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On the promotion of workers to the Soviet apparatus and mass workers' control

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 779.L. 24-26.

Appendix No. 5 to p. 77, pr. PB No. 120.

Resolution of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b).

On the promotion of workers to the Soviet apparatus and mass workers' control from below over the Soviet apparatus.

(About the patronage of factories).

( Accepted Politburo (b) 15. III.1930 g .).

1 . The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission attach great importance to the development that has begun in recent months under the leadership of the Central Control Commission-RCI, in connection with the purge of the Soviet apparatus, the mass struggle of workers against bureaucracy and other shortcomings of the Soviet apparatus in the form of patronage of factories over Soviet institutions. This form of mass workers' control from below, which grew out of an increase in the political activity of the working class on the basis of the country's economic upsurge and an offensive against the capitalist elements, is one of the best forms of participation of workers (who remain in production) in government. This form represents a new major step towards the implementation of Lenin's idea that "our goal is the free performance of state duties by every worker after completing an" eight-hour lesson "in production work."

2 . This form of beginning mass, organized from below, control of workers at the very first steps gave noticeable results and showed that it is a powerful tool in the fight against bureaucracy, that it is very useful in cleansing the Soviet apparatus of bureaucratic and alien elements in reducing, improving work and reduce the cost of the Soviet apparatus. The participation of workers' teams in the cleaning of the MOFO made it possible to reduce the apparatus by almost half and greatly simplify it; Workers' brigades have collected about 25 million rubles in arrears from the private sector, etc.

At the same time, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission emphasize that in the localities there is often a completely unacceptable phenomenon, when patronage is reduced to solemn meetings and the formal signing of a patronage agreement without any practical work to improve the state apparatus, limiting itself to useless and harmful splendor.

3 . The tremendous value of patronage lies not only in helping the RCT during cleaning of the apparatus. The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission believe that the main task of workers' mass control from below is that, at the end of the cleaning, the factory chiefs attach their work teams, under the leadership of the RCI, for constant, systematic control over the implementation by individual parts of the apparatus of the sponsored institution of the most important party directives and government. Such attachment and practical testing of the work of the work teams will help to draw a clear class line in the work of the apparatus, systematically cleanse it of useless and bureaucratic elements and further simplify its work. This involvement of workers in the constant checking of the work of Soviet institutions strengthens the real connection between the workers and the Soviet apparatus.

4 . The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission note that the involvement of workers' brigades in mass verification and control over the work of the Soviet apparatus, on the basis of their daily acquaintance with the practical work of the co-institutions, is of great importance in training cadres from among the proletariat, quite suitable for promotion to permanent responsible work in the co-apparatus.

5 . Taking into account the particular importance of this beginning mass workers' control over the Soviet apparatus, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission invite all party organizations to give the development of the patronage of factories the most serious attention and support.

The organs of the KK-RKI, directly leading this movement of the working masses, must continue to lead the patronage with the utmost care, rendering it systematic assistance in organizing the systematic control of the working masses over the Soviet apparatus.

6 . The immediate tasks of sponsoring factories should be that, under the leadership of the RCI:

a) to allocate work teams for active participation in the cleaning of the Soviet apparatus;

b) select nominees from among the active members of the patron brigades who were involved in cleaning this institution for permanent work in the apparatus of the latter;

c) at the end of the cleaning, attach a number of work teams to the individual most important parts of the sponsored apparatus for constant checking and monitoring the correct operation of these parts;

d) the factory's patron brigades, turning into proactive assistants to the RCI, in the sponsored apparatus, check the speed and quality of implementation of the most important decisions of the party and government, monitor the reduction in cost and reduction of the apparatus, identify the quality of work of employees, etc .;

e) the patron brigades must systematically report on the results of their work at factory meetings and at meetings of the RCI board;

f) the leaders in charge of the sponsored institutions must render all possible assistance to the workers' brigades and wage a decisive struggle, relying on them, against bureaucracy and other shortcomings of the Soviet apparatus. They - the leaders - must report on their work at the meetings of the plant-chiefs, with the obligatory co-report of the workers' brigades.

7 . The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission propose, in the shortest possible time, to achieve a decisive turning point in the work of promoting workers and women workers to the state apparatus, avoiding a formal campaign approach, but carrying out systematic work on nomination.

The main reserve for replenishing and strengthening the state apparatus should be patron brigades, shock workers, members of councils and their sections; in particular, it is necessary to promote from the ranks of the proletarian intelligentsia workers who have graduated from workers' schools, technical schools, universities, etc.

The responsibility for the systematic involvement of workers in the state apparatus, the management of the work of the nominees, the creation of normal working conditions for them and the improvement of their qualifications rests with the heads of the institutions.

8 . Noting the insufficient understanding of the patronage movement on the part of party organizations so far, as well as the insufficient and inept leadership on the part of many local bodies of the KK-RCI, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission oblige party committees, cells of patronizing factories and local KK-RCI to support the patronage in every possible way, considering it as the most important part of mass work in enterprises.

9 . The Central Committee and Central Control Commission emphasize that trade unions, councils and Komsomol organizations take little part in organizing and helping the patron brigades, the Central Committee and Central Control Commission believe that trade unions, to a greater extent than until now, should take an active part in organizing mass control from below. over the co-apparatus. The sponsorship and promotion of workers and women workers should become one of the most important forms of participation of trade unions in the fight against bureaucracy in the Soviet apparatus.

The Soviets and their sections should be more closely connected with the work of the patronage brigades, and the deputies of the councils at the enterprises should become the leading organizers of the mass patronage movement.

Komsomol organizations should more actively participate in the fight against bureaucracy in the Soviet apparatus and, along with the organization of "light cavalry", be in the front ranks of the patron's brigades.

10 . For the correct direction of the work of the chiefs of the factories, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission consider it necessary to wage a struggle against the substitution of ideas of patronage by the idea of ​​mutual verification and mutual control between factories and co-institutions. This approach to patronage is a perversion of its basic meaning and character. The main task of the patronage is the massive involvement of workers' brigades in state administration and control from below over the Soviet apparatus. This idea should be guiding and basic in the practical deployment of patronage.

Along with the need to ensure sufficient leadership of the patronage movement on the part of the RCI, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission consider it necessary to suppress any attempts to excessively regulate patronage, driving this healthy movement into the narrow framework of bureaucratic regulations, narrowing or weakening the initiative and activity of the working masses in the fight against bureaucracy, as well as such unacceptable bureaucratic phenomena, when contracts on patronage are concluded, without the participation of workers, by individual representatives of factories and institutions.

11 . The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission invite the press to widely cover this new form of mass workers' control, acquainting the workers and peasants with both the most successful experiments in organizing patronage and the most important results of the work of patronizing factories, possibly involving the participants in the control themselves in this matter.

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