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How to be a "good" dissident to your fatherland?

``The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2006 is awarded to the Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk
“who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures”.
NOBEL Press Release

How to be a "good" dissident to your fatherland? (And you may even get the NOBEL price. A graduate of 1985-1988 ORHAN PAMUK has succeeded in getting, so can you )

If you have the potential and want to be a popular dissident to your fatherland with a lot of financial and political backing, protection from persecution, prosecution and conviction from your government…

Here is your chance: qualify by the US State Department and by the US Consulate in your country and participate in “The International Writing Program” at The University of Iowa. A

All quotes are from their official website.

Purpose of the program:

“””The principal design of the International Writing Program (IWP) is threefold: to introduce talented individuals to American life; to enable these individuals to take part in American university life; and to provide writers with time, in a setting congenial to their efforts, for the production of literary work.””

“”Members of the Iowa City community and other cities across the nation share the strengths and goodwill of American culture. IWP writers return to their homelands as shapers of opinion, with a more complex understanding of this (US) and many other countries. They are strengthened by this chance to write and interact, free from political pressures and influence. (Other than that, and under the protection of American)”””
Who supports the program?

“”The U.S. Department of State is a major source of support for the program. The IWP also administers the grants of writers who come to the University of Iowa under subsidy from American corporations and cultural organizations abroad.””

“””We provide the selection criteria below as guidance for US diplomatic missions or other cultural agencies able to sponsor participants;”””

Samples from the Courses and subjects:
Orhan pamuk , Snow
Bei Dao (Chinese Dissident)
Grigorova, "American Mammals"
11'09''01: September 11
Americanism” and “anti-Americanism”:
New World, Old World: the Historical Antithesis
The 21st Century Will Be American,
The Anti-anti-Americans”
“America Yawns at Foreign Fiction”
“Farewell, America”
What the World Thinks of America”
AMERIKA: Russian Writers View The United States
American Popular Culture Abroad"
The Perfect American,
Democracy in America
America" and post-colonialism
The Islamic perspective,
mediated:The Last Night of a Damned Soul
Media Are American
Questions of Citizenship in a globalizing World
Is there any need to say more?

Erdogan Ahmet
October 15,2006

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:37 PM

    It also did not hurt that he got himself in political hot water in Turkey and then became a cause célèbre. It was a nice publishing stunt with the manipulation of public and cooperation of publishers and advertisers


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