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On increasing the wage rates of chairmen and secretaries of village councils

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive:  RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 934.L. 32-33.

Appendix No. 4 to p. 38/24 ave. PB No. 149.

On the increase in the rates of remuneration of chairmen and secretaries of village councils.

Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 5. XI.1933

In connection with the large economic and cultural growth of the collective farm village and the transition to mandatory state supplies of agricultural products, the economic and political importance and the leading role of village councils and the responsibility of chairmen and secretaries of village councils, primarily for the full and timely fulfillment of the tasks set by the government for procurement and neat storage of the prepared.

On this basis, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide :

1 . Increase from November 1, 1933, the wage rates of chairmen and secretaries of village councils and, in order to abolish the existing practice, establish fixed monthly rates of remuneration of chairmen and secretaries of village councils, which cannot be changed by local executive committees, in the following amounts:

In village councils with coverage of the population:
Up to 1,000 people
RUB 100
RUB 80
Up to 1.500 people
130 RUB
105 RUB
Up to 3.000 people
170 RUB
135 RUB
Over 3.000 people
RUB 200
RUB 160

Note : Allow the councils of people's commissars of the union and autonomous republics, as well as the executive committees of the territories and regions, to establish for individual village councils, in accordance with their greater economic and political importance, the rates of the next, higher category.

2 . Allow the councils of flood commissars of the union and autonomous republics, as well as the executive committees of territories and regions for especially large village councils to set rates for chairmen of village councils in the amount of 250 rubles. and secretaries of village councils in the amount of 200 rubles.

3 . To propose to the councils of people's commissars of the union and autonomous republics, as well as to the regional and regional executive committees, to release at the disposal of the chairmen of village councils monthly funds in the amount of up to half the rate of chairmen of village councils to pay employees temporarily recruited to fulfill certain tasks of the village councils.

This article does not apply to village councils with an insignificant amount of state obligations and the supply of agricultural products to the state.

4 . To cover the difference between the existing and newly established higher wage rates for chairmen and secretaries of village councils of the USSR, increase allocations for village councils in 1933 by 20 million rubles at the expense of the all-Union budget.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR - M . Kalinin .

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR - V. Molotov (Scriabin).

Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR - A. Yenukidze .

November 5, 1933

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