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About the deployment of an individual working gardening.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 937.L. 68-69.

Appendix No. 5 to p. 27/8 pr. PB No. 152.

About the deployment of an individual working gardening.

( Approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on December 23, 1933 ).

Meeting the wishes of the workers - to acquire small vegetable gardens to work on them with their own labor in their free time from work in production - the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decides:

1 . To render assistance in 1934 to 1½ million workers in organizing their individual vegetable gardens. Chart the following dimensions of the deployment by area of ​​individual working gardens for 1934:

Ukraine ................. 500 thousand people (including 250 thousand people in Donbass) 
Ural ................ 250 thousand people 
Moscow ............... 200 thousand people 
Ivanovskaya .............. 150 thousand people. 
Western Siberia ......... 100 thousand people 
Eastern Siberia ......... 60 thousand people 
Gorky Territory ........ 50 thousand people 
D.V.K. ................. 50 thousand people 
Kazakhstan ................ 50 thousand people 
Leningrad ............ 50 thousand people N
orthern Territory ............ 40 thousand people.

To impose on factory committees, mining committees and OPC's the obligation to assist individual workers who acquire an individual vegetable garden, in particular, in the allotment of land through the relevant land authorities, in the purchase of seeds, instructions, etc.

To oblige local party organizations and trade unions to launch organizational-mass work to attract not only members of trade unions employed in production, but also their families, in particular the wives of housewives, to work in gardening.

2 . To oblige district and city councils to allocate for workers wishing to cultivate vegetable gardens from vacant land located near enterprises, plots of land for vegetable gardens ranging in size from ⅛ to ¼ hectares for a working family for workers. The exact size of land per working family is established by local executive committees with the involvement of trade unions. Land acquisition must be completed no later than March 1, and in Ukraine and Kazakhstan no later than February 1.

When allocating land in massifs, provide for the possibility of organizing summer cottages on these sites in the future.

Fix the land plots allotted to the workers for 5-7 years, subject to the annual use of this land for gardens.

3 . To free the plots occupied by workers' crops in urban and rural areas from the agricultural tax, land rent, and from the delivery of vegetables and potatoes to the state.

4 . To oblige the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) U, regional committees, regional committees, SNK of the Ukrainian SSR, regional executive committees and regional executive committees of the above regions:

a) to provide assistance in the development of working individual gardening, primarily in the following industries: mining, metallurgical, coal, mining and processing of non-ferrous metals, mechanical engineering, woodworking, textile, chemical, as well as railway and water transport workers;

b) organize the production of small garden tools at handicraft cooperatives and local industry.

5 . To oblige Tsentrosoyuz:

a) allocate 94 thousand tons of potato seeds for individual working gardening;

b) include in the assortment of goods sold in working areas, small gardening tools necessary for individual gardens (shovels, pitchforks, rakes, hoes, etc.).

6 . To oblige NKZem and Soyuzsemenovod:

a) to supply individual working gardening with seeds of vegetables and melons through ORS's and factory committees at the request of the latter;

b) to expand retail trade in vegetable and melon seeds in working areas.

7 . To oblige the NKZ of the USSR, the Tsentrosoyuz and the GlavORS'y of the People's Commissars in the production of seedlings to take into account the needs of the individual working gardener and organize the sale of seedlings to workers, expanding accordingly the greenhouse construction in 1934. To oblige the NKZ of the Union to set selling prices for seedlings and organize the supply of workers with planting fruit material.

8 . To oblige Selkhozgiz, by February 1, to publish and distribute to the localities a popular brochure for workers on the agricultural technology of small-scale, individual gardening and on methods for the simplest storage and processing of fruits and vegetables.

9 . Instruct Pravda, For Industrialization, Trud, and Gudok to organize a press campaign for the development of an individual worker gardening.

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