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Learning Marxism-Leninism requires an organic unity of knowledge, emotion and will

Author: Li Junru    Published: 2012-11-01  

The Pictorial Biography of Marx, the Pictorial Biography of Engels, and the Pictorial Biography of Lenin edited and published by the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau have a prominent significance for people who are making arduous explorations on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially young people, that is, they can help people learn Marxism-Leninism well in the organic unity of knowledge, emotion, and will, and build a scientific belief in socialism and communism. 

Two years ago, a young cadre who had just graduated from university and entered the central government called me and asked me which books to read and how to read them to learn the works of Marx and Lenin. After I gave him some books, I suggested that he study the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao Zedong in combination with their biographies. In this way, he could not only understand the background of those works and deepen his understanding of the original works, but also increase his feelings for them through understanding the lives of the great men. In other words, if learning Marxism-Leninism can achieve an organic unity of knowledge, emotion and will, it will be better to transform scientific theories into a scientific belief, because belief must be supported by emotion and will. 

Generally speaking, I don't like to use the word "faith" because it is related to religion, and religion does not need scientific argumentation. Our Marxism is not a dogma, nor is it a religion. Marxism is a science that was born from the practice of the working class, and has been rigorously argued in the process of criticizing capitalism, and is constantly tested in the practice of socialist revolution and construction. This science points out that capitalism must be replaced by socialism and communism. Therefore, fighting for socialism and communism is our ideal. When we use the word "ideal", it already inherently contains the two meanings of "scientific conclusion" and "scientific pursuit". The "scientific conclusion" here is people's cognition of the essence of things, while "scientific pursuit" includes not only people's cognition of the essence of things, but also people's emotions and will. In other words, the word "ideal" embodies the organic unity of people's knowledge, emotion, and will for socialism and communism. Precisely because ideals have the characteristics of theoretical cognition supported by emotions and will, I sometimes call our socialist and communist ideals "scientific beliefs."  

The three illustrated biographies have a distinct feature, which is that they take "Approaching the Magnificent Life of Marx, Engels and Lenin" as the theme, and use a combination of pictures and texts to vividly display the knowledge, emotions and intentions of communist revolutionaries and thinkers in the description of the life trajectories of the three great men, the introduction of their theoretical contributions and the display of their spiritual realm. The three illustrated biographies introduce the three great men's process of seeking knowledge about the laws of human social development, the laws of proletarian revolution and socialist construction, and the laws of proletarian party construction, as well as their outstanding theoretical contributions to human society; they show the emotional world and noble demeanor of the three great men who gave up their "small self" for the "big self", gave up their comfortable upper-class life, and devoted themselves to the cause of proletarian revolution without hesitation; they describe the three great men's tenacious will to fight for the liberation of the proletariat and all mankind under any circumstances. From this, we can understand that Marx, Engels and Lenin are great revolutionaries and thinkers with an organic unity of knowledge, emotions and intentions. 

Similarly, when we study Marxism-Leninism and promote Marxism-Leninism, we must also build a scientific belief in socialism and communism in the organic unity of knowledge, emotion, and will. We must not only study and understand the basic principles of Marxism, not only study and understand the scientific achievements of Marxism in China, but also devote unlimited enthusiasm to the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that we personally participated in and created, just as General Secretary Hu Jintao asked us to do: do not waver, do not slack off, do not toss and turn, do not be afraid of any risks, do not be confused by any interference, and unswervingly advance along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

( Author: Former Vice President of the Central Party School and Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of Central Organs

Studying Marxist-Leninist classics: a basic way for leading cadres to improve their theoretical literacy

Author: Peng Ning    Published: 2011-12-22   

Marxist theoretical literacy is the specialty of leading cadres and the fundamental magic weapon for our party to defeat the enemy. As a Marxist party, the Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to improving the Marxist theoretical literacy of the whole party, especially party member leading cadres. This is a profound summary of our party's historical experience and a fundamental requirement for leading cadres.

Studying Marxist classics is a compulsory course for leading cadres to improve their theoretical literacy

Marxist theoretical literacy is an essential quality for leading cadres and is the ideological basis for maintaining political firmness. Engels once said that if a nation wants to stand at the highest peak of science, it cannot be without theoretical thinking for a moment. The birth of the Communist Party of China itself is the product of the combination of Marxism and China's reality. For 90 years, our party has always written Marxism on its banner as a guide for all actions, and has continuously promoted Marxist theoretical innovation in practice. This is the fundamental experience for the victory of China's revolution, construction and reform. The Marxist classics contain the rich ideological achievements of human exploration of truth drawn by the classic writers, and are full of scientific analysis, scientific judgment, scientific argumentation and scientific conclusions. Studying classics is not only a process of increasing knowledge, broadening horizons, increasing ideological depth and training thinking methods, but also a process of cultivating far-sighted strategic insight and down-to-earth work style, and a process of sublimating the realm of thought in the influence of the lofty style and personality of mentors. For this reason, Mao Zedong pointed out in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan that if our party had one hundred to two hundred comrades who had learned Marxism-Leninism systematically rather than piecemeal, and practically rather than empty, it would greatly enhance the fighting power of our party. Today, under an increasingly complex domestic and international environment, our Party leads the people to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This places new and higher demands on the theoretical quality of every leading cadre, especially middle and senior leading cadres. If we ignore classics in theoretical study and lack depth in learning, we will lack confidence and charm in speaking and doing things, and even dilute our Party spirit and become slack in spirit due to low theoretical literacy. We must be highly vigilant about this.

To study the classic works of Marxism, one must work hard to study the classic works carefully.

The Marxist classics are profound in thought. To deeply understand their spiritual essence and ideological essence, one must read them attentively and in their original form. Only by studying them carefully can one truly appreciate the truth and power of Marxism in the dialogue and communication with the classic writers across time and space. However, the Marxist classics are voluminous, and it is unrealistic to require leading cadres to study them comprehensively. Moreover, some of the original Marxist classics are highly academic and professional, and are written in a long period of history, so it is inevitable that they are difficult to read. 

Therefore, while highlighting the key points and carefully studying, we must have the spirit of facing challenges head-on and persevering. In fact, many articles of Marxist classics were written and published by mentors under very difficult conditions, overcoming various difficulties and even risking their lives. This noble spirit of shouting for truth and even dedicating oneself is itself a huge force that motivates us to move forward. 

Studying Marxist classics requires a scientific approach

Engels pointed out many times that Marx's entire worldview is not a doctrine, but a method. It does not provide ready-made dogmas, but a starting point for further research and a method for such research. This tells us that the Marxist classics are a scientific theoretical system formed by the classic writers standing on the correct standpoint and using scientific methods to conduct in-depth research. It itself contains extremely valuable scientific spirit and methods, the most fundamental of which is the connection between theory and practice, which is also the excellent style of study of Marxism. Leading cadres should pay more attention to the connection between theory and practice when studying theory, and should connect it with both historical reality and current reality, both macro-overall reality and job reality and personal specific circumstances, and focus on the practical application of theory. We should take scientific theory as a guide, scientific methods as the foundation, and what we are doing as the center, and conduct in-depth research on major theoretical and practical issues in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, study some bottleneck issues that restrict our promotion of reform and development, and further promote the development of practice, so as to maintain the inexhaustible vitality of Marxism.

(Author's unit: Organization Department of the Party Committee of Guangxi Normal University)

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