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About the construction of a textile mill in Turkey.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 162.D. 14.L. 86-87.

Appendix No. 2-OP to p. 8 (o. p.) pr. PB No. 132.

About the construction of a textile mill in Turkey.

( Adopted by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) 8. III.1933 g ).

1 . Instruct the NKID and NKVT to come to an agreement with the Turkish government that we are ready to supply equipment within the limits of the $ 8 million loan provided by the USSR to Turkey within 4 years.

2 . Instruct NKVT and NKID to conclude an agreement with the Turkish government that all deliveries based on the $ 8 million (dollar) loan are not credited to the annual net balance provided for in the trade agreement with Turkey both in relation to our supplies and in relation to commodity compensation from the side of the Turks.

3 . To implement a loan for industrial equipment, for preliminary coordination with the Turkish side of the necessary orders and the conclusion of the necessary agreements with it; to carry out all the design work, placing the necessary orders for equipment, machines and materials within the USSR; to carry out all the work on internships in the USSR for Turkish specialists and on sending Soviet specialists to Turkey, as well as for technical supervision of the construction, installation and commissioning of the plant and the following constructions - to create a special working apparatus under the leadership of the government commission - a technical office as a trust, which is part of the People's Commissariat for Industry (Turkstroy).

Note : Commercial and financial issues of contracts are resolved in the USSR under the guidance and instructions of the NKVT, and in Turkey under the guidance and instructions of the trade representative.

The technical office should use in its work all organizations for the design, production and installation of machines (Orgtextil, Soyuztekstilmashina, VEO, Kotloturbina, Mashstroyproekt, etc.).

The staff of the technical office should be staffed from highly qualified specialists as needed, taking into account both the corresponding tasks of the office (for the construction of a textile mill, etc.), and the tasks of monitoring and monitoring construction in Turkey.

4 . Comrade Kaganovich's commission to check and approve the draft agreement of Turkstroy with the organization of the Turkopra on the supply (range, quantity, prices and terms) of the equipment necessary for the textile mill.

Note : Commercial and financial issues of contracts are resolved in the USSR under the direction and instructions of the NKVT, and in Turkey - under the guidance and instructions of the trade representative.

To instruct Turkstroy to undertake obligations to supply only such equipment that is produced in the USSR. Some of the equipment that is not produced in the USSR, according to the nomenclature and technical conditions reported by Turkstroy to the organization of the tourist agency, is ordered by the latter independently in other countries, not at the expense of a loan provided by us.

5 . Turkstroy undertakes to deliver the equipment supplied by it to the Soviet ports. The costs of the "fob" to the construction site in Turkey are borne by the organization of the Turkish government at its own expense and not at the expense of the loan we provide.

6 . Turkstroy sends every year on June 30 and December 31 a notice to the Turkish government organization for deliveries that followed the past six months, and from that moment the start of the corresponding course of credit for the deliveries specified in the notice is considered. For each semi-annual consignment of supplied goods, the Turkish government pays for 20 years equal annual contributions of goods without interest. The nomenclature and prices of goods are established by the NKVT in agreement with the Turkish government, and the basis for establishing the range and prices of goods is determined simultaneously with the signing of the main agreements.

7 . To approve the director of the technical office of comrade Orlov or G.A. Levenson.

8 . Include a representative of Turkstroy in the USSR Trade Mission in Turkey, appointing him to the post of deputy. trade representative based in Ankara.

Note : General supervision and control over the implementation of agreements with the organization of turkpra in Turkey is assigned to the plenipotentiary mission and trade mission of the USSR in Turkey.

9 . Top up commission com. Levenson (NKTP) and Eremin (NKLegprom).

10 . To oblige comrade M. Kaganovich for personal responsibility to ensure the launch of a textile mill in Turkey no later than March 1, 1935.

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