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Dimitrov Diaries ; Treason of Bloc

December 7, 1936

Meeting of the plenum of Soviet party
Stalin's motion not to decide the issue of Bukharin- Rykov, but instead to continue the investigation, since the confrontation between Pitakov and others with Bukharin and Rykov indicates the necessity of continuing the case to end.

December 12, 1936

Interrogation of Sokolnikov

Question: Thus , the investigation concludes that Trotsky abroad and the center of the bloc within USSR entered negotiations with the Hitlerite and japanese goverments with the following aims:
First to provoke a war by Germany and japan against USSR,
Second, to promote the defeat of the USSR in that war and take advantage of the defeat to achieve the transfer of power in to their goverment bloc,
Third , on behalf of the future bloc goverment to guarantee territorial and economic concessions to Hitlerite and japanese goverments.

Do you confirm these?
Reply; Yes, I confirm it.

Question; Do you admit that this activity by the bloc is tantamount to outright treason against the motherland?

Reply; Yes I admit.

January 30, 1937

The sentencing; Radek, Sokolnikov, Arnold, Stroilov - Prison terms
The rest - The death Penaly

February 2, 1937

On Trial;

1. Diversionary actions, espionage, terror - proved
2. Also proved: that Trotsky inspired and directed.
3. Trotsky's agreement with Hess and Japanese is based only on the confessions of the defendants.
No evidence whatsoever - Piatakov and radek testified that Trotsky had negotiated with Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, the transfer of Ukraine to Germany, and of the Amur and Far Eastern region to Japan.
4. The fact that Radek and Sokolnikov were not sentenced to be shot will be exploited abroad as evidence that they furnished such testimony deliberately in order to save their lives.
5. The abuse hurled at the defendants leaves a disturbing impression. They are enemies, deserving destruction. Bu they did not act out of personal interest, and they should not have called them scoundrels, coward, reptiles etc.
6. Why such a great fuss over the trial.Incomprehensible. An atmosphere has been created of extreme unrest among the population, mutual suspicion, denunciation, and so forth. Trotskyism has been killed - why such a campaign?

February 11, 1937

Conversation with Stalin about the resolution by the presidium (of the ECCI) on the anti-Trotskyite campaign.

1. You are not taking in to account that the European workers think that everything is happening because of some quarrel between me and Trotsky, because of Stalin's bad character.
2. It must be pointed out that these people fought against Lenin, against the Party during Lenin's life time.
3. Quote Lenin on the opposition " Any opposition in the party under Soviet Power that insists on ___ is slipping directly towards white-guardism"
4. Reference the stenographic report of  the trial. Quote the defendant's testimony.
5. Emphasize their politics and their working for the defeat of the Soviet Union.

The resolution is nonsense. All of you there in the Comintern are playing in to the enemy's hands...

There is no point making a resolution, resolutions are binding. A letter to the parties would be better.

February 16, 1937

Edited the final text of the letter on the Trotskyite center trial at home.

February 17, 1937

Sent Stalin the draft letter.

February 23,1937

--Bukharin's speech (disgusting and pathetic spectacle!)

February 27, 1937

- Resolution on the Bukharin- Rykov case. ( Expulsion from the party; turn the case over to the NKVD)

November 7, 1937

From a conversation with Stalin

Explanations concerning the instances that have been uncovered of counter revolutionary activities (arrested and so on) in the Soviet CP and the CI will have to wait a bit longer, until all the necessary materials have been worked up. There is no point in furnishing piecemeal information.

Knorin is a Polish and German spy ( for a long time and until recently)
Rakovsky has been working for the intelligence service of  (England) since before the revolution and until recently. He recruited Bogomolov too, for English intelligence.
Piatnitsky is a Trotskyite. Everyone's testimony points to him (Knorin and others)
Kun acted with the Trotskyites against the party. In all likelihood, he is involved in espionage as well. His role is the suppression of the Hungarian revolution is very suspicious.
Antipov, vareiskis and others were Tsarist intelligence agents.

There are certain materials indicating that Trotsky too, was in the Tsar's intelligence service from 1904 to 1905. This is now being investigated.

Yakovlev's wife turned out to be a French spy. In 1918 she betrayed the military-revolutionary committee in Odessa.


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