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Turkey: A New Al-Qaeda State?

Front page Magazine
By: Steven Stalinsky
Turkish barbarism!
The Turks are barbarians from the East. They came to the Middle East as mercenaries for the arab caliphs. History has shown that the arabs are not spiritual type of people. As soon as they conquered wealthy lands in the name of the islamic cult and started tasting a type of luxury they have not dreamt of before, they relegated detailed dirty work like massacre, rape, pillage and burning to their mercenaries - the Turks. As the Turks were not intermingled with the mercenaries of other nationalities and they were in their own Turkish only birgades, they sensed their power and killed whoever happened to be the arab caliph of the day and grabbed power. Thus power passed from one barbarian to another. In the mean time, the Turks accepted the islamic cult. Hence, the 400 year Turkish rule in the Middle East. The Turks caused untold murderous havoc in Greece and the Balkans. They set up present day Turkey on lands that belonged to Greece and Armenia for thousands of years. For the record, in WWI, they wiped out 2 Mega of Armenians and non of the European powers raised a voice!

FactsOnly (Erdogan)
You must be getting your History lessons from Hollywood movies and "story" books..

Let's see these "barbarians!" ruled half of the world for 600 years (not 400), but not one Christian Country population have been forced to convert to Islam, yet The "civilized" nations invaded Latin America, Africa, Asia, they all have been (nicely) converted to Christianity. I haven't read any "exterminated" population under this "Barbarians", yet I have read the extermination of Indigenous people all over the world by "civilized" nations. No other Country, remaining 600 years under Turkish domination, speaks Turkish but their own language, yet wherever the "civilized" nations conquered , or dominated, they have spoken the language of conquerors ...

They were some strange "barbarians" I should say..

FactChecker, you should change your name to FactMisser! Erdogan sat at the feet of Hekmatiyar. Based on moslem tradition, one can infer that this signifies spritual submission. Can you get this through your thick skull? In the past, Erdogan was arrested for terrorist related activity in Turkey and was banned from running for office. He and his party have a clear cut islamo-terrorist background. Do not be fooled by the fact that he is always dressed in suit and tie and attempts to speak in a diplomatic manner!

FactsOnly (Erdogan)
History has shown what type of people deals with "skulls"..

If you have studied the history of Turkey, you may have known that the Turkish Military has been very sensitive when it comes to "Secularism". It is well known that In Turkey , military historically has been the protector and ensurer of "secular state". During Mr. Erdogan's presidency numerous military officers have been "retired" , according to the "religious media" due to their religious practices...Erdogan could not do anything about it.

In addition, People of Turkey have enjoyed the "secularism" for many years. Any one who knows a litlle bit about Turkey, knows that no power-group in Turkey even dare to challenge the Secular State. They know that The next day there will be a military coup..Having a "religious" president, does not make the people of a country who are mostly secular and do not even practice religion to turn fanatics in a day. If you think Erdogan is a dictator and can do anything he wants, you are again mistaken..

The only reason he is still in power is because Turkey has seen the largest economic growth in its history during the last three years with a world record of 9 % growth last year, almost doubling the GDP..

The opposition in Turkey, is not any different than the opposition all around the world against Bush-Cheney policy. However, to label this opposition as an "Islamic" opposition is just misleading. It is inevitable that the fanatics and other religious groups will try to exploit the situation to the outmost, yet, the FACTS of Turkey show that "secularism" is untouchable, at least for some many more years to come.

Presidents can only change the governing body, not the fundamentals of a political systems what ever that may be

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