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Dimitrov Works

(Will be Transferred to blog)


1906: After May Day
1907: The Need of Trade Unions in Bulgaria and Their Organization
1910: Bulgaria's Economic Development
1911: The Budapest Resolution
1914: Towards Unity
1914: Against Military Credits
1915: The Significance of the Second Balkan Conference
1917: The Small Nations
1918: The Right Road
1918: No Pardon, but Amnesty
1919: Lenin to the Workers in Europe and America
1920: The Tasks of the Trade Unions
1920: Third Anniversary of the Russian Revolution
1923: The United Workers' Front
1933: Dimitrov vs. Göbbels
1935: Report to the VII Congress
1935: Unity of the Working Class against Fascism
1935: Youth Against Fascism
1936: Speech on the Chinese Question
1936: The People's Front
1937: Fascism is War
1937: Speech on the Chinese Question
1937: Notes on the Chinese Question
1946: Policy Declaration of the New Fatherland Front Government
1948: Concluding Speech before the 5th Congress of the BCP
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