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About the entry of Dagestan into the North Caucasian region

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 834.L. 25-26.
Appendix No. 2
to item 9, ave. PB No. 47.

About the entry of Dagestan into the North Caucasian region.

(Proposals of Comrades Andreev, Sheboldaev, Karkmasov and Muravyov, approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee on July 5, 1931).

1) The decision of the PB of June 7, 28 and the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee presidium of June 28, 28, is the basis for the relationship between the DASSR and the North Caucasian Territory.

2) Instruct the Northern Kavkraiky VKP (b) to immediately include the Dagestan Party organization in the North Caucasian Party organization and provide leadership in resolving the main political and economic issues of Dagestan (land reform, collectivization, procurement, implementation of the economic plan of the current year; accelerate the development of issues of new electrohydro-construction - Derbent Chemical Combine; reconstruction of the Makhachkala port, construction of fish processing plants for active fishing in Makhach-Kala and completion of Gergebil).

To oblige the Regional Committee to ensure the broad involvement of Daghestani workers in the leading North Caucasian regional party, Soviet and other bodies. To organize immediate assistance in the selection and training of personnel and in the deployment of the cultural development of Dagestan.

3) The entry of the DASSR into the North Caucasian Territory with ensuring the complete and complete preservation of the DASSR within the existing borders has the goal, on the basis of a single economic plan, to ensure higher rates, in comparison with the past, in the maximum use of natural resources for economic and cultural development.

4) The plan of the national economy of the DASSR, considered and approved by the Dagestan government, is submitted to the North Caucasus Territory and directly to the central bodies of the RSFSR. The plan of the national economy of the DASSR is included, as an independent part, in the plan of the national economy of the North Caucasus Territory, with an indispensable allocation in a special column.

5) The budget of the DASSR is carried out on the basis of 12 and 13 pp. Resolutions of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 28.VI.1928

In the area of ​​the budget, the government of the DASSR receives directives (control figures, limits, the amount of subsidies, etc.) directly from the NKF of the RSFSR. The government of the DASSR submits the budget (as approved by the Congress of Soviets or the Central Executive Committee of the DASSR) to the NKF of the RSFSR, which is included in the set of budgets of the RSFSR. The budget approved by the DASSR is submitted in a copy to the North Caucasian Regional Executive Committee.

6) Instruct the North-Caucasian Regional Committee, together with the PKK VKP (b), to additionally urgently resolve the following issues:

a) on the relationship of all systems of cooperative organizations of the DASSR with the regional cooperative organizations;

b) on the further existence of an independent authorized NKPiT;

c) on the expediency of subordinating Dagnefterazvedok Uralneft to the trust.

7). To oblige the bodies of the RSFSR to provide for the DASSR all the benefits and advantages provided by the autonomous republics on issues of economic and cultural development.

8) To oblige the All-Russian Central Executive Committee within a month to approve the regulation on the relationship between the DASSR and the North-Caucasian Territory, using the experience of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Volga and Lower Volga Region Germans, with the involvement of representatives of the DASSR and regional bodies.

9) To formalize in the Soviet order the entry of the DASSR into the North Caucasian Territory, convene an extraordinary Dagestan Congress of Soviets no later than the second half of September 1932.

10) The entry of the Dagestan Komsomol organization into the North Caucasian Komsomol organization is carried out simultaneously with the party.

Propose the Central Committee of the Komsomol to take the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of this decision.

11) Trade union and other public organizations of the DASSR are included in the North Caucasian regional trade union and other public organizations and associations on the same basis as the party.

To instruct the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to develop a regulation on the relationship of trade union organizations of the ASSR with regional and central trade-union organizations.

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