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Is the US getting ready for a “face saving exit” from the Ukraine war?

An update to the previous article “Is the World War knocking on the door? Subjectively; Yes, objectively; No.”

I had noted in the previous article that “ The question here is would the US let Ukraine use this missile against Russia and give them a chance to study and reverse-engineer it for its defense?  Or will US risk its assets and soldiers spread around the world with over 800 military bases with so many adversaries on each region? We will wait and see shortly if US will take that risk or not.”  The response to the question came quicker than I expected right after Putin’s stark warning leaving no room for any vagueness about Russia’s possible response in case of such an approval  practice of which  may well bring about the death of Russian civilians. US was very quick in denying the approval of the use of missiles after Putin’s short but definite response.

 I had concluded the article with my take on the issue saying that ;”  They (US bureaucrats) are cornered in Israel issue, but they are already setting up a “face saving” exit  from the Ukraine war issue.”  Reading the latest articles from the “well known” writers of the so called “free media” like Washington Post, New York Times etc., reinforced that argument.

For experienced analyzers there are ways to see the changes and the directions of the policies of the US “decision makers” through the changes in the narratives of the columnists who are known to be  in bed with the US Government agencies, especially with CIA, NSA.  Government uses them through “leaking information” to them, in most cases, to carry out and disseminate their narratives. That is the manipulation of the masses with disinformation through the use of  “well known” columnists to go along with their narratives for any given action. Another function of these columnists is to prepare the masses for any decisions to be taken which will be contrary to the narratives for  the same action. Since, a sharp change in the narrative and the direction of the policy on that given “action”  is not a preferable alternative, for it creates a shock and raises the issue of  credibility, while keeping the same narrative going, they start injecting the truth in their articles that contradicts the narrative.  If this “injection” practice starts as the headline  of the article, that may well be considered as the indication for the start of the preparations for a “face saving exit’ from the ongoing policy and practice.

In Ukraine case, the narratives and headlines gradually but consistently changing from “Ukraine is winning the war” to “Ukraine needs help to win the war” to “Ukraine is losing the war” is a good example for this.  Although it is not as wide spread yet, the most striking example of this “injection of truth” within the narrative is related to the casualties. The narrative of “Russia is losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers” is changing to “ Russia has lost soldiers with a ratio of one to four Ukrainian soldiers”.

The articles by these “well known journalists!“, “columnists” are in line with the (historical) common practice of preparing the masses for a “ face saving exit” of the US from the Ukraine war. That does not mean that the core of the narratives will change, but the narratives “supporting to the end till Ukraine gains all the territories back, Ukraine will win, We will not let Russia to occupy Ukrainian lands” etc., will  disappear. US does not have the military capacity to support Ukraine, its own military arsenal is depleted. Ukraine alone or with the few European countries have no capacity to escalate the war to benefit US, but to bring about their economic and military destruction- in Ukraine case, its total destruction.

US never believed that Ukraine could win the war. It was the use of Ukraine and the Ukrainian soldiers rather than its own  in order to weaken and  dismantle Russia.  The policy and practice backfired and brought about an economically and militarily powerful Russia. 

Thanks to the provocations of Israeli apartheid regime, now US is facing a regional war in Middle East that can easily escalate to a larger war. This situation presents more danger for the US than the escalation of war in Ukraine and a war between France, Brits, and Russia. Aside from the connections of world finance capital to Israel, the unquestionable power of the Israeli Lobby in the US, both the civilian and military  bureaucrats of the US are in an impasse.  They are in an impasse at a time when the BRICS summit is around the corner, the decisions come out of which can impact the value of US Dollar seriously, may change the entire economic and geopolitical strategic alliance structure in world scale.

It seems that a ‘face saving exit” for the US is becoming an inevitable and rational alternative at a time when they are facing defeats from South to South East Asia. World is on the path of a crossroad  for destruction or temporary but a long peace period. We will all wait and see the outcome.

Erdogan A

September 16, 2024


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