Lenin said democracy is not anarchism
Author: Zhang Muliang Published: 2010-04-09
In his book One Step Forward, Two Steps Back, Lenin criticized the Mensheviks' opportunist views and said that the Mensheviks distorted democracy into anarchism.
When the Mensheviks opposed the power of the highest party organ stipulated by the centralism, they said that they were using "democracy" to oppose "bureaucracy". In their view, the centralism's requirement that all party organizations obey the power of the highest party organ is "bureaucracy", as if democracy denies power and does not require all party organizations to obey the power of the highest party organ. This is a distortion of democracy. Lenin pointed out that recognizing power is not only a requirement of centralism, but also a requirement of democracy. Both democracy and centralism confirm that under the implementation of representative democracy, the Party Congress and its Central Committee are the highest organs of power of the party. In recognizing power, democracy and centralism are consistent. Lenin also said that the social democratic parties in European countries are now practicing such a democracy, that is, democratic representation. And the Mensheviks once expressed their approval of this kind of democracy when the party constitution was adopted at the "Second Party Congress". Now, the Mensheviks are opposing democracy to centralism, as if centralism recognizes power, while democracy does not. This can only prove that the democracy they are now defending is a emasculated democracy, that is, a democracy without power; the highest organ in the democracy they are now supporting is no longer the highest organ of power, but a "supreme organ" without power.
Notes : [1] The Collected Works of Lenin, 2nd Chinese edition , Vol . 8 , pp. 396-400 .
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