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Dialogue with classics and keep pace with the times

(Author: Zhou Jiaxin, special researcher of Jiangsu Provincial Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and professor of Research Center for Marxist Social Theory of Nanjing University)

[Editor's Note] Throughout the history of human civilization, classic works that have lasted for a long time have profoundly written and recorded the style and temperament of a specific era, shocking the ancient and modern times. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should "use classics to cultivate integrity, temper thoughts, sublimate realms, and guide practice." Contemporary young people should consciously establish a sense of classics and concerns of the times, and be both down-to-earth and keen theoretical researchers, and practitioners who shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. To this end, this magazine has organized several young scholars to discuss how to make reading classics and understanding principles a lifestyle and a spiritual pursuit, and then promote the transformation of the subjective and objective worlds, and invited experts to comment on it, in order to bring experience and inspiration to the current youth in classic reading and philosophical thinking.


Guo Nongzhou PhD student, Department of Philosophy, Peking University

Wu Jianfeng PhD student, School of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University

Li Tiezheng PhD student, Department of Marxism, Northeast Normal University


Guangming Daily reporter Zhang Yingtian

1 The wisdom and power of classics

Host: Classics are works that have survived the test of time and remain fresh, and they record the progress of the times and the changes in society. Classic works in philosophy and social sciences have eternal value and will provide wisdom enlightenment and spiritual motivation for people in any era. Please talk about how to understand the "power of classics"?

Wu Jianfeng: The reason why classics are classics is that their thoughts are penetrating and eternally inspiring. They either raise an eternal question, or construct a thinking paradigm, or open up a field of discussion and trigger continuous ideological debate, or provide an indispensable theoretical perspective for understanding the real world, or all of them. I think classics have three powers: First, classics can ignite the spark of thought. Classics not only record the crystallization of human wisdom, but also contain profound thoughts on life, society and the universe. The sparks of wisdom in classic texts can inspire readers' inspiration and creativity, guide them to think about problems from different perspectives, expand the boundaries of thought, and thus promote the continuous innovation of knowledge and thought. Second, classics can promote dialogue among civilizations. Classic texts have the power to transcend time, build a bridge of communication between different cultures, and promote exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations. Third, classics can break the blind spots of thinking. The greatness of classic texts also lies in the fact that they provide rich knowledge and ideological resources, which can prompt readers to conduct in-depth reflection and self-examination, so as to break out of inherent cognitive limitations and gain high-level cognitive abilities.

Guo Nongzhou: Classics of philosophy and social sciences are masterpieces that have been baptized and screened by history and have been handed down to this day. The "power of classics" can be understood from two perspectives. From a social perspective, the "power of classics" has a strong guiding power. Classics contain thoughts about the times and cognition of the laws of social development. Classics are open, constantly extending to the modern era, and continue to participate in the construction of contemporary reality. From a personal perspective, the "power of classics" has a clear explanatory power. Faced with complex social phenomena, people can use classics to see through and grasp reality, and then form a clear understanding of the era they live in. With the help of classics, we can better determine the direction of our lives and be "calm in the face of chaos."

Li Tiezheng: As a cultural existence, classics, with their profound ideological insights and high artistic expressions, have conducted in-depth discussions on issues such as human nature, social structure and moral values, and are also of great reference significance for the evolution of contemporary social culture. At the same time, classics themselves constitute the existence and meaning of human life. Classics are created by humans and serve humans. They distinguish the living world of humans from the natural world of animals, making humans "cultural animals". It can be said that in the process of human pursuit of "free and comprehensive development", classics have endowed people with the basic spirit and value pursuit in the real society. The power of classics lies not only in the transmission of knowledge, but also in the shaping of personality. Classics use symbols as a carrier of education to educate and guide people from "biological people" with life and death as the life cycle to "social people" and then to "people needed by society". Through the power and value of classics, we can not only be enriched in knowledge and improved in thought, but also constantly improve in personality and spirit, providing a continuous source of power for the realization of personal ideals and social progress.

Host: Marxist classics, excellent traditional Chinese classics, foreign classics, etc. are all important resources for us to feel the pulse of history and pursue spiritual nourishment. Please talk about what philosophical nourishment we can draw from these classics?

Guo Nongzhou: Studying classics is a process of dialogue with predecessors and improving one's own wisdom. As for studying the classic works of Marxist philosophy, the nutrients it provides us can be summarized into the following three aspects: First, critical thinking. Only by accurately understanding and grasping the criticality of Marxist philosophy can we truly understand Marxist philosophy. In his letter to Ruge, Marx proposed to "discover the new world in criticizing the old world" and called his philosophy "critical philosophy." In "Capital", Marx pointed out: "Dialectics does not worship anything. By its nature, it is critical and revolutionary." The second is the practical nature. Marxism is a theory of practice that guides people's actions to transform the world. In "Theses on Feuerbach", Marx pointed out that "all social life is essentially practical. All mysterious things that lead theory to mysticism can be reasonably resolved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice." Practicality is the inherent theoretical character of Marxism and the key to our understanding of the classic works of Marxist philosophy. The third is the people-oriented position. People-oriented is the essential attribute and fundamental position of Marxism. Marxism is a theory that speaks for the people and represents the people. Marx and Engels pointed out in The Holy Family that "the masses define history's 'tasks' and its 'activities'". The classic works of Marxist philosophy vividly explain that "the people are not only the creators of history, but also the subject of historical development".

Li Tiezheng: Reading classics and understanding principles are extremely important for cultivating the body and mind and tempering character. First of all, classics nourish the worldview. Classics help us understand the nature of the world, understand social changes and the evolution of ideas, and use this to build a broad global vision. Marx's "Capital" analyzes the nature and operating mechanism of the capitalist economic system, reveals the impact of the economic base on social structure and other aspects, and helps us understand the internal driving force of social change; "Tao Te Ching" reveals the inherent connection between the operating laws of nature and human society, making us pay more attention to the harmonious development of natural laws and human society; Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" explores the principles of international trade and the global economy, allowing us to understand the connection and differences between different cultures and civilizations, and enhance our attention and understanding of global affairs. Secondly, classics nourish the outlook on life. The profound philosophical nutrients in the classics help us understand the meaning of life. For example, the "Xiaoyaoyou" in Zhuangzi teaches us to transcend fame, wealth and power and pursue the freedom and tranquility of the soul; Shakespeare's "Hamlet" deeply explores the nature of existence and the fate of mankind, allowing us to reflect on the meaning of personal existence and find the value of life through the pursuit of morality and good deeds. Finally, the classics nourish values. Classics help us establish core values, cultivate critical thinking, and pursue social fairness and justice. The surplus value theory in Marxist classics leads us to pay attention to the rights and interests of workers and social fairness, understand the root causes of social inequality and conflict, and then actively participate in and promote the realization of social fairness and justice; Confucius' "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trustworthiness" teaches us to adhere to ethics and morality in daily life, pursue personal cultivation and social harmony; Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" discusses the relationship between a happy life and virtue, emphasizing the importance of practicing virtue.

Wu Jianfeng: Classics are not only the crystallization of history and culture, but also a treasure house of thoughts and philosophy. Classics contain the philosophical genes of "surprise" and "love of wisdom", which can activate and awaken our inner curiosity and impulse to seek knowledge. By studying classics, we can learn: First, the depth of thought and introspection. Classic works often put forward profound philosophical propositions, leading us to deep introspection. Excellent traditional Chinese classics, such as "The Analects" and "Tao Te Ching", as well as foreign classics, such as Plato's "Republic" and Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason", all provide rich ideological resources, inspiring us to reflect and understand the meaning of life, moral norms, and ideal society. Second, multiple perspectives and an inclusive and open mind. Classic works come from different historical periods and cultural backgrounds, providing multiple perspectives and ways of thinking. This diversity helps to cultivate an inclusive mind and realm, and understand and respect the differences between different cultures and ideas. For example, by studying Western classics, we can better understand the values ​​and social systems of Western culture, thereby promoting cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation. Third, historical insight and reflection. Classical works provide us with classic theories that reveal the laws of social and historical evolution through the discussion of historical events, dynamic mechanisms and social structures. These theoretical insights not only help us understand the past, but also provide a thinking framework for understanding the present and grasping future development trends. For example, the Marxist materialist conception of history explains the laws of social change from the perspective of the mode of production, providing a new thinking paradigm for scientifically understanding and changing the world.

2 Methods and approaches to studying classics

Host: Everything has its own method. Only by mastering the method can you achieve twice the result with half the effort. Reading classics and understanding the principles also require the guidance of scientific methodology. Please talk about what methods should be mastered in the study of classic texts?

Wu Jianfeng: First, when studying classics, one must be good at asking questions to oneself. Asking questions can prompt individuals to have a deeper awareness of studying classics and establish the initial connection with classics. By asking questions to oneself, one can continuously promote active thinking, deepen the understanding of the text, and explore the deep meaning of the text. For example, a question that is beneficial to improving the experience and sense of achievement of studying classics is: Why do you read? Some readers read for their own interests and hobbies, some read for self-improvement, and some read to complete tasks. Based on different reasons or motivations, the specific methods and goals that are suitable are also different. But no matter what the motivation is, as long as you start reading, you will gain something. Second, studying classics must start with interest. Interest is the best teacher. Choosing classic works that you are interested in can stimulate continuous enthusiasm for study. Interest will guide us to be more focused and engaged, and solve the difficulties that may be encountered in the study process by ourselves. It is a channel to our own inner strength and guides us to "use ourselves as a method." Third, when studying classics, one must be diligent in accumulating notes. Study notes can effectively improve study comprehension. There are three important functions of diligently accumulating reading notes: first, consolidating memory and deepening understanding. Taking notes is a method of reproduction and recollection. Writing notes can effectively activate the original memory of study and deepen the understanding of the content of the book. The second is to accumulate materials and gain feedback. Writing notes is also the initial way of knowledge output. It can not only accumulate materials for formal writing, but also prompt us to check the results of study, establish a self-feedback mechanism to deepen understanding, form a benign interaction between study and writing, and enhance the sense of achievement of study. The third is to enrich connections and stimulate creativity. Writing notes is also the result of deep thinking. On the basis of insisting on taking notes, establish a personal note system, which can precipitate ideas for research and writing, establish rich thought connections, and thus stimulate innovation of ideas.

Guo Nongzhou: The vitality of classic works lies not only in their direct response to the problems of the times when they were created, but also in their continuous study, response, criticism, discussion, questioning and refutation by later generations. These related documents and the classics themselves form a classic text group, which has been created since the time when the classic works were created and continues to extend to the present. Any classic of philosophy and social science is a living theory that answers various questions that mankind has raised and continues to develop. These classics have a broad vision and rich knowledge. Even if they are only classic monographs in a certain professional field, they will involve history, economy, politics, culture, society and other aspects. In the preface to the French version of Capital, Marx once said to his French readers: "There is no smooth road in science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb along the steep mountain road can hope to reach the glorious peak." For the study of classics, it also requires a hard climb to reach the ideological height of the classic text.

In terms of methods, first, read word by word. The process of writing is to express one's thoughts word by word. Therefore, when we study, we also need to study word by word, have awe for the text, and gradually understand the author's thoughts. Second, read it repeatedly. "Read a book a hundred times, and its meaning will become clear." Whether it is a whole classic work or a chapter or a fragment, it needs to be read completely and repeatedly, and calm down to figure out the author's thoughts. Without a thorough study, it is not enough to have a clear summary of the text topic, not enough to have a clear understanding of the text structure; without repeated study, it is not enough to have a comprehensive grasp of the text ideas, and not enough to have a reasonable explanation of the text details.

Li Tiezheng: In the study of classic texts, it is crucial to master scientific methodology. First, combine the study of classics with problem awareness. Based on this, we should raise questions when studying classics. These questions can involve the themes discussed in the text, the author's views, the behavior of the characters, etc. By raising questions and thinking critically about the text, we can more specifically explore the connotation of the text. Secondly, combine the historical context of classics with the development of intellectual history. Classics are society when viewed horizontally and history when viewed vertically. In the study of classics, we should base ourselves on the big historical perspective and clarify the historical background of the production of classic texts, including the author's life experience, the background of the times, and the social environment. This background information can help us better understand the views and ideas in the text, as well as the author's writing motivation and purpose. Furthermore, we also need to examine the classic texts in the context of the development of intellectual history. This includes understanding the relationship between the text and other important schools of thought or works of its time, as well as the influence and inheritance of the text on the thoughts of later generations, and linking it with the actual development of contemporary society, so as to provide us with richer knowledge references and theoretical basis for transforming the objective world. Thirdly, combine the ideological connotation of classics with contemporary values. We need to extract the core ideas and values ​​from the classic texts, sort them out and analyze them, and then compare these core ideas with the reality of contemporary society, explore their universally applicable value significance in today's society, and then combine them with the development needs of contemporary society to propose practical application strategies and measures. Finally, we should also use multidisciplinary methods, including comparative research methods, historical methods, and social history criticism methods, to expand the breadth and depth of classic research and fully interpret the connotation and significance of classic texts. Through the comprehensive application of these methods, we can have a deeper understanding of the ideological connotation of classic works, reveal their practical significance and guiding role in contemporary society, and thus better apply them to real life and social development.

3 Classical Reality View

Host: The more you practice, the more you know; the deeper your knowledge, the more you can practice. Please talk about how to use classics to continuously promote knowledge innovation, theoretical innovation, and methodological innovation, and contribute to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation?

Guo Nongzhou: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We should not adopt a dogmatic attitude or a pragmatic attitude towards Marxism." "We should treat science with a scientific attitude, pursue truth with the spirit of truth, and constantly give Marxism new contemporary connotations." The same should be done when studying other classics. We should think in connection with historical conditions and current situations. When studying classic works, we must adhere to the principle of keeping the truth and making innovations. We should go back to history to understand the truth and look through reality to gain new ideas. Emphasizing historicity and academicity in reading will not weaken the dimension of reality, but will bring us closer to reality and grasp reality more deeply. The classic text itself is a reflection and exploration of the social problems and real predicaments of the time. On the basis of going back to history, we should analyze the historical background in which the classics were formed, explore the rich ideological connotations contained in the classic texts, and combine the careful observation and specific analysis of reality to innovate on the basis of inheritance, and truly think about contemporary real problems, so as to contribute to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Wu Jianfeng: Innovation is the result of the interaction between the reader's personal understanding, spiritual quality and social reality. I think the reality-reflecting power of classics can be enhanced through three aspects: First, use in-depth discussion of classics as a communication platform for knowledge innovation. Such discussion is not only a retelling of the text content, but also an exploration and criticism of its ideological depth. Through collective discussion, scholars can share different insights and inspire new sparks of thought. In this process, various novel viewpoints and methods emerge, which helps to break the boundaries of disciplines and promote the collision and integration of interdisciplinary ideas. Second, use the careful study of classics as a resource library for theoretical innovation. Theoretical innovation is the driving force for the continuous advancement of philosophy and social sciences, and classic texts are an important resource library for theoretical innovation. The value of classics lies in the depth and breadth of their thoughts, which can provide rich resources such as argumentation methods, conceptual frameworks, language styles and spiritual temperaments for modern theoretical innovation. Through careful study of classic texts, we can extract the ideological resources and clues contained in them but not yet fully explored, and we can also use research methods such as knowledge archaeology, hermeneutics and discourse analysis to discover and refine new theoretical concepts and methods. This way of reading helps researchers to form critical thinking and promote continuous innovation of theories. Third, critical research on classics is used as a driving force for method innovation. In the study of philosophy and social sciences, method innovation is the key to improving research quality and expanding research fields. Critical research means not only understanding and respecting the ideas in the classics, but also daring to question and challenge, starting from theoretical issues and Chinese experience, examining and learning from the research methods of predecessors, discovering their argument loopholes and theoretical limitations, and on this basis, making innovative transformations, thereby promoting method innovation and injecting new vitality into the development of philosophy and social sciences.

Li Tiezheng: The process of using classics to promote the transformation of the subjective and objective worlds is also a process of continuous enrichment, expansion and academicization. Academicization has enhanced the vitality and thoroughness of classical theory. Reading classics by contemporary young people is not only an important way to improve their historical and cultural identity, but also an important guarantee for guiding them to correctly understand and grasp the mission of the times and shoulder the responsibilities of the times. At present, erroneous thoughts and viewpoints such as historical nihilism still appear in new forms from time to time. Contemporary young people should deeply understand and grasp the viewpoints and methods of historical materialism, be good at using the theoretical power and ideological weapons of Marxist classics, consciously resist the influence of erroneous thoughts and viewpoints such as historical nihilism, firmly believe in Marxism, firmly believe in socialism and communism, and strive to be new people of the times who can reassure the Party, patriotically dedicate themselves, and shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation.

The times are the mother of thought, and practice is the source of theory. All epoch-making theories are the product of meeting the needs of the times. Contemporary China is experiencing the most grand and unique practical innovation in human history, and has raised a large number of theoretical and practical issues that need to be answered. In the context of the new era, only by treating classics with a scientific attitude can we better unify the study of classics with the development of reality, strive to improve our theoretical literacy and ideological realm, actively devote ourselves to the great practice of the new era, and contribute our youthful strength to promoting China's modernization.

■Expert comments

Enter the classics, grasp the times, and move towards the future

Like most young theoretical workers engaged in research in philosophy and social sciences, my path to study also began with studying and reading classics. Why should we study classics? What is the use of studying classics? How can we grasp the classics? Is there an efficient method to study classics? Can the classics in history answer the issues of concern to the times? These are questions that often linger in the minds of young people. Guo Nongzhou, Wu Jianfeng, and Li Tiezheng talked about their views from different perspectives, and I feel the same way. For us young people, the process of studying and reading classics is the process of our growth in mastering scientific theories, entering the reality of the times, forming methodological consciousness, and gaining historical initiative.


In the study and research of philosophy and social sciences, studying classics plays an extremely important role. As the three students mentioned, classics contain critical thinking, practical qualities, and people-oriented attitudes, which nourish our world view, outlook on life, and values. By studying classics, we can gain the depth and introspection of thought, multiple perspectives and tolerance, and historical insight and reflection.

Only through in-depth study of classics can we "know what it is, and why it is so", and truly grasp the theory of science. The theory of science is not just a few core concepts, a number of important judgments, or just a set of logical systems. More importantly, it is the relationship between concepts and judgments, as well as the worldview and methodology behind these relationships or logical systems. Studying classics can help us more truly understand the practical process of classic writers in exploring historical laws, the realistic direction of classic writers in exploring scientific theories, and the value concerns of classic writers in pursuing objective truth.

Classics embody the exploration of generations of philosophy and social science researchers. The reason why classics become classics is that they have been tested by practice and selected by history. To truly understand classics, we should not go back to the pile of old papers with a magnifying glass, but use the power of abstraction to explore the process of thought through the text and open up the historical field of the combination of theory and practice. By studying classics, young people can more clearly understand the historical orientation of their own theoretical thinking and more actively clarify the method consciousness of their own practical innovation.


To be honest, studying classics is not an easy task. It takes arduous exploration to understand theories, grasp history and clarify missions with the help of classics. Many young people will sigh: "Classics are too difficult to read. How can we understand classics?" "How should we view the relationship between classics in history and the development of contemporary theories?" Wu Jianfeng believes that studying classics requires being good at asking questions, being brave to start from interests and being diligent in accumulating notes. While emphasizing that studying classics should be done word by word and repeatedly, Guo Nongzhou also mentioned the issue of "text groups" formed by classic works in the history of thought, which is very meaningful. This is directly related to the scientific methodology in the study of classic texts. Li Tiezheng expounded his understanding of this issue from three perspectives: combining classic study with problem awareness, combining historical context with the development of ideological history, and combining ideological connotation with contemporary values. In my opinion, in the process of studying classics, we must adhere to the method of seeking truth from facts and the viewpoint of dialectical history.

We must adhere to the method of seeking truth from facts when studying classics. The text of classic works is an objective existence on our desks. The creation process, historical background, and ideological context of classic works are objective facts. The dissemination and interpretation of classic works are also an objective historical process, which constitutes the objective premise for us to grasp classic works. Adhering to the method of seeking truth from facts to study classics, we must be faithful to the original text of classic works, delve into the social and historical background and ideological and theoretical context of the creation of classic works, and grasp the ideological viewpoints, narrative logic, and theoretical methods of classic works. At the same time, the objective process of the dissemination and interpretation of classic works itself constitutes a necessary reference for us to enter classic works, grasp scientific theories, and clarify our own mission.

The study of classics must adhere to the viewpoint of dialectical history. Material dialectics emphasizes the viewpoint of universal connection, comprehensive system, development and change. Classic works themselves are not independent. A classic work often constitutes another "text group" together with other classic works, echoing each other and recording the innovative achievements of classic writers. At the same time, the dissemination process and interpretation results of classic works themselves have also inherently constituted the power of classics and the inevitable intermediary in our grasp of classics.


The three students focused on how contemporary youth can use classics to continuously promote knowledge innovation, theoretical innovation, and methodological innovation, and contribute to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. They expressed their own views and spoke very well. Specifically in the study of Marxist classics, a common question is: these classics were formed a long time ago. Do they still have guiding significance for today's social reality? Let's take "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844" and "The Communist Manifesto" as examples to illustrate.

What is widely known about the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is the alienated labor theory proposed by Marx. However, if we put this manuscript in the context of the formation of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we can find that the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is Marx's theoretical preparation for the "science of real people and their historical development". Since the 1980s, China's Marxist research has fully proved that the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 is a classic work in the formation of Marxism. The important value of studying and reading this work today is to learn from Marx's young age to uphold the lofty ideal of human liberation, make full use of the advanced achievements of human civilization, and promote the innovation of philosophical methodology through theoretical self-revolution.

For The Communist Manifesto, in combination with the creation process, theoretical exposition, and dissemination of this classic work, in addition to understanding Marx and Engels's combination of scientific world outlook with the practice of the workers' movement and the theoretical work of clarifying scientific socialism, what is particularly worthy of our attention is Marx and Engels' exploration process of combining general principles with specific reality. For example, in the face of the development of the socialist movement in Western Europe in the second half of the 19th century, Marx and Engels gave a specific analysis of the differences between the workers' movement before and after the 1848 revolution, pointing out the direction for the actual socialist practice. In judging whether it is possible to "cross the Caucasus Gorge", Marx and Engels not only adhered to the materialist conception of history and emphasized the objectivity of social and historical development, but also based on the reality of capitalist development and the particularity of Russian social development, gave a specific analysis of the path of the Russian revolution.

The study and interpretation of classics are always combined with the concerns of major theoretical and practical issues, responding to the call of the times in a unique way. Contemporary youth should fully and accurately apply scientific theories, systematically and deeply grasp the requirements of the times, and consciously and independently clarify the direction of struggle, so as to promote the transformation of the subjective and objective worlds in the study of classics.

(Author: Zhou Jiaxin, special researcher of Jiangsu Provincial Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and professor of Research Center for Marxist Social Theory of Nanjing University)

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