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Stalin and Bolsheviks on NATO as an instrument of aggression of war

Nowadays, it is a pleasing irony that quite large of Western Liberal professors and commentators calling NATO as an American vassal organisation for its aggressive military policy and practices. Some even admit that the UN has been used for the purposes of America in its practice of subjugating other countries and justifying its wars. Some even present the comment in a way that, as if it is a “new, historical assessment” by them.  Let’s remind them that Stalin and Bolsheviks had made that assessment over 70 years ago.

Here are few of them;

Stalin, Interview with "Pravda" Correspondent February  17, 1951

“The United Nations Organization, from being a world organization of nations with equal rights, has changed into an instrument of a war of aggression. In reality, the United Nations Organization is now not so much a world organization, (but) as an organization for the Americans and treats American aggression as acceptable... The United Nations Organization has been transformed into an instrument of war, a means to unleash a new world war. The aggressive core of the United Nations Organization has formed the aggressive North Atlantic pact from 10 members and the representatives of these countries are now making decisions about war and peace in the United Nations Organization. It was these who implemented the scandalous decision on the aggression of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations Organizations. ”

XIX Congress of the CPSU (b) - (October 5-14, 1952). 

G.M. Malenkov, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) to the XIX Party Congress

In the postwar period, the activities of the ruling circles of the United States of America, England, France and in the field of international relations developed under the sign of the preparation for a new war.

Almost immediately after the end of World War II, the United States of America abandoned the agreed course of policy pursued by the wartime allies and enshrined in the resolutions of the Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam conferences of powers. With a number of its aggressive actions, the United States aggravated the international situation, putting the world before the danger of a new war.

The rulers of the United States have formulated the goals of their aggressive course quite frankly. As early as 1945, shortly after Truman took over as President of the United States, he declared that ʺvictory presented the American people with a constant and burning need to lead the world.ʺ Subsequently, Truman and other American politicians have repeatedly reiterated their claims to the ʺworld leadership of the United States.ʺ This line of conquering world domination and subjugating all other countries is the main motive of the entire policy of the American imperialist elite.

The US thugs knew, of course, that it was impossible to achieve domination over other nations by peaceful means. They knew from the experience of the Nazis, who also strove for domination over other countries, that one cannot even dream of world domination without the use of force, without unleashing a new war. And they decided to break the peace, prepare a new war. And since the USSR is the main enemy of the new war, the main bulwark of peace, the US tycoons came to the conclusion that the war should be launched against the USSR and other peace supporters. This is how the North Atlantic aggressive bloc was formed, cobbled together without the USSRʹs knowledge, behind its back. And in order to hide the aggressive goals of this bloc from the people and deceive the people, they declared it a ʺdefensiveʺ bloc against ʺcommunismʺ, against the Soviet Union, which is supposedly going to attack the United States, Britain, France and other members of the bloc.

The main aggressive power ‐ the United States of America ‐ is strenuously urging other capitalist countries to war, primarily those in the North Atlantic bloc, as well as the countries defeated in the Second World War ‐ West Germany, Italy, Japan. The American bosses determine the goals of the war, its route, the forces to take part in it for all the bloc members, and decide other questions of preparing for the war, dictating their will.

In an effort to disguise their aggressive policy, the ruling circles of the United States are trying to present the so‐called ʺcold warʺ against the democratic camp as a peaceful defensive policy and intimidate their peoples with the non‐existent danger of an attack from the USSR. The disguise of aggressive plans and ongoing hostilities with demagogic peace‐loving phraseology by the bosses of the Atlantic bloc is a characteristic feature of their policy. The fact is that today it is not so easy to drive the peoples, who have only recently learned the full weight of bloody military operations, into a new war, into a war against peace‐loving peoples. Hence these efforts of an aggressive Atlantic wolf to put on a sheep’s skin.



A Warmonger’s International, Otto Kuusinen

original text published in Pravda, 27 August 1951

At the beginning of July this year, the Anglo-American politicians put into operation in Western Germany new units in what would appear to be two different lines of strategy. On the one hand, McCloy, the American gauleiter in Bonn, summoned Adenauer and a number of Hitlerite generals and ordered them to speed up to the utmost the formation of the German divisions for inclusion in the ‘European army’ of the North-Atlantic military alliance. On the other hand, in Frankfort on the Main, under the protection of the Anglo-American occupational forces, a congress was held of the Right-wing Socialists of the North-Atlantic Alliance countries and of several other countries and a so-called ‘Socialist International’ was inaugurated. The direct leadership of this latter unit was entrusted to Morgan Phillips, the secretary of the Executive Committee of the British Labour Party; he, too, was elected chairman of this International.

What is this International? Is it the resurrected old Second International, which had lived so dishonestly and had died so ingloriously, or some new invention?

To be able to answer this question we must first ascertain what attitude this International adopted towards the major problems of present-day international politics.

‘Socialist’ Boosting of American Imperialism; It is not worthwhile asking the present-day Right-wing Socialists what their attitude is towards the imperialism of their respective countries.

And it is equally useless asking them what their attitude is towards imperialism in general, for to this question they answer without batting an eyelid: of course, we are opposed to imperialism... In the declaration of the aims and objects of their International they claim that they oppose imperialism in all its forms. Thus, their words constantly contradict their deeds.

But even this verbal repudiation of imperialism melts away on the lips of these ‘internationalists’ as soon as the question of their attitude towards American imperialism is brought up; and this is a question that no workers’ party in the world can brush aside, for everybody knows that after German imperialism was crushed in the Second World War, the United States of America became the principal centre of international imperialist reaction. Hence, if American imperialism is not opposed, the hollow phrase ‘oppose imperialism in all its forms’ can deceive nobody.

This is exactly the case with the policy of the Right-wing Socialists. They obsequiously support the execution of all the imperialist plans of the United States government — the Marshall Plan, the North-Atlantic military alliance, the remilitarization of Germany and Japan, and so forth. And yet they have the brazenness to assure the workers that they oppose imperialism in all its forms!

The opportunists of the old Second International often promised the colonial peoples independence, although they always broke their promise; but the 1951 International does not even promise this. Why? Because they grudge a few extra words?

No. The reason is that the American imperialists strongly dislike the slogan of independence for the colonial countries. They are not averse to advocating the ‘liberation’ of some colony or other that is ruled by, say, British or French imperialism, but they assert that there is no subjection and exploitation in the American colonies; such scandalous things are to be found only in non-American colonies, they say. Hence, Washington has no objection to calls for the ‘liberation’ of colonies and for the liquidation of ‘subjection and exploitation’ in them if these calls are couched in general terms, and without any reference to the American colonies. The call for a struggle for the independence of the colonial and dependent countries, however, smacks of revolt against imperialist oppression! The American aspirants to world domination have learned, particularly in China, how dangerous it is for imperialism when an oppressed nation rises to wage a determined struggle for national independence. Even in the Philippines, to whom the United States government granted a charter of nominal ‘independence’, the people are still fighting for real independence.

Naturally, therefore, the gentlemen in Washington no longer tolerate the slogan of a struggle for the independence of the oppressed nations even as mere propaganda. Consequently, the abettors of imperialism, the Right-wing Socialists, also had to stop playing with this slogan in their propaganda.

As we know, the American and British aggressors are employing this lie in connection with Korea. They have proclaimed the Korean people, who are defending their country, as aggressors, and are brazenly shouting that the American and British troops who have been sent to Korea to kill the Koreans and to seize their country are defending America and Britain! The Americans seized the Chinese island of Taiwan and bombed Chinese towns and villages, but on encountering detachments of Chinese volunteers in Korea they proclaimed the Chinese People’s Republic an aggressor!

The Right-wing Socialists in particular took a fancy to this lie. They became so enamored of it that at the Frankfort congress they decided to add their mite to it. They proclaimed that the aggressor in the war in Korea is the... Cominform! Mr. Morgan Phillips, the dashing leader of the International, went even further and proclaimed Russia the aggressor in Korea! This is the limit.

Thus, the imperialists and their socialist henchmen found a ‘convenient’ means of military and political attack upon the nations they have chosen as the objects of their imperialist aggression. Lies and slander are now officially accepted weapons in the arsenal of the North-Atlantic military alliance, on a par with atomic bombs, poison gas and plague germs. With the aid of these weapons they can proclaim any war of aggression they launch as the ‘aggression of the Cominform’, or as ‘Russian aggression’.

This congress also backed the well-known fable that the countries in the North-Atlantic Alliance are arming in order to ‘avert the war’ which, they allege, the Soviet Union and the People’s Democracies are planning. But could they adduce any facts to support their claim that the United States, or Great Britain, or any other country in the North-Atlantic Alliance, is threatened? No, they could not. They themselves do not believe that any such danger exists. The Soviet Union is not building war bases in other countries around the United States or Great Britain; but the United States is building such bases everywhere around the Soviet Union.

Thousands of facts prove that the Soviet Union is pursuing a policy of peace. All the pronouncements and proposals made by the Soviet representatives in the United Nations testify to the undeviating efforts of the Soviet government to safeguard peace. The United States and British governments, however, mobilising the support of the states that are dependent upon them, are more and more converting the United Nations into an instrument of aggressive war. As a consequence, as Comrade Stalin has pointed out, the United Nations is ceasing to be a world organisation of equal nations, is killing its moral prestige, and is dooming itself to collapse.

In the interview he gave a Pravda correspondent in February 1951, Comrade Stalin exposed the favourite lie of that most outstanding leader of the bourgeois Socialists Attlee, then British Prime Minister. Comrade Stalin said:

Premier Attlee has to lie about the Soviet Union, he has to make out that the peaceful policy of the Soviet Union is an aggressive policy, and that the aggressive policy of the British government is a peaceful policy, in order to mislead the British people, force upon them these lies about the USSR, and thus inveigle them by deceit into a new world war, which the ruling circles of the United States of America are engineering. 

From the moment it came into existence, the new International became one of the most zealous detachments of the bodyguard of present-day imperialism. Its leaders curry favour with the most reactionary section of the bourgeoisie. The Right-wing Socialist International has already shown that it is an agency of the most aggressive imperialism in the world, namely, American imperialism. The chief and immediate function of this International is to incite aggressive war against the entire camp of democracy and Socialism.

Hence, the new Right-wing Socialist International contains a lot of new knavery.

All the more reason, therefore, have not only the Communist Parties of all countries, but also all honest Socialists, and all peace supporters, to secure by their ceaseless educational activities among the working people the complete isolation of the pseudo-socialist abettors of the warmongers, for they are the worst enemies of peace, democracy and Socialism.


XIX Congress of the CPSU (b) - (October 5-14, 1952). Documents and Materials

8 October, (Evening meeting)

O.N. Bulganin

In recent years, in all aggressive countries, the number of ground forces and air forces has grown significantly. Thus, in the United States of America, the total number of the armed forces increased, compared with 1939, more than 6 times. The size of the regular armed forces of Great Britain in comparison with the pre‐war time has increased two and a half times. At America’s demand, armed forces are being created in West Germany and Japan, and the so‐called European army is being formed, which, according to the plans of the imperialists, should increase significantly by the end of this year.

Under the guise of false speeches about its peacefulness, the American government is organizing and building military bases outside its country on a large scale, mainly in West Germany, France, England, French Morocco, Turkey and Japan. America creates its naval bases mainly on foreign territories, primarily on those seas that are part of the North Atlantic bloc.

It is not difficult to guess that the construction of all these military bases is carried out by the United States of America in such a way as to surround the Soviet Union with them and thereby create favorable conditions for itself in case of war.

Recently, the generals of the Atlantic bloc have shown great militant excitement, who, on the orders of their masters from Wall Street, rush from country to country. Now they check the troops, then they conduct land, sea and air maneuvers, then they scour the Soviet borders. In the last three months alone, up to a dozen prominent representatives of the American and British military have visited the Soviet‐Turkish border. The appearance of these jackals in uniforms near our border is, of course, not accidental. This is one of the links in the preparation of the war against the USSR by the imperialists.

It also shows that the current government of Turkey, having lost all sense of responsibility for the fate of its people and turned into an appendage of the American‐British bloc, is dragging its country down the path of dangerous adventures.

Recently, not far from the borders of the Soviet Union, combined naval maneuvers of the Atlantic bloc took place in the area from the northern coast of Norway to the Danish island of Bornholm. Nine countries took part in the maneuvers. With the exception of Norway and Denmark, the rest of the participants in the maneuvers have no direct interests in the Baltic Sea area.

The actions and intentions of the imperialist camp, headed by the current American government, are clearly aggressive and provocative.

The American imperialists cover up their robbery with the lie about ʺliberationʺ. But lying won’t help them. Lies have short legs. You can’t go very far on such feet. (Applause.)

Currently, the US government is seriously concerned about the lack of ʺpolitical and moral solidarityʺ between the countries of the Atlantic bloc. And, apparently, in this regard, American aid to the countries that are part of this bloc is especially praised. However, it is fairly well known what American ʺaidʺ means. This is a direct plunder of these countries and their submission to American rule. Providing ʺaidʺ to its satellites, the American government adheres to the rule common in the world of capitalism: ʺOn you, God, what we do not wantʺ, selling stale goods and outdated weapons. Military and economic aid to other states is used to involve them in active preparations for a new world war.

Describing the current situation in the capitalist world, Comrade Stalin says:

“Outwardly, everything seems to be ʹwellʹ: the United States of America put Western Europe, Japan and other capitalist countries on rations: Germany (Western), England, France, Italy, Japan , caught in the clutches of the United States, obediently carry out the orders of the United States. But it would be wrong to think that this “prosperity” can be preserved “forever and ever,” that these countries will endlessly endure the domination and oppression of the United States of America, that they will not try to break out of American bondage and take the path of independent development. ʺ


V.Y. Avarin

The position taken by the governments of Attlee and Churchill in matters of Far Eastern policy is a position conditioned by the desire to fight, if possible, by proxy. The militarization of England, which the Labor lackeys of the financial oligarchy began with particular zeal from the beginning of 1951, after the Truman-Atlee conference, the entire policy of the Labor government and the Conservative government that replaced it in 1951 shows that the British rulers are ready to draw the British people into a new world war that the British government is one of the active warmongers.

Comrade Stalin, in a conversation with a Pravda correspondent published on February 17, 1951, emphasized this circumstance.

"It is clear," he declared, "that Premier Attlee stands not for the preservation of peace, but for unleashing a new world war of aggression."

The British imperialists, who turned out to be completely incapable of learning the lessons of history, continuing after the Second World War, as in the days of Munich, to carry out vile and insidious plans to kindle an anti-Soviet war, however, became victims of their own criminal projects and machinations. Using the North Atlantic Pact, acting sometimes with a whip and sometimes with a dollar, the American financial oligarchy is increasingly turning the United Kingdom into its military foothold and dependent country. Under the pretext of "defending" England, the United States took possession of the air bases in the British Isles, stationed troops in England, enjoying extraterritoriality and being, in fact, occupying troops, exerting military-political pressure on the London government.

As the British bourgeois press admits, the American militarists have long been unashamedly declaring that, in the role of an aircraft carrier for American aviation, "England will prove useful to the United States, although London and most of England will be destroyed" (4) .

The agreements on "military assistance" concluded between Britain and the United States actually led to the establishment of control by the American financial oligarchy over the heavy industry of England, and consequently over all industry. After the removal of the English General Montgomery from the post of head of the headquarters of the "European army" and the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the Atlantic aggressive bloc, the American general Eisenhower, and then the plague general - Ridgway, as well as the appointment of the American admiral as the commander of the naval forces of the aggressor bloc, the military system of England also turned out to be in 1951 under the control of the US General Staff.

The socialist centre, which has taken shape in full accordance with Comrade Stalin's foresight, is fighting for peace, for progress. The number of his supporters is growing day by day. The capitalist center - the United States - has created the criminal North Atlantic bloc, and is putting together Middle Eastern and Far Eastern military blocs auxiliary to it, the task of which is to kindle the fire of a world war unprecedented in its scale. It is not surprising that the American reactionaries themselves in the press and speeches acknowledge the growth of "hostility and hatred" towards the United States throughout the world.

"'World domination' is, to put it briefly, the content of the imperialist policy, the continuation of which is the imperialist war" (V. I. Lenin. Stalin , Conversation with a Pravda correspondent,) .


Institute of Economics of the Academy of sciences of the USSR, 1957

The expansion of American imperialism showed itself first in the guise of “aid for the post-war restoration of Europe". The “Marshall Plan" which operated in 1948-52 had for its aim to make the West-European countries dependent on the American monopolies, draw them into the orbit of aggressive American policy and force the pace of the militarization of their economies. The “Marshall Plan" paved the way for the North Atlantic Pact—the aggressive alliance formed in 1949 by American imperialism (with the active support of the ruling circles of Britain) for the purpose of establishing its domination over the world. When the period of the Marshall Plan’s operation came to an end it was succeeded by a programme alleged to be for “ensuring mutual security", under which American aid is given only for arms drives, only for preparations for another war. By the terms of this programme, American imperialism finally threw off the mask of “restorer" of the economies of the capitalist countries.



XIX Congress of the CPSU (b) - (October 5-14, 1952).

V.M. Molotov

From the Introductory speech

This aggressive, anti‐democratic camp is headed by the ruling reactionary circles of the United States of America, fulfilling the will of the capitalist monopolies, who, in an insatiable pursuit of increased profits, are striving to establish their world domination by force.

It is the ruling circles of the United States that bear the main responsibility for the criminal war in Korea, for the seizure of the Chinese island of Taiwan, for the transformation of West Germany and Japan into dependent states, as well as for the creation in the West and East of aggressive military alliances, such as the North Atlantic bloc, directed against peace‐loving states.

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