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What is socialism?

February 8, 2025
Condescending petty bourgeois hypocrites (or possibly the paid or unpaid voluntary trolls) hiding behind “ultra left” learned-by-rote slogans who think and believe that they know anti-imperialism and Marxism Leninism better than those who have waged successful anti-imperialist wars and built their own independent, socialist countries increased their focus on attacking to those countries rather than focusing on their own countries. These condescending trolls live in fascist, racist countries having no political independence. And/or they live in ex-colonizer countries, or educated in those countries who got rich and powerful off the back of those ex-colonies. They grow up with the capitalist exceptionalism, superiority complex and individualism rather than collectivist understanding, read anti-communist, bourgeois short revised versions of socialism to learn Marxism Leninism,  yet they believe that they know Marxism Leninism better than those who start reading and living socialism at the very early age.  

They supposedly know Marxism Leninism better, and  thus they consider themselves that they have earned the right to attack the socialist countries, yet, somehow, they are not capable of organizing and mobilizing their own masses against imperialism, fascism and for the purpose of conquering the power from the capitalists and starting to build socialism in their own countries. Underlying reason is that they are either paid trolls or pacifist petty bourgeois hiding behind "ultra-left" slogans to cover up their pacifizm.  

The reality is that most of these petty bourgeois (if not all) have never been to those countries -they always prefer a western touristic place to visit- have no concrete data on these countries. They all rely on the Western and pro-western sources in order to get a factual idea. An utter  contradictory approach to the ideological identity they claim to be representing  and to the core of Marxist Leninist assessment procedure.

As one Cuban communist comrade put it once - a little bit sarcastically but truthfully and with valid reasons; 

“We evaluate every criticism from internationalist communists to the extent that it is appropriate to the existing situation and conditions, and take it seriously. Likewise, we sincerely and cordially wish each of them success -within the shortest possible duration- in their struggles in their own countries. Because their overthrow of the bourgeois government in their own countries and their steps in the construction of socialism will ease and speed our success here. At the same time, the political, social, and economic steps they will take to establish socialism, their attitudes against internal and external pressures, and the measures and successes they take will provide "living" examples not only to us but also to others.” 

It seems that Leninist quotes are much more affective in our "visual " media dominated era, and the laziness to read long articles . I will publish quotes regarding the related subjects that is not cherry-picked, meaning they are valid without any exception.

Enver Hodja, who earned the right to criticize said once ;" the correct Leninist course demands deeds, not words..."

As far as the anti-imperialist struggle, he stated;  It is the duty of genuine Marxist Leninists " to give UNRESERVED SUPPORT to the fraternal Cuban people in their fight against the aggression of US imperialism."

Enver Hoxa stressed that critiques should be constructive not destructive serving the interests of imperialists . It should be "in the Marxist Leninist way". 

For translation purposes, the quotes;

“Socialism is not a ready-made system that will be mankind’s benefactor. Socialism is the class struggle of the present-day proletariat as it advances from one objective today to another objective tomorrow for the sake of its basic objective…” Lenin, Conversation 

“If political power in the state is in the hands of a class whose interests coincide with those of the majority, that state can be governed truly in line with the will of the majority. 

But if political power is in the hands of a class whose interests diverge from those of the majority, any form of majority rule is bound to become deception or suppression of the majority.”  Lenin, Constitutional Illusions

"socialism is not a figment of the imagination, but the assimilation and application by the proletarian vanguard, which has seized power, of what has been created by the trusts." Lenin Left-wing Childishness (by the way, the revisionist, reformists use this quote not in full but as " socialism is not a figment of imagination but the implementation of what the corporations have created" which has totally contradictory meaning.)

"socialism is merely the next step forward from state-capitalist monopoly...Or, in other words, socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interests of the whole people and has to that extent ceased to be capitalist monopoly. There is no middle course here. " Lenin, The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It 

“We do not claim that Marx knew or Marxists know the road to socialism down to the last detail. It would be nonsense to claim anything of the kind. What we know is the direction of this road, and the class forces that follow it; the specific, practical details will come to light only through the experience of the millions when they take things into their own hands.

The crux of the matter lies in political power passing into the hands of the proletariat… We are not doctrinaires. Our theory is a guide to action, not a dogma."  Lenin, From a Publicist's Diary (Peasants and Workers)

"Concessions are nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing terrible about giving the concessionaires a few factories and retaining the bulk in our own hands. Of course, it would be absurd for the Soviet power to hand out the bulk of its property in the form of concessions. That would not be concessions, but a return to capitalism. There is nothing to fear in concessions so long as we retain possession of all the state enterprises and weigh up exactly and strictly the concessions we grant, and the terms and scale on which we grant them. Growing capitalism will be under control and supervision, while political power will remain in the hands of the working class and of the workers’ state. " Lenin, Report on the tax in kind

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