located in Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine.

Since the occupation of the power plant, Russia has been reckless with the plant, even using it as a military base, knowing that Ukraine won’t shoot at it.
Furthermore, since being run by the Russians, the power plant has repeatedly been brought to dangerous levels. “Ukrainian nuclear power plants and installations must operate safely under full sovereign control of Ukraine. Russian troops shall be withdrawn from the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and its territory shall be completely demilitarized,” according to Ukraine’s peace plans.

With its bombing and shelling, Russia’s war on Ukraine has also put other nuclear power plants at risk.

Under Ukraine’s plan, the International Atomic Energy Agency plays a lead role in implementing nuclear safeguards until power plants are returned to Ukraine.

2. Food security  (Swiss Peace summit 3 point plan)

It’s become very difficult for Ukraine to deliver its grain abroad, particularly to poorer Asian and African countries, where, without the grain, many risk starvation.

As part of the peace plan, Russia should stop shelling Ukraine’s ports and grain elevators and ensure the safety of Ukraine's grain exports.

“The matter of food security shall be de-weaponized,” the document says.

In July 2023, Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Grain Deal, and there have been multiple attacks on Ukrainian port infrastructure and warehouses since then. On Nov. 9, a Liberian-flagged civilian ship traveling to Odesa was hit by a Russian missile.

3. Energy security  (Swiss Peace summit 3 point plan)

The upcoming winter will likely be another test for Ukraine. This past winter, despite many attempts, Russia failed to destroy Ukraine's energy resources and facilities, which would have left Ukrainians without light and heat.

Nevertheless, Russia did do significant damage.

This winter, Ukraine believes Russia will likely attempt to freeze Ukrainians once again.

As part of Zelensky’s peace plan, Russia should end its energy terrorism, and that Ukraine’s energy facilities should be internationally monitored, protected, and restored.

4. Release of prisoners

A staggering number of Russia’s prisoners – including both Ukrainian soldiers and civilians – have undergone torture.

Also, as many as 19,500 Ukrainian children have been deported to Russia against their will – an abduction, Ukraine says.

The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, for the forced abduction of Ukrainian children – many of whom have been adopted by Russian families.

Under the peace plan, Russia should release all of its prisoners and deported people.

5. Territorial integrity and restoration as per UN Charter 

“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,” reads Article 2 of the UN Charter.

Russia must fully restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity, including Crimea, which it invaded and annexed in 2014. The United Nations General Assembly rejected Crimea’s so-called “referendum” to join Russia.

6. Cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine

Russia must withdraw its army from Ukraine and cease hostilities.

7. Justice and special tribunal

A special tribunal should be created to prosecute Russian war crimes, and Russia should be held accountable for its violations of international law.

National and international evidence-gathering efforts, including by the International Criminal Court, are continued and strengthened.

8. Environmental safety

Russia’s war on Ukraine has caused environmental damage on an immense scale.

It’s led to unprecedented levels of pollution, destruction of ecosystems, and the deaths of massive numbers of animals.

Ukraine says that one of the most devastating acts of environmental destruction happened on June 6, when Russia detonated explosives from within the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. With consequences that will be felt for years, dozens of farms, villages, and towns were wiped away by flooding and thousands of people were evacuated.

“It's really ecocide that the Russian Army committed in Ukraine,” Oleksandr Todorchuk, the founder of Ukrainian animal welfare charity UAnimals told Newsweek.

Tens of thousands of animals likely died in the flooding, Todorchuk said.

Beyond the destruction of its dam, a great deal of Ukraine has been mined with explosives. First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko has said that as much as 174,000 square kilometers of Ukraine could be contaminated with explosives.

9. Prevention of future aggression

With an unpredictable and belligerent neighbor at its border, Ukraine wants a refined post-war security architecture so Russia won’t simply invade it again.

For that reason, the security guarantees for Ukraine should come from its international partners.

10. Confirmation of war’s end

This is the final step. The framework is set for ending the war, guaranteeing Ukraine’s future security and its reconstruction – peace for Ukraine in its entirety.

The end of the war should be confirmed at a peace conference, held with the widest possible number of countries participating and contributing. A legally binding international agreement should be signed.

Kyiv hopes its peace plan will then be used for “preventing the repetition of aggression against Ukraine and any other state in the future, small or big.”

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